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('index', 'LinPy', 'LinPy Documentation',
- 'MINES ParisTech', 'LinPy', 'One line description of project.',
+ 'MINES ParisTech', 'LinPy', 'A polyheral library based on ISL.',
+++ /dev/null
-Domains Module
-This module provides classes and functions to deal with polyhedral
-domains, i.e. unions of polyhedra.
-.. py:class :: Domain
- This class represents polyhedral domains, i.e. unions of polyhedra.
- .. py:method:: __new__(cls, *polyhedra)
- Create and return a new domain from a string or a list of polyhedra.
- .. attribute:: polyhedra
- The tuple of polyhedra which constitute the domain.
- .. attribute:: symbols
- Returns a tuple of the symbols that exsist in a domain.
- .. attribute:: dimension
- Returns the number of variables that exist in a domain.
- .. py:method:: isempty(self)
- Return ``True`` is a domain is empty.
- .. py:method:: __bool__(self)
- Return ``True`` if the domain is non-empty.
- .. py:method:: isuniverse(self)
- Return ``True`` if a domain is the Universe set.
- .. py:method:: isbounded(self)
- Return ``True`` if a domain is bounded.
- .. py:method:: make_disjoint(self)
- It is not guarenteed that a domain is disjoint. If it is necessary, this method will return an equivalent domain, whose polyhedra are disjoint.
- .. py:method:: isdisjoint(self, other)
- Return ``True`` if the intersection of *self* and *other* results in an empty set.
- .. py:method:: issubset(self, other)
- Test whether every element in a domain is in *other*.
- .. py:method:: __eq__(self, other)
- self == other
- Test whether a domain is equal to *other*.
- .. py:method:: __lt__(self, other)
- self < other
- Test whether a domain is a strict subset of *other*.
- .. py:method:: __le__(self, other)
- self <= other
- Test whether every element in a domain is in *other*.
- .. py:method:: __gt__(self, other)
- self > other
- Test whether a domain is a strict superset of *other*.
- .. py:method:: __ge__(self, other)
- self >= other
- Test whether every element in *other* is in a domain.
- .. py:method:: complement(self)
- ~self
- Return the complementary domain of a domain.
- .. py:method:: coalesce(self)
- Simplify the representation of the domain by trying to combine pairs of
- polyhedra into a single polyhedron.
- .. py:method:: detect_equalities(self)
- Simplify the representation of the domain by detecting implicit
- equalities.
- .. py:method:: simplify(self)
- Return a new domain without any redundant constraints.
- .. py:method:: project(self, variables)
- Return a new domain with the given variables removed.
- .. py:method:: aspolyhedron(self)
- Return polyhedral hull of a domain.
- .. py:method:: sample(self)
- Return a single sample subset of a domain.
- .. py:method:: intersection(self, other)
- __or__
- self | other
- Return a new domain with the elements that are common between *self* and *other*.
- .. py:method:: union(self, other)
- __and__
- self & other
- Return a new domain with all the elements from *self* and *other*.
- .. py:method:: difference(self, other)
- __sub__
- self - other
- Return a new domain with the elements in a domain that are not in *other* .
- .. py:method:: __add__(self, other)
- self + other
- Return the sum of two domains.
- .. py:method:: lexmin(self)
- Return a new domain containing the lexicographic minimum of the elements in the domain.
- .. py:method:: lexmax(self)
- Return a new domain containing the lexicographic maximum of the elements in the domain.
- .. py:method:: subs(self, symbol, expression=None):
- Subsitute symbol by expression in equations and return the resulting
- domain.
- .. py:method:: fromstring(cls, string)
- Convert a string into a domain.
- .. py:method:: fromsympy(cls, expr)
- Convert a SymPy expression into a domain.
- .. py:method:: tosympy(self)
- Convert a domain into a SymPy expression.
-A 2D or 3D domain can be plotted using the :meth:`plot` method. The points, vertices, and faces of a domain can be inspected using the following functions.
- .. py:method:: points(self)
- Return a list of the points with integer coordinates contained in a domain as :class:`Points` objects.
- .. py:method:: __contains__(self, point)
- Return ``True`` if point if contained within the domain.
- .. py:method:: vertices(self)
- Return a list of the verticies of a domain.
- .. py:method:: faces(self)
- Return a list of the vertices for each face of a domain.
- .. py:method:: plot(self, plot=None, **kwargs)
- Return a plot of the given domain or add a plot to a plot instance, using matplotlib.
-LinPy Examples
+.. _examples:
Basic Examples
- To create any polyhedron, first define the symbols used. Then use the polyhedron functions to define the constraints. The following is a simple running example illustrating some different operations and properties that can be performed by LinPy with two squares.
- >>> from linpy import *
- >>> x, y = symbols('x y')
- >>> # define the constraints of the polyhedron
- >>> square1 = Le(0, x) & Le(x, 2) & Le(0, y) & Le(y, 2)
- >>> square1
- And(Ge(x, 0), Ge(-x + 2, 0), Ge(y, 0), Ge(-y + 2, 0))
- Binary operations and properties examples:
- >>> # create a polyhedron from a string
- >>> square2 = Polyhedron('1 <= x') & Polyhedron('x <= 3') & \
- Polyhedron('1 <= y') & Polyhedron('y <= 3')
- >>> #test equality
- >>> square1 == square2
- False
- >>> # compute the union of two polyhedrons
- >>> square1 | square2
- Or(And(Ge(x, 0), Ge(-x + 2, 0), Ge(y, 0), Ge(-y + 2, 0)), \
+To create any polyhedron, first define the symbols used.
+Then use the polyhedron functions to define the constraints.
+The following is a simple running example illustrating some different operations and properties that can be performed by LinPy with two squares.
