--- /dev/null
+'''Python interface to the wiiuse library for the wii remote
+Just a simple wrapper, no attempt to make the api pythonic. I tried to hide ctypes where
+This software is free for any use. If you or your lawyer are stupid enough to believe I have any
+liability for it, then don't use it; otherwise, be my guest.
+Gary Bishop, January 2008
+hacked for new API and data June 2009
+import os
+import ctypes
+from ctypes import c_char_p, c_int, c_byte, c_uint, c_uint16, c_float, c_short, c_void_p, c_char
+from ctypes import CFUNCTYPE, Structure, POINTER, Union, byref, cdll
+import sys
+# duplicate the wiiuse data structures
+class _Structure(Structure):
+ def __repr__(self):
+ '''Print the fields'''
+ res = []
+ for field in self._fields_:
+ res.append('%s=%s' % (field[0], repr(getattr(self, field[0]))))
+ return self.__class__.__name__ + '(' + ','.join(res) + ')'
+class vec2b(_Structure):
+ _fields_ = [('x', c_byte),
+ ('y', c_byte),
+ ]
+class vec3b(_Structure):
+ _fields_ = [('x', c_byte),
+ ('y', c_byte),
+ ('z', c_byte),
+ ]
+class vec3f(_Structure):
+ _fields_ = [('x', c_float),
+ ('y', c_float),
+ ('z', c_float),
+ ]
+class orient(_Structure):
+ _fields_ = [('roll', c_float),
+ ('pitch', c_float),
+ ('yaw', c_float),
+ ('a_roll', c_float),
+ ('a_pitch', c_float),
+ ]
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'orient(roll=%f pitch=%f yaw=%f a_roll=%f a_pitch=%f)' % (
+ self.roll, self.pitch, self.yaw, self.a_roll, self.a_pitch)
+class accel(_Structure):
+ _fields_ = [('cal_zero', vec3b),
+ ('cal_g', vec3b),
+ ('st_roll', c_float),
+ ('st_pitch', c_float),
+ ('st_alpha', c_float),
+ ]
+class ir_dot(_Structure):
+ _fields_ = [('visible', c_byte),
+ ('x', c_uint),
+ ('y', c_uint),
+ ('rx', c_short),
+ ('ry', c_short),
+ ('order', c_byte),
+ ('size', c_byte),
+ ]
+class ir(_Structure):
+ _fields_ = [('dot', ir_dot*4),
+ ('num_dots', c_byte),
+ ('aspect', c_int),
+ ('pos', c_int),
+ ('vres', c_uint*2),
+ ('offset', c_int*2),
+ ('state', c_int),
+ ('ax', c_int),
+ ('ay', c_int),
+ ('x', c_int),
+ ('y', c_int),
+ ('distance', c_float),
+ ('z', c_float),
+ ]
+class joystick(_Structure):
+ _fields_ = [('max', vec2b),
+ ('min', vec2b),
+ ('center', vec2b),
+ ('ang', c_float),
+ ('mag', c_float),
+ ]
+class nunchuk(_Structure):
+ _fields_ = [('accel_calib', accel),
+ ('js', joystick),
+ ('flags', POINTER(c_int)),
+ ('btns', c_byte),
+ ('btns_held', c_byte),
+ ('btns_released', c_byte),
+ ('orient_threshold', c_float),
+ ('accel_threshold', c_int),
+ ('accel', vec3b),
+ ('orient', orient),
+ ('gforce', vec3f),
+ ]
+class classic_ctrl(_Structure):
+ _fields_ = [('btns', c_short),
+ ('btns_held', c_short),
+ ('btns_released', c_short),
+ ('r_shoulder', c_float),
+ ('l_shoulder', c_float),
+ ('ljs', joystick),
+ ('rjs', joystick),
+ ]
+class guitar_hero_3(_Structure):
+ _fields_ = [('btns', c_short),
+ ('btns_held', c_short),
+ ('btns_released', c_short),
+ ('whammy_bar', c_float),
+ ('js', joystick),
+ ]
+class expansion_union(Union):
+ _fields_ = [('nunchuk', nunchuk),
+ ('classic', classic_ctrl),
+ ('gh3', guitar_hero_3),
+ ]
+class expansion(_Structure):
+ _fields_ = [('type', c_int),
+ ('u', expansion_union),
+ ]
+class wiimote_state(_Structure):
+ _fields_ = [('exp_ljs_ang', c_float),
+ ('exp_rjs_ang', c_float),
+ ('exp_ljs_mag', c_float),
+ ('exp_rjs_mag', c_float),
+ ('exp_btns', c_uint16),
+ ('exp_orient', orient),
+ ('exp_accel', vec3b),
+ ('exp_r_shoulder', c_float),
+ ('exp_l_shoulder', c_float),
+ ('ir_ax', c_int),
+ ('ir_ay', c_int),
+ ('ir_distance', c_float),
+ ('orient', orient),
+ ('btns', c_uint16),
+ ('accel', vec3b),
+ ]
+if os.name == 'nt':
+ JunkSkip = [('dev_handle', c_void_p),
+ ('hid_overlap', c_void_p*5), # skipping over this data structure
+ ('stack', c_int),
+ ('timeout', c_int),
+ ('normal_timeout', c_byte),
+ ('exp_timeout', c_byte),
+ ]
+ JunkSkip = [('bdaddr', c_void_p),
+ ('bdaddr_str', c_char*18),
+ ('out_sock', c_int),
+ ('in_sock', c_int),
+ ]
+EVENT = 1
+class wiimote(_Structure):
+ _fields_ = [('unid', c_int),
+ ] + JunkSkip + [
+ ('state', c_int),
+ ('leds', c_byte),
+ ('battery_level', c_float),
+ ('flags', c_int),
+ ('handshake_state', c_byte),
+ ('read_req', c_void_p),
+ ('accel_calib', accel),
+ ('exp', expansion),
+ ('accel', vec3b),
+ ('orient', orient),
+ ('gforce', vec3f),
+ ('ir', ir),
+ ('btns', c_uint16),
+ ('btns_held', c_uint16),
+ ('btns_released', c_uint16),
+ ('orient_threshold', c_float),
+ ('accel_threshold', c_int),
+ ('lstate', wiimote_state),
+ ('event', c_int),
+ ('event_buf', c_byte*32),
+ ]
+wiimote_p = POINTER(wiimote)
+wiimote_pp = POINTER(wiimote_p)
+# make function prototypes a bit easier to declare
+def cfunc(name, dll, result, *args):
+ '''build and apply a ctypes prototype complete with parameter flags
+ e.g.
