def __add__(self, other):
coefficients = dict(self.coefficients())
- for symbol, coefficient in other.coefficients:
+ for symbol, coefficient in other.coefficients():
if symbol in coefficients:
coefficients[symbol] += coefficient
def __sub__(self, other):
coefficients = dict(self.coefficients())
- for symbol, coefficient in other.coefficients:
+ for symbol, coefficient in other.coefficients():
if symbol in coefficients:
coefficients[symbol] -= coefficient
def inequalities(self):
return self._inequalities
- def isempty(self):
- return bool(libisl.isl_basic_set_is_empty(self._bset))
def constraints(self):
return self._constraints
raise NotImplementedError
def isempty(self):
- return self == empty
+ bset = self._to_isl()
+ return bool(libisl.isl_basic_set_is_empty(bset))
def isuniverse(self):
- return self == universe
+ raise NotImplementedError
def isdisjoint(self, other):
# return true if the polyhedron has no elements in common with other
return bset
- def from_isl(cls, bset):
+ def _from_isl(cls, bset):
'''takes basic set in isl form and puts back into python version of polyhedron
isl example code gives isl form as:
"{[i] : exists (a : i = 2a and i >= 10 and i <= 42)}")
p = Polyhedron(inequalities=[ex1, ex2])
bs = p._to_isl()
+ print('empty ?', p.isempty())
+ print('empty ?', eq(0, 1).isempty())