+>>> from linpy import *
+>>> x, y = symbols('x y')
+>>> # define the constraints of the polyhedron
+>>> square1 = Le(0, x) & Le(x, 2) & Le(0, y) & Le(y, 2)
+>>> square1
+And(Ge(x, 0), Ge(-x + 2, 0), Ge(y, 0), Ge(-y + 2, 0))
+Binary operations and properties examples:
+>>> # create a polyhedron from a string
+>>> square2 = Polyhedron('1 <= x') & Polyhedron('x <= 3') & \
+ Polyhedron('1 <= y') & Polyhedron('y <= 3')
+>>> #test equality
+>>> square1 == square2
+>>> # compute the union of two polyhedra
+>>> square1 | square2
+Or(And(Ge(x, 0), Ge(-x + 2, 0), Ge(y, 0), Ge(-y + 2, 0)), \
And(Ge(x - 1, 0), Ge(-x + 3, 0), Ge(y - 1, 0), Ge(-y + 3, 0)))
- >>> # check if square1 and square2 are disjoint
- >>> square1.disjoint(square2)
- False
- >>> # compute the intersection of two polyhedrons
- >>> square1 & square2
- And(Ge(x - 1, 0), Ge(-x + 2, 0), Ge(y - 1, 0), Ge(-y + 2, 0))
- >>> # compute the convex union of two polyhedrons
- >>> Polyhedron(square1 | sqaure2)
- And(Ge(x, 0), Ge(y, 0), Ge(-y + 3, 0), Ge(-x + 3, 0), \
+>>> # check if square1 and square2 are disjoint
+>>> square1.disjoint(square2)
+>>> # compute the intersection of two polyhedra
+>>> square1 & square2
+And(Ge(x - 1, 0), Ge(-x + 2, 0), Ge(y - 1, 0), Ge(-y + 2, 0))
+>>> # compute the convex union of two polyhedra
+>>> Polyhedron(square1 | sqaure2)
+And(Ge(x, 0), Ge(y, 0), Ge(-y + 3, 0), Ge(-x + 3, 0), \
Ge(x - y + 2, 0), Ge(-x + y + 2, 0))
- Unary operation and properties examples:
+Unary operation and properties examples:
- >>> square1.isempty()
- False
- >>> # compute the complement of square1
- >>> ~square1
- Or(Ge(-x - 1, 0), Ge(x - 3, 0), And(Ge(x, 0), Ge(-x + 2, 0), \
+>>> square1.isempty()
+>>> # compute the complement of square1
+>>> ~square1
+Or(Ge(-x - 1, 0), Ge(x - 3, 0), And(Ge(x, 0), Ge(-x + 2, 0), \
Ge(-y - 1, 0)), And(Ge(x, 0), Ge(-x + 2, 0), Ge(y - 3, 0)))
- >>> square1.symbols()
- (x, y)
- >>> square1.inequalities
- (x, -x + 2, y, -y + 2)
- >>> # project out the variable x
- >>> square1.project([x])
- And(Ge(-y + 2, 0), Ge(y, 0))
+>>> square1.symbols()
+(x, y)
+>>> square1.inequalities
+(x, -x + 2, y, -y + 2)
+>>> # project out the variable x
+>>> square1.project([x])
+And(Ge(-y + 2, 0), Ge(y, 0))
Plot Examples
- LinPy uses matplotlib plotting library to plot 2D and 3D polygons. The user has the option to pass subplots to the :meth:`plot` method. This can be a useful tool to compare polygons. Also, key word arguments can be passed such as color and the degree of transparency of a polygon.
- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- >>> from matplotlib import pylab
- >>> from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
- >>> from linpy import *
- >>> # define the symbols
- >>> x, y, z = symbols('x y z')
- >>> fig = plt.figure()
- >>> cham_plot = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d', aspect='equal')
- >>> cham_plot.set_title('Chamfered cube')
- >>> cham = Le(0, x) & Le(x, 3) & Le(0, y) & Le(y, 3) & Le(0, z) & \
- Le(z, 3) & Le(z - 2, x) & Le(x, z + 2) & Le(1 - z, x) & \
- Le(x, 5 - z) & Le(z - 2, y) & Le(y, z + 2) & Le(1 - z, y) & \
- Le(y, 5 - z) & Le(y - 2, x) & Le(x, y + 2) & Le(1 - y, x) & Le(x, 5 - y)
- >>> cham.plot(cham_plot, facecolor='red', alpha=0.75)
- >>> pylab.show()
- .. figure:: images/cham_cube.jpg
- :align: center
+LinPy can use the matplotlib plotting library to plot 2D and 3D polygons.
+This can be a useful tool to visualize and compare polygons.
+The user has the option to pass plot objects to the :meth:`Domain.plot` method, which provides great flexibility.
+Also, keyword arguments can be passed such as color and the degree of transparency of a polygon.
+>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+>>> from matplotlib import pylab
+>>> from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
+>>> from linpy import *
+>>> # define the symbols
+>>> x, y, z = symbols('x y z')
+>>> fig = plt.figure()
+>>> cham_plot = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d', aspect='equal')
+>>> cham_plot.set_title('Chamfered cube')
+>>> cham = Le(0, x) & Le(x, 3) & Le(0, y) & Le(y, 3) & Le(0, z) & \
+ Le(z, 3) & Le(z - 2, x) & Le(x, z + 2) & Le(1 - z, x) & \
+ Le(x, 5 - z) & Le(z - 2, y) & Le(y, z + 2) & Le(1 - z, y) & \
+ Le(y, 5 - z) & Le(y - 2, x) & Le(x, y + 2) & Le(1 - y, x) & Le(x, 5 - y)
+>>> cham.plot(cham_plot, facecolor='red', alpha=0.75)
+>>> pylab.show()
+.. figure:: images/cham_cube.jpg
+ :align: center
LinPy can also inspect a polygon's vertices and the integer points included in the polygon.