+cvMinMaxLoc = cfunc('cvMinMaxLoc', _cxDLL, None,
+ ('image', POINTER(IplImage), 1),
+ ('min_val', POINTER(double), 2),
+ ('max_val', POINTER(double), 2),
+ ('min_loc', POINTER(CvPoint), 2),
+ ('max_loc', POINTER(CvPoint), 2),
+ ('mask', POINTER(IplImage), 1, None))
+means locate cvMinMaxLoc in dll _cxDLL, it returns nothing.
+The first argument is an input image. The next 4 arguments are output, and the last argument is
+input with an optional value. A typical call might look like:
+min_val,max_val,min_loc,max_loc = cvMinMaxLoc(img)
+ '''
+ atypes = []
+ aflags = []
+ for arg in args:
+ atypes.append(arg[1])
+ aflags.append((arg[2], arg[0]) + arg[3:])
+ return CFUNCTYPE(result, *atypes)((name, dll), tuple(aflags))
+# get the shared library
+if os.name == 'nt':
+ dll = cdll.LoadLibrary('wiiuse.dll')
+ dll = cdll.LoadLibrary('libwiiuse.so')
+# access the functions
+init = cfunc('wiiuse_init', dll, wiimote_pp,
+ ('wiimotes', c_int, 1))
+# find = cfunc('wiiuse_find', dll, c_int,
+# ('wm', wiimote_pp, 1),
+# ('max_wiimotes', c_int, 1),
+# ('timeout', c_int, 1))
+# connect = cfunc('wiiuse_connect', dll, c_int,
+# ('wm', wiimote_pp, 1),
+# ('wiimotes', c_int, 1))
+# poll = cfunc('wiiuse_poll', dll, c_int,
+# ('wm', wiimote_pp, 1),
+# ('wiimotes', c_int, 1))
+find = dll.wiiuse_find
+connect = dll.wiiuse_connect
+poll = dll.wiiuse_poll
+set_leds = dll.wiiuse_set_leds
+motion_sensing = dll.wiiuse_motion_sensing
+set_accel_threshold = dll.wiiuse_set_accel_threshold
+set_orient_threshold = dll.wiiuse_set_orient_threshold
+set_orient_threshold.argtypes = [wiimote_p, c_float]
+set_timeout = dll.wiiuse_set_timeout
+def is_pressed(dev, button):
+ return dev.btns & button
+def is_held(dev, button):
+ return dev.btns_held & button
+def is_released(dev, button):
+ return dev.btns_released & button
+def is_just_pressed(dev, button):
+ return is_pressed(dev, button) and not is_held(dev, button)
+def using_acc(wm):
+ return wm.state & 0x10
+def using_exp(wm):
+ return wm.state & 0x20
+def using_ir(wm):
+ return wm.state & 0x40
+LED_1 = 0x10
+LED_2 = 0x20
+LED_3 = 0x40
+LED_4 = 0x80
+LED = [LED_1, LED_2, LED_3, LED_4]
+ASPECT_4_3 = 0
+ASPECT_16_9 = 1
+button = { '2':0x0001,
+ '1':0x0002,
+ 'B':0x0004,
+ 'A':0x0008,
+ '-':0x0010,
+ 'Home':0x0080,
+ 'Left':0x0100,
+ 'Right':0x0200,
+ 'Down':0x0400,
+ 'Up':0x0800,
+ '+':0x1000,
+ }
+nunchuk_button = { 'Z':0x01,
+ 'C':0x02,
+ }
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ def handle_event(wm):
+ print 'EVENT', wm.unid, wm.btns
+ print wm.gforce.x, wm.gforce.y, wm.gforce.z
+ nmotes = 1
+ wiimotes = init(nmotes)
+ print 'press 1&2'
+ found = find(wiimotes, nmotes, 2)
+ if not found:
+ print 'no wiimotes found'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ connected = connect(wiimotes, nmotes)
+ if connected:
+ print 'connected to %d wiimotes (of %d found)' % (connected, found)
+ else:
+ print 'failed to connect to any wiimote.'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ set_leds(wiimotes[0], 0x50)
+ motion_sensing(wiimotes[0], 1)
+ while True:
+ if poll(wiimotes, nmotes):