- >>> diamond = Ge(y, x - 1) & Le(y, x + 1) & Ge(y, -x - 1) & Le(y, -x + 1)
- >>> diamond.vertices()
- [Point({x: Fraction(0, 1), y: Fraction(1, 1)}), \
- Point({x: Fraction(-1, 1), y: Fraction(0, 1)}), \
- Point({x: Fraction(1, 1), y: Fraction(0, 1)}), \
- Point({x: Fraction(0, 1), y: Fraction(-1, 1)})]
- >>> diamond.points()
- [Point({x: -1, y: 0}), Point({x: 0, y: -1}), Point({x: 0, y: 0}), \
- Point({x: 0, y: 1}), Point({x: 1, y: 0})]
-The user also can pass another plot to the :meth:`plot` method. This can be useful to compare two polyhedrons on the same axis. This example illustrates the union of two squares.
- >>> from linpy import *
- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- >>> from matplotlib import pylab
- >>> x, y = symbols('x y')
- >>> square1 = Le(0, x) & Le(x, 2) & Le(0, y) & Le(y, 2)
- >>> square2 = Le(1, x) & Le(x, 3) & Le(1, y) & Le(y, 3)
- >>> fig = plt.figure()
- >>> plot = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect='equal')
- >>> square1.plot(plot, facecolor='red', alpha=0.3)
- >>> square2.plot(plot, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.3)
- >>> squares = Polyhedron(square1 + square2)
- >>> squares.plot(plot, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.3)
- >>> pylab.show()
- .. figure:: images/union.jpg
- :align: center
+>>> diamond = Ge(y, x - 1) & Le(y, x + 1) & Ge(y, -x - 1) & Le(y, -x + 1)
+>>> diamond.vertices()
+[Point({x: Fraction(0, 1), y: Fraction(1, 1)}), \
+ Point({x: Fraction(-1, 1), y: Fraction(0, 1)}), \
+ Point({x: Fraction(1, 1), y: Fraction(0, 1)}), \
+ Point({x: Fraction(0, 1), y: Fraction(-1, 1)})]
+>>> diamond.points()
+[Point({x: -1, y: 0}), Point({x: 0, y: -1}), Point({x: 0, y: 0}), \
+ Point({x: 0, y: 1}), Point({x: 1, y: 0})]
+The user also can pass another plot to the :meth:`Domain.plot` method.
+This can be useful to compare two polyhedra on the same axis.
+This example illustrates the union of two squares.
+>>> from linpy import *
+>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+>>> from matplotlib import pylab
+>>> x, y = symbols('x y')
+>>> square1 = Le(0, x) & Le(x, 2) & Le(0, y) & Le(y, 2)
+>>> square2 = Le(1, x) & Le(x, 3) & Le(1, y) & Le(y, 3)
+>>> fig = plt.figure()
+>>> plot = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect='equal')
+>>> square1.plot(plot, facecolor='red', alpha=0.3)
+>>> square2.plot(plot, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.3)
+>>> squares = Polyhedron(square1 + square2)
+>>> squares.plot(plot, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.3)
+>>> pylab.show()
+.. figure:: images/union.jpg
+ :align: center
+++ /dev/null
-Geometry Module
-The geometry module is used to obtain information about the points and vertices of a ployhedra.
-.. py:class:: Points
-This class represents points in space.
- .. py:method:: isorigin(self)
- Return ``True`` if a point is the origin.
- .. py:method:: __eq__(self, other)
- Compare two Points for equality.
- .. py:method:: __add__(self, other)
- Add a Point to a Vector and return the result as a Point.
- .. py:method:: __sub__(self, other)
- Return the difference between two Points as a Vector.
- .. py:method:: aspolyhedon(self)
- Return a Point as a polyhedron corresponding to the Point, assuming the Point has integer coordinates.
-.. py:class:: Vector
-This class represents displacements in space.
- .. py:method:: __eq__(self, other)
- Compare two Vectors for equality.
- .. py:method:: __add__(self, other)
- Add either a Point or Vector to a Vector. The resulting sum is returned as the same structure *other* is.
- .. py:method:: __sub__(self, other)
- Subtract a Point or Vector from a Vector. The resulting difference is returned in the same form as *other*.
- .. py:method:: __mul__(self, other)
- Multiply a Vector by a scalar value and returns the result as a Vector.
- .. py:method:: __neg__(self)
- Negate a Vector.
- .. py:method:: norm(self)
- Normalizes a Vector.
- .. py:method:: isnull(self)
- Tests whether a Vector is null.
- .. py:method:: angle(self, other)
- Retrieve the angle required to rotate the vector into the vector passed in argument. The result is an angle in radians, ranging between -pi and
- pi.
- .. py:method:: cross(self, other)
- Calculate the cross product of two Vector3D structures. If the vectors are not tridimensional, a _____ error is raised.
- .. py:method:: dot(self, other)
- Calculate the dot product of two vectors.
- .. py:method:: __trudiv__(self, other)
- Divide the vector by the specified scalar and returns the result as a vector.
-.. LinPy documentation master file, created by
- sphinx-quickstart on Wed Jun 25 20:34:21 2014.
- You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
- contain the root `toctree` directive.
Welcome to LinPy’s documentation!
-LinPy is a Python wrapper for the Integer Set Library (isl) by Sven Verdoolaege. Isl ia a C library for manipulating sets and relations of integer points bounded by linear constraints.
+LinPy is a polyhedral library for Python based on `isl <http://isl.gforge.inria.fr/>`_.
+isl (Integer Set Library) is a C library for manipulating sets and relations of integer points bounded by linear constraints.
-If you are new to LinPy, start with the Examples.
+LinPy is a free software, licensed under the `GPLv3 license <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt>`_.
+Its source code is available `here <https://scm.cri.ensmp.fr/git/linpy.git>`_.
-This is the central page for all of LinPy’s documentation.
+To have an overview of LinPy's functionalities, you may wish to consult the :ref:`examples` section.
+.. only:: html
+ Contents:
.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
+ :maxdepth: 2
- install.rst
- examples.rst
- modules.rst
+ install.rst
+ examples.rst
+ reference.rst
+.. only:: html
+ Indices and tables
+ ==================
+ * :ref:`genindex`
+ * :ref:`search`
-.. _installation:
-Users can install LinPy by cloning the git repository::
- git clone https://scm.cri.ensmp.fr/git/linpy.git
+LinPy requires Python version 3.4 or above to work.
-Then, execute the following to complete installation::
- python3 setup.py install
+LinPy's one mandatory dependency is isl version 0.12 or 0.13 (it may work with other versions of isl, but this has not been tested).
+isl can be downloaded `here <http://freshmeat.net/projects/isl/>`_ or preferably, using your favorite distribution's package manager.
+For Ubuntu, the command to run is::
+ sudo apt-get install libisl-dev
- sudo pip install linpy
+For Arch Linux, run::
+ sudo pacman -S isl
-LinPy's one mandatory dependency is isl, which can be downloaded from `here`_ or using package manager, e.g for ubuntu::
+Apart from isl, there are two optional dependencies that will maximize the use of LinPy's functions: `SymPy <http://sympy.org/en/index.html>`_ and `matplotlib <http://matplotlib.org/>`_.
+Please consult the `SymPy download page <http://sympy.org/en/download.html>`_ and `matplotlib installation instructions <http://matplotlib.org/faq/installing_faq.html>`_ to install these libraries.
- sudo apt-get install libisl-dev
-There are two optional dependencies that will maximize the use of LinPy's
-functions; SymPy and matplotlib. SymPy installation instructions can be found on the SymPy `download page`_. Matplotlib install information can be found at this `link`_.
+.. warning::
+ The project has not been published in PyPI yet, so this section is not relevant.
+ Instead, see the :ref:`source` section to install LinPy.
-LinPy is a free software, licensed under the `GPLv3 license`_ .
+LinPy can be installed using pip with the command::
+ sudo pip install linpy
.. _here: http://freshmeat.net/projects/isl/
.. _link: http://matplotlib.org/faq/installing_faq.html
-.. _GPLv3 license: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt
+.. _source:
+Alternatively, LinPy can be installed from source.
+First, clone the public git repository::
+ git clone https://scm.cri.ensmp.fr/git/linpy.git
+and build and install as usual with::
+ sudo python3 setup.py install
+++ /dev/null
-Linear Expression Module
-This class implements linear expressions. A linear expression is….
-.. py:class:: Expression
- .. py:method:: __new__(cls, coefficients=None, constant=0)
- Create and return a new linear expression from a string or a list of coefficients and a constant.
- .. py:method:: coefficient(self, symbol)
- Return the coefficient value of the given symbol.
- .. py:method:: coefficients(self)
- Return a list of the coefficients of an expression
- .. attribute:: constant
- Return the constant value of an expression.
- .. attribute:: symbols
- Return a list of symbols in an expression.
- .. attribute:: dimension
- Return the number of variables in an expression.
- .. py:method:: isconstant(self)
- Return ``True`` if an expression is a constant.
- .. py:method:: issymbol(self)
- Return ``True`` if an expression is a symbol.
- .. py:method:: values(self)
- Return the coefficient and constant values of an expression.
- .. py:method:: __add__(self, other)
- Return the sum of *self* and *other*.
- .. py:method:: __sub__(self, other)
- Return the difference between *self* and *other*.
- .. py:method:: __mul__(self, other)
- Return the product of *self* and *other* if *other* is a rational number.
- .. py:method:: __eq__(self, other)
- Test whether two expressions are equal.
- .. py:method:: __le__(self, other)
- self <= other
- Create a new polyhedra from an expression with a single constraint as *self* less than or equal to *other*.
- .. py:method:: __lt__(self, other)
- self < other
- Create a new polyhedra from an expression with a single constraint as *self* less than *other*.
- .. py:method:: __ge__(self, other)
- self >= other
- Create a new polyhedra from an expression with a single constraint as *self* greater than or equal to *other*.
- .. py:method:: __gt__(self, other)
- self > other
- Create a new polyhedra from an expression with a single constraint as *self* greater than *other*.
- .. py:method:: scaleint(self)
- Multiply an expression by a scalar to make all coefficients integer values.
- .. py:method:: subs(self, symbol, expression=None)
- Subsitute the given value into an expression and return the resulting expression.
- .. py:method:: fromstring(self)
- Create an expression from a string.
- .. py:method:: fromsympy(self)
- Convert sympy object to an expression.
- .. py:method:: tosympy(self)
- Return an expression as a sympy object.
-.. py:class:: Symbol(Expression)
- .. py:method:: __new__(cls, name)
- Create and return a symbol from a string.
- .. py:method:: symbols(names)
- This function returns a sequence of symbols with names taken from names argument, which can be a comma or whitespace delimited string, or a sequence of strings.
- .. py:method:: asdummy(self)
- Return a symbol as a :class:`Dummy` Symbol.
-.. py:class:: Dummy(Symbol)
- This class returns a dummy symbol to ensure that no variables are repeated in an expression. This is useful when the user needs to have a unique symbol, for example as a temporary one in some calculation, which is going to be substituted for something else at the end anyway.
- .. py:method:: __new__(cls, name=None)
- Create and return a new dummy symbol.
-.. py:class:: Rational(Expression, Fraction)
- This class represents integers and rational numbers of any size.
- .. attribute:: constant
- Return rational as a constant.
- .. py:method:: isconstant(self)
- Test whether a value is a constant.
- .. py:method:: fromsympy(cls, expr)
- Create a rational object from a sympy expression
+++ /dev/null
-.. module-docs:
-LinPy Module Reference
-There are four main LinPy modules, all of them can be inherited at once with the LinPy package:
- >>> from linpy import *
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
- linexpr.rst
- domain.rst
- polyhedra.rst
- geometry.rst
+++ /dev/null
-Polyhedra Module
-Polyhedron class allows users to build and inspect polyherons. Polyhedron inherits all methods from the :class:`Domain` class.
-.. py:class:: Polyhedron(Domain)
- .. py:method:: __new__(cls, equalities=None, inequalities=None)
- Create and return a new Polyhedron from a string or list of equalities and inequalities.
- .. attribute:: equalities
- Returns a list of the equalities in a polyhedron.