+ for i in range(nmotes):
+ m = wiimotes[i][0]
+ if wiimotes[i][0].event == EVENT:
+ handle_event(wiimotes[i][0])
--- /dev/null
+#! /usr/bin/python
+'''Try to implement the example in python'''
+import PyWiiUse as wiiuse
+import sys
+import time
+import os
+nmotes = 2
+def handle_event(wm):
+ print '--- EVENT [wiimote id %i] ---' % wm.unid, wm.btns, wm.btns_held, wm.btns_released
+ if wm.btns:
+ for name,b in wiiuse.button.items():
+ if wiiuse.is_pressed(wm, b):
+ print name,'pressed'
+ if wiiuse.is_just_pressed(wm, wiiuse.button['-']):
+ wiiuse.motion_sensing(wmp, 0)
+ if wiiuse.is_just_pressed(wm, wiiuse.button['+']):
+ wiiuse.motion_sensing(wmp, 1)
+ if wiiuse.is_just_pressed(wm, wiiuse.button['B']):
+ wiiuse.toggle_rumble(wmp)
+ if wiiuse.is_just_pressed(wm, wiiuse.button['Up']):
+ wiiuse.set_ir(wmp, 1)
+ if wiiuse.is_just_pressed(wm, wiiuse.button['Down']):
+ wiiuse.set_ir(wmp, 0)
+ if wiiuse.using_acc(wm):
+ print 'roll = %f' % wm.orient.roll
+ print 'pitch = %f' % wm.orient.pitch
+ print 'yaw = %f' % wm.orient.yaw
+ if wiiuse.using_ir(wm):
+ for i in range(4):
+ if wm.ir.dot[i].visible:
+ print 'IR source %i: (%u, %u)' % (i, wm.ir.dot[i].x, wm.ir.dot[i].y)
+ print 'IR cursor: (%u, %u)' % (wm.ir.x, wm.ir.y)
+ print 'IR z distance: %f' % wm.ir.z
+ if wm.exp.type == wiiuse.EXP_NUNCHUK:
+ nc = wm.exp.u.nunchuk
+ for name,b in wiiuse.nunchuk_button.items():
+ if wiiuse.is_pressed(nc, b):
+ print 'Nunchuk: %s is pressed' % name
+ print 'nunchuk roll = %f' % nc.orient.roll
+ print 'nunchuk pitch = %f' % nc.orient.pitch
+ print 'nunchuk yaw = %f' % nc.orient.yaw
+ print 'nunchuk joystick angle: %f' % nc.js.ang
+ print 'nunchuk joystick magnitude: %f' % nc.js.mag
+def handle_ctrl_status(wmp, attachment, speaker, ir, led, battery_level):
+ wm = wmp[0]
+ print '--- Controller Status [wiimote id %i] ---' % wm.unid
+ print 'attachment', attachment
+ print 'speaker', speaker
+ print 'ir', ir
+ print 'leds', led[0], led[1], led[2], led[3]
+ print 'battery', battery_level
+def handle_disconnect(wmp):
+ print 'disconnect'
+if os.name != 'nt': print 'Press 1&2'
+wiimotes = wiiuse.init(nmotes)
+found = wiiuse.find(wiimotes, nmotes, 5)
+if not found:
+ print 'not found'
+ sys.exit(1)
+connected = wiiuse.connect(wiimotes, nmotes)
+if connected:
+ print 'Connected to %i wiimotes (of %i found).' % (connected, found)
+ print 'failed to connect to any wiimote.'
+ sys.exit(1)
+for i in range(nmotes):
+ wiiuse.set_leds(wiimotes[i], wiiuse.LED[i])
+ #wiiuse.rumble(wiimotes[i], 1)
+# for i in range(nmotes):
+# wiiuse.rumble(wiimotes[i], 0)
+wiiuse.motion_sensing(wiimotes[0], 1)
+fp = file('mydata.txt', 'w')
+t0 = time.time()
+ while True:
+ if wiiuse.poll(wiimotes, nmotes):
+ for i in range(nmotes):
+ m = wiimotes[i][0]
+ if wiimotes[i][0].event == wiiuse.EVENT:
+ #handle_event(wiimotes[i][0])
+ wm = wiimotes[i][0]
+ t = time.time() - t0
+ print >>fp, i, t, wm.gforce.x, wm.gforce.y, wm.gforce.z
+except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ for i in range(nmotes):
+ wiiuse.set_leds(wiimotes[i], 0)
+ #wiiuse.disconnect(wiimotes[i])
+print 'done'