- .. attribute:: inequalities
- Returns a list of the inequalities in a polyhedron.
- .. attribute:: constraints
- Returns a list of the constraints of a polyhedron.
- .. py:method:: make_disjoint(self)
- Returns a polyhedron as a disjoint.
- .. py:method:: isuniverse(self)
- Return ``True`` if a polyhedron is the Universe set.
- .. py:method:: aspolyhedron(self)
- Return the polyhedral hull of a polyhedron.
- .. py:method:: __contains__(self, point)
- Report whether a polyhedron constains an integer point
- .. py:method:: subs(self, symbol, expression=None)
- Subsitute the given value into an expression and return the resulting
- expression.
- .. py:method:: fromstring(cls, string)
- Create and return a Polyhedron from a string.
-To create a polyhedron, the user can use the following functions to define equalities and inequalities as the constraints.
-.. py:function:: Eq(left, right)
- Returns a Polyhedron instance with a single constraint as *left* equal to *right*.
-.. py:function:: Ne(left, right)
- Returns a Polyhedron instance with a single constraint as *left* not equal to *right*.
-.. py:function:: Lt(left, right)
- Returns a Polyhedron instance with a single constraint as *left* less than *right*.
-.. py:function:: Le(left, right)
- Returns a Polyhedron instance with a single constraint as *left* less than or equal to *right*.
-.. py:function:: Gt(left, right)
- Returns a Polyhedron instance with a single constraint as *left* greater than *right*.
-.. py:function:: Ge(left, right)
- Returns a Polyhedron instance with a single constraint as *left* greater than or equal to *right*.
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+Module Reference
+*Symbols* are the basic components to build expressions and constraints.
+They correspond to mathematical variables.
+.. class:: Symbol(name)
+ Return a symbol with the name string given in argument.
+ Alternatively, the function :func:`symbols` allows to create several symbols at once.
+ Symbols are instances of class :class:`LinExpr` and, as such, inherit its functionalities.
+ >>> x = Symbol('x')
+ >>> x
+ x
+ Two instances of :class:`Symbol` are equal if they have the same name.
+ .. attribute:: name
+ The name of the symbol.
+ .. method:: asdummy()
+ Return a new :class:`Dummy` symbol instance with the same name.
+ .. method:: sortkey()
+ Return a sorting key for the symbol.
+ It is useful to sort a list of symbols in a consistent order, as comparison functions are overridden (see the documentation of class :class:`LinExpr`).
+ >>> sort(symbols, key=Symbol.sortkey)
+.. function:: symbols(names)
+ This function returns a tuple of symbols whose names are taken from a comma or whitespace delimited string, or a sequence of strings.
+ It is useful to define several symbols at once.
+ >>> x, y = symbols('x y')
+ >>> x, y = symbols('x, y')
+ >>> x, y = symbols(['x', 'y'])
+Sometimes, you need to have a unique symbol, for example as a temporary one in some calculation, which is going to be substituted for something else at the end anyway.
+This is achieved using ``Dummy('x')``.
+.. class:: Dummy(name=None)
+ A variation of :class:`Symbol` which are all unique, identified by an internal count index.
+ If a name is not supplied then a string value of the count index will be used.
+ This is useful when a unique, temporary variable is needed and the name of the variable used in the expression is not important.
+ Unlike :class:`Symbol`, :class:`Dummy` instances with the same name are not equal:
+ >>> x = Symbol('x')
+ >>> x1, x2 = Dummy('x'), Dummy('x')
+ >>> x == x1
+ False
+ >>> x1 == x2
+ False
+ >>> x1 == x1
+ True
+Linear Expressions
+A *linear expression* consists of a list of coefficient-variable pairs that capture the linear terms, plus a constant term.
+Linear expressions are used to build constraints. They are temporary objects that typically have short lifespans.
+Linear expressions are generally built using overloaded operators.
+For example, if ``x`` is a :class:`Symbol`, then ``x + 1`` is an instance of :class:`LinExpr`.
+.. class:: LinExpr(coefficients=None, constant=0)
+ LinExpr(string)
+ Return a linear expression from a dictionary or a sequence that maps symbols to their coefficients, and a constant term.
+ The coefficients and the constant must be rational numbers.
+ For example, the linear expression ``x + 2y + 1`` can be constructed using one of the following instructions:
+ >>> x, y = symbols('x y')
+ >>> LinExpr({x: 1, y: 2}, 1)
+ >>> LinExpr([(x, 1), (y, 2)], 1)
+ although it may be easier to use overloaded operators:
+ >>> x, y = symbols('x y')
+ >>> x + 2*y + 1
+ Alternatively, linear expressions can be constructed from a string:
+ >>> LinExpr('x + 2*y + 1')
+ :class:`LinExpr` instances are hashable, and should be treated as immutable.
+ A linear expression with a single symbol of coefficient 1 and no constant term is automatically subclassed as a :class:`Symbol` instance.
+ A linear expression with no symbol, only a constant term, is automatically subclassed as a :class:`Rational` instance.
+ .. method:: coefficient(symbol)
+ __getitem__(symbol)
+ Return the coefficient value of the given symbol, or ``0`` if the symbol does not appear in the expression.
+ .. method:: coefficients()
+ Iterate over the pairs ``(symbol, value)`` of linear terms in the expression.
+ The constant term is ignored.
+ .. attribute:: constant
+ The constant term of the expression.
+ .. attribute:: symbols
+ The tuple of symbols present in the expression, sorted according to :meth:`Symbol.sortkey`.
+ .. attribute:: dimension
+ The dimension of the expression, i.e. the number of symbols present in it.
+ .. method:: isconstant()
+ Return ``True`` if the expression only consists of a constant term.
+ In this case, it is a :class:`Rational` instance.
+ .. method:: issymbol()
+ Return ``True`` if an expression only consists of a symbol with coefficient ``1``.
+ In this case, it is a :class:`Symbol` instance.
+ .. method:: values()
+ Iterate over the coefficient values in the expression, and the constant term.
+ .. method:: __add__(expr)
+ Return the sum of two linear expressions.
+ .. method:: __sub__(expr)
+ Return the difference between two linear expressions.
+ .. method:: __mul__(value)
+ Return the product of the linear expression by a rational.
+ .. method:: __truediv__(value)
+ Return the quotient of the linear expression by a rational.
+ .. method:: __eq__(expr)
+ Test whether two linear expressions are equal.
+ As explained below, it is possible to create polyhedra from linear expressions using comparison methods.
+ .. method:: __lt__(expr)
+ __le__(expr)
+ __ge__(expr)
+ __gt__(expr)
+ Create a new :class:`Polyhedron` instance whose unique constraint is the comparison between two linear expressions.
+ As an alternative, functions :func:`Lt`, :func:`Le`, :func:`Ge` and :func:`Gt` can be used.
+ >>> x, y = symbols('x y')
+ >>> x < y
+ Le(x - y + 1, 0)
+ .. method:: scaleint()
+ Return the expression multiplied by its lowest common denominator to make all values integer.
+ .. method:: subs(symbol, expression)
+ subs(pairs)
+ Substitute the given symbol by an expression and return the resulting expression.
+ Raise :exc:`TypeError` is the resulting expression is not linear.
+ >>> x, y = symbols('x y')
+ >>> e = x + 2*y + 1
+ >>> e.subs(y, x - 1)
+ 3*x - 1
+ To perform multiple substitutions at once, pass a sequence or a dictionary of ``(old, new)`` pairs to ``subs``.
+ >>> e.subs({x: y, y: x})
+ 2*x + y + 1
+ .. classmethod:: fromstring(string)
+ Create an expression from a string.
+ Raise :exc:`SyntaxError` if the string is not properly formatted.
+ There are also methods to convert linear expressions to and from `SymPy <http://sympy.org>`_ expressions:
+ .. classmethod:: fromsympy(expr)
+ Create a linear expression from a :mod:`sympy` expression.
+ Raise :exc:`ValueError` is the :mod:`sympy` expression is not linear.
+ .. method:: tosympy()
+ Convert the linear expression to a sympy expression.
+Apart from :mod:`Symbol`, a particular case of linear expressions are rational values, i.e. linear expressions consisting only of a constant term, with no symbol.
+They are implemented by the :class:`Rational` class, that inherits from both :class:`LinExpr` and :class:`fractions.Fraction` classes.
+.. class:: Rational(numerator, denominator=1)
+ Rational(string)
+ The first version requires that *numerator* and *denominator* are instances of :class:`numbers.Rational` and returns a new :class:`Rational` instance with value ``numerator/denominator``.
+ If denominator is ``0``, it raises a :exc:`ZeroDivisionError`.
+ The other version of the constructor expects a string.
+ The usual form for this instance is::
+ [sign] numerator ['/' denominator]
+ where the optional ``sign`` may be either '+' or '-' and ``numerator`` and ``denominator`` (if present) are strings of decimal digits.
+ See the documentation of :class:`fractions.Fraction` for more information and examples.
+A *convex polyhedron* (or simply polyhedron) is the space defined by a system of linear equalities and inequalities.
+This space can be unbounded.
+.. class:: Polyhedron(equalities, inequalities)
+ Polyhedron(string)
+ Polyhedron(geometric object)
+ Return a polyhedron from two sequences of linear expressions: *equalities* is a list of expressions equal to ``0``, and *inequalities* is a list of expressions greater or equal to ``0``.
+ For example, the polyhedron ``0 <= x <= 2, 0 <= y <= 2`` can be constructed with:
+ >>> x, y = symbols('x y')
+ >>> square = Polyhedron([], [x, 2 - x, y, 2 - y])
+ It may be easier to use comparison operators :meth:`LinExpr.__lt__`, :meth:`LinExpr.__le__`, :meth:`LinExpr.__ge__`, :meth:`LinExpr.__gt__`, or functions :func:`Lt`, :func:`Le`, :func:`Eq`, :func:`Ge` and :func:`Gt`, using one of the following instructions:
+ >>> x, y = symbols('x y')
+ >>> square = (0 <= x) & (x <= 2) & (0 <= y) & (y <= 2)
+ >>> square = Le(0, x, 2) & Le(0, y, 2)
+ It is also possible to build a polyhedron from a string.
+ >>> square = Polyhedron('0 <= x <= 2, 0 <= y <= 2')
+ Finally, a polyhedron can be constructed from a :class:`GeometricObject` instance, calling the :meth:`GeometricObject.aspolyedron` method.
+ This way, it is possible to compute the polyhedral hull of a :class:`Domain` instance, i.e., the convex hull of two polyhedra:
+ >>> square = Polyhedron('0 <= x <= 2, 0 <= y <= 2')
+ >>> square2 = Polyhedron('2 <= x <= 4, 2 <= y <= 4')
+ >>> Polyhedron(square | square2)
+ A polyhedron is a :class:`Domain` instance, and, as such, inherits the functionalities of this class.
+ It is also a :class:`GeometricObject` instance.
+ .. attribute:: equalities
+ The tuple of equalities.
+ This is a list of :class:`LinExpr` instances that are equal to ``0`` in the polyhedron.
+ .. attribute:: inequalities
+ The tuple of inequalities.
+ This is a list of :class:`LinExpr` instances that are greater or equal to ``0`` in the polyhedron.
+ .. attribute:: constraints
+ The tuple of constraints, i.e., equalities and inequalities.
+ This is semantically equivalent to: ``equalities + inequalities``.
+ .. method:: widen(polyhedron)
+ Compute the standard widening of two polyhedra, à la Halbwachs.
+.. data:: Empty
+ The empty polyhedron, whose set of constraints is not satisfiable.
+.. data:: Universe
+ The universe polyhedron, whose set of constraints is always satisfiable, i.e. is empty.
+A *domain* is a union of polyhedra.
+Unlike polyhedra, domains allow exact computation of union and complementary operations.
+.. class:: Domain(*polyhedra)
+ Domain(string)
+ Domain(geometric object)
+ Return a domain from a sequence of polyhedra.
+ >>> square = Polyhedron('0 <= x <= 2, 0 <= y <= 2')
+ >>> square2 = Polyhedron('2 <= x <= 4, 2 <= y <= 4')
+ >>> dom = Domain([square, square2])
+ It is also possible to build domains from polyhedra using arithmetic operators :meth:`Domain.__and__`, :meth:`Domain.__or__` or functions :func:`And` and :func:`Or`, using one of the following instructions:
+ >>> square = Polyhedron('0 <= x <= 2, 0 <= y <= 2')
+ >>> square2 = Polyhedron('2 <= x <= 4, 2 <= y <= 4')
+ >>> dom = square | square2
+ >>> dom = Or(square, square2)
+ Alternatively, a domain can be built from a string:
+ >>> dom = Domain('0 <= x <= 2, 0 <= y <= 2; 2 <= x <= 4, 2 <= y <= 4')
+ Finally, a domain can be built from a :class:`GeometricObject` instance, calling the :meth:`GeometricObject.asdomain` method.
+ A domain is also a :class:`GeometricObject` instance.
+ A domain with a unique polyhedron is automatically subclassed as a :class:`Polyhedron` instance.
+ .. attribute:: polyhedra
+ The tuple of polyhedra present in the domain.
+ .. attribute:: symbols
+ The tuple of symbols present in the domain expression, sorted according to :meth:`Symbol.sortkey`.
+ .. attribute:: dimension
+ The dimension of the domain, i.e. the number of symbols present in it.
+ .. method:: isempty()
+ Return ``True`` if the domain is empty, that is, equal to :data:`Empty`.
+ .. method:: __bool__()
+ Return ``True`` if the domain is non-empty.
+ .. method:: isuniverse()
+ Return ``True`` if the domain is universal, that is, equal to :data:`Universe`.
+ .. method:: isbounded()
+ Return ``True`` is the domain is bounded.
+ .. method:: __eq__(domain)
+ Return ``True`` if two domains are equal.
+ .. method:: isdisjoint(domain)
+ Return ``True`` if two domains have a null intersection.
+ .. method:: issubset(domain)
+ __le__(domain)
+ Report whether another domain contains the domain.
+ .. method:: __lt__(domain)
+ Report whether another domain is contained within the domain.
+ .. method:: complement()
+ __invert__()
+ Return the complementary domain of the domain.
+ .. method:: make_disjoint()
+ Return an equivalent domain, whose polyhedra are disjoint.
+ .. method:: coalesce()
+ Simplify the representation of the domain by trying to combine pairs of polyhedra into a single polyhedron, and return the resulting domain.
+ .. method:: detect_equalities()
+ Simplify the representation of the domain by detecting implicit equalities, and return the resulting domain.
+ .. method:: remove_redundancies()
+ Remove redundant constraints in the domain, and return the resulting domain.
+ .. method:: project(symbols)
+ Project out the sequence of symbols given in arguments, and return the resulting domain.
+ .. method:: sample()
+ Return a sample of the domain, as an integer instance of :class:`Point`.
+ If the domain is empty, a :exc:`ValueError` exception is raised.
+ .. method:: intersection(domain[, ...])
+ __and__(domain)
+ Return the intersection of two or more domains as a new domain.
+ As an alternative, function :func:`And` can be used.
+ .. method:: union(domain[, ...])
+ __or__(domain)
+ __add__(domain)
+ Return the union of two or more domains as a new domain.
+ As an alternative, function :func:`Or` can be used.
+ .. method:: difference(domain)
+ __sub__(domain)
+ Return the difference between two domains as a new domain.
+ .. method:: lexmin()
+ Return the lexicographic minimum of the elements in the domain.
+ .. method:: lexmax()
+ Return the lexicographic maximum of the elements in the domain.
+ .. method:: vertices()
+ Return the vertices of the domain, as a list of rational instances of :class:`Point`.
+ .. method:: points()
+ Return the integer points of a bounded domain, as a list of integer instances of :class:`Point`.
+ If the domain is not bounded, a :exc:`ValueError` exception is raised.
+ .. method:: __contains__(point)
+ Return ``True`` if the :class:`Point` is contained within the domain.
+ .. method:: faces()
+ Return the list of faces of a bounded domain.
+ Each face is represented by a list of vertices, in the form of rational instances of :class:`Point`.
+ If the domain is not bounded, a :exc:`ValueError` exception is raised.
+ .. method:: plot(plot=None, **options)
+ Plot a 2D or 3D domain using `matplotlib <http://matplotlib.org/>`_.
+ Draw it to the current *plot* object if present, otherwise create a new one.
+ *options* are keyword arguments passed to the matplotlib drawing functions, they can be used to set the drawing color for example.
+ Raise :exc:`ValueError` is the domain is not 2D or 3D.
+ .. method:: subs(symbol, expression)
+ subs(pairs)
+ Substitute the given symbol by an expression in the domain constraints.
+ To perform multiple substitutions at once, pass a sequence or a dictionary of ``(old, new)`` pairs to ``subs``.
+ The syntax of this function is similar to :func:`LinExpr.subs`.
+ .. classmethod:: fromstring(string)
+ Create a domain from a string.
+ Raise :exc:`SyntaxError` if the string is not properly formatted.
+ There are also methods to convert a domain to and from `SymPy <http://sympy.org>`_ expressions:
+ .. classmethod:: fromsympy(expr)
+ Create a domain from a sympy expression.
+ .. method:: tosympy()
+ Convert the domain to a sympy expression.
+Comparison and Logic Operators
+The following functions allow to create :class:`Polyhedron` or :class:`Domain` instances by comparison of :class:`LinExpr` instances:
+.. function:: Lt(expr1, expr2[, expr3, ...])
+ Create the polyhedron with constraints ``expr1 < expr2 < expr3 ...``.
+.. function:: Le(expr1, expr2[, expr3, ...])
+ Create the polyhedron with constraints ``expr1 <= expr2 <= expr3 ...``.
+.. function:: Eq(expr1, expr2[, expr3, ...])
+ Create the polyhedron with constraints ``expr1 == expr2 == expr3 ...``.
+.. function:: Ne(expr1, expr2[, expr3, ...])
+ Create the domain such that ``expr1 != expr2 != expr3 ...``.
+ The result is a :class:`Domain`, not a :class:`Polyhedron`.
+.. function:: Ge(expr1, expr2[, expr3, ...])
+ Create the polyhedron with constraints ``expr1 >= expr2 >= expr3 ...``.
+.. function:: Gt(expr1, expr2[, expr3, ...])
+ Create the polyhedron with constraints ``expr1 > expr2 > expr3 ...``.
+The following functions allow to combine :class:`Polyhedron` or :class:`Domain` instances using logic operators:
+.. function:: Or(domain1, domain2[, ...])
+ Create the union domain of domains given in arguments.
+.. function:: And(domain1, domain2[, ...])
+ Create the intersection domain of domains given in arguments.
+.. function:: Not(domain)
+ Create the complementary domain of the domain given in argument.
+Geometric Objects
+.. class:: GeometricObject
+ :class:`GeometricObject` is an abstract class to represent objects with a geometric representation in space.
+ Subclasses of :class:`GeometricObject` are :class:`Polyhedron`, :class:`Domain` and :class:`Point`.
+ The following elements must be provided:
+ .. attribute:: symbols
+ The tuple of symbols present in the object expression, sorted according to :class:`Symbol.sortkey()`.
+ .. attribute:: dimension
+ The dimension of the object, i.e. the number of symbols present in it.
+ .. method:: aspolyedron()
+ Return a :class:`Polyhedron` object that approximates the geometric object.
+ .. method:: asdomain()
+ Return a :class:`Domain` object that approximates the geometric object.
+.. class:: Point(coordinates)
+ Create a point from a dictionnary or a sequence that maps symbols to their coordinates.
+ Coordinates must be rational numbers.
+ For example, the point ``(x: 1, y: 2)`` can be constructed using one of the following instructions:
+ >>> x, y = symbols('x y')
+ >>> p = Point({x: 1, y: 2})
+ >>> p = Point([(x, 1), (y, 2)])
+ :class:`Point` instances are hashable, and should be treated as immutable.
+ A point is a :class:`GeometricObject` instance.
+ .. attribute:: symbols
+ The tuple of symbols present in the point, sorted according to :class:`Symbol.sortkey()`.
+ .. attribute:: dimension
+ The dimension of the point, i.e. the number of symbols present in it.
+ .. method:: coordinate(symbol)
+ __getitem__(symbol)
+ Return the coordinate value of the given symbol.
+ Raise :exc:`KeyError` if the symbol is not involved in the point.
+ .. method:: coordinates()
+ Iterate over the pairs ``(symbol, value)`` of coordinates in the point.
+ .. method:: values()
+ Iterate over the coordinate values in the point.
+ .. method:: isorigin()
+ Return ``True`` if all coordinates are ``0``.
+ .. method:: __bool__()
+ Return ``True`` if not all coordinates are ``0``.
+ .. method:: __add__(vector)
+ Translate the point by a :class:`Vector` instance and return the resulting point.
+ .. method:: __sub__(point)
+ __sub__(vector)
+ The first version substract a point from another and return the resulting vector.
+ The second version translates the point by the opposite vector of *vector* and returns the resulting point.
+ .. method:: __eq__(point)
+ Test whether two points are equal.
+.. class:: Vector(coordinates)
+ Create a point from a dictionnary or a sequence that maps symbols to their coordinates, similarly to :meth:`Point`.
+ Coordinates must be rational numbers.
+ :class:`Vector` instances are hashable, and should be treated as immutable.
+ .. attribute:: symbols
+ The tuple of symbols present in the point, sorted according to :class:`Symbol.sortkey()`.
+ .. attribute:: dimension
+ The dimension of the point, i.e. the number of symbols present in it.
+ .. method:: coordinate(symbol)
+ __getitem__(symbol)
+ Return the coordinate value of the given symbol.
+ Raise :exc:`KeyError` if the symbol is not involved in the point.
+ .. method:: coordinates()
+ Iterate over the pairs ``(symbol, value)`` of coordinates in the point.
+ .. method:: values()
+ Iterate over the coordinate values in the point.
+ .. method:: isnull()
+ Return ``True`` if all coordinates are ``0``.
+ .. method:: __bool__()
+ Return ``True`` if not all coordinates are ``0``.
+ .. method:: __add__(point)
+ __add__(vector)
+ The first version translates the point *point* to the vector and returns the resulting point.
+ The second version adds vector *vector* to the vector and returns the resulting vector.
+ .. method:: __sub__(point)
+ __sub__(vector)
+ The first version substracts a point from a vector and returns the resulting point.
+ The second version returns the difference vector between two vectors.
+ .. method:: __neg__()
+ Return the opposite vector.
+ .. method:: angle(vector)
+ Retrieve the angle required to rotate the vector into the vector passed in argument.
+ The result is an angle in radians, ranging between ``-pi`` and ``pi``.
+ .. method:: cross(vector)
+ Compute the cross product of two 3D vectors.
+ If either one of the vectors is not tridimensional, a :exc:`ValueError` exception is raised.
+ .. method:: dot(vector)
+ Compute the dot product of two vectors.
+ .. method:: __eq__(vector)
+ Test whether two vectors are equal.
+ .. method:: __mul__(value)
+ Multiply the vector by a scalar value and return the resulting vector.
+ .. method:: __truediv__(value)
+ Divide the vector by a scalar value and return the resulting vector.
+ .. method:: norm()
+ Return the norm of the vector.
+ .. method:: norm2()
+ Return the square norm of the vector.
+ .. method:: asunit()
+ Return the normalized vector, i.e. the vector of same direction but with norm 1.