--- /dev/null
+ Marshalling hotfix for ZTUtils
+ To install the hotfix, unpack the tarball file into the
+ 'Products' directory of your site's INSTANCE_HOME, and then restart
+ your Zope application server.
+ E.g., if on your system, the Zope software is installed in
+ '/opt/lib/zope2.7', and your instance is in '/var/lib/zope'::
+ # cd /var/lib/zope/Products
+ # tar xzf /tmp/ZTUtils_hotfix.tar.gz
+ # ../bin/zopectl restart
+ To remove the hotfix, simply remove the product folder
+ and restart the application server.
+ E.g., for the same setup::
+ # cd /var/lib/zope/Products
+ # rm -r ZTUtils_hotfix
+ # ../bin/zopectl restart
--- /dev/null
+This hotfix patch ZTUtils.Zope.make_query and make_hidden_input
+to make a recursive marshal from a REQUEST.form data.
+pinbe 2004/09/23
+import urllib, cgi
+from DateTime import DateTime
+def make_query(*args, **kwargs):
+ '''Construct a URL query string, with marshalling markup.
+ If there are positional arguments, they must be dictionaries.
+ They are combined with the dictionary of keyword arguments to form
+ a dictionary of query names and values.
+ Query names (the keys) must be strings. Values may be strings,
+ integers, floats, or DateTimes, and they may also be lists or
+ namespaces containing these types. Names and string values
+ should not be URL-quoted. All arguments are marshalled with
+ complex_marshal().
+ '''
+ d = {}
+ for arg in args:
+ d.update(arg)
+ d.update(kwargs)
+ qlist = []
+ uq = urllib.quote
+ for k, v in d.items() :
+ for field in recurse_marshal(k, v) :
+ qlist.append( '%s%s=%s' % (uq(field['k']), field['m'], uq(str(field['v']))) )
+ return '&'.join(qlist)
+def make_hidden_input(*args, **kwargs):
+ '''Construct a set of hidden input elements, with marshalling markup.
+ If there are positional arguments, they must be dictionaries.
+ They are combined with the dictionary of keyword arguments to form
+ a dictionary of query names and values.
+ Query names (the keys) must be strings. Values may be strings,
+ integers, floats, or DateTimes, and they may also be lists or
+ namespaces containing these types. All arguments are marshalled with
+ complex_marshal().
+ '''
+ d = {}
+ for arg in args:
+ d.update(arg)
+ d.update(kwargs)
+ hq = cgi.escape
+ qlist = []
+ for k, v in d.items() :
+ for field in recurse_marshal(k, v) :
+ qlist.append( ('<input type="hidden" name="%s%s" value="%s"/>'
+ % (hq(field['k']), field['m'], hq(str(field['v'])))) )
+ return '\n'.join(qlist)
+def _simple_marshal(v) : # ! It's not a simple_marshal patch, the returned value is not the same.
+ if isinstance(v, bool) :
+ m = ':boolean'
+ elif isinstance(v, int) :
+ m = ':int'
+ elif isinstance(v, float) :
+ m = ':float'
+ elif isinstance(v, long) :
+ m = ':long'
+ elif isinstance(v, DateTime) :
+ m = ':date'
+ elif isinstance(v, unicode) :
+ m = ':utf8:ustring'
+ v = v.encode('utf8')
+ elif hasattr(v, 'items') :
+ m = ':record'
+ elif isinstance(v, list) :
+ if len(v) > 0 and hasattr(v[0], 'items') :
+ m = ':records'
+ else :
+ m = ':list'
+ else :
+ m = ''
+ return m, v
+def recurse_marshal(k, v, nested='') :
+ marshalList = []
+ m, v = _simple_marshal(v)
+ n = nested
+ if m == ':list' :
+ n = ':list' + n
+ for sv in v :
+ if isinstance(sv, list) : # only strings into sv
+ white_space_found = False
+ for ssv in sv :
+ if ssv.find(' ') >=0 : white_space_found = True
+ if white_space_found :
+ sv = '\n'.join(sv)
+ insertM = ':lines'
+ else :
+ sv = ' '.join(sv)
+ insertM = ':tokens'
+ if isinstance(sv, unicode) :
+ sv = sv.encode('utf8')
+ insertM = ':utf8:u' + insertM[1:]
+ marshalList.extend(recurse_marshal(k, sv, nested=insertM + n))
+ else :
+ marshalList.extend(recurse_marshal(k, sv, n))
+ elif m == ':record' :
+ if n.find(':records') < 0 :
+ n = ':record' + n
+ for sk, sv in v.items() :
+ marshalList.extend(recurse_marshal('%s.%s' % (k, sk), sv, nested=n))
+ elif m == ':records' :
+ n = ':records' + n
+ for sv in v :
+ for ssk, ssv in sv.items() :
+ marshalList.extend(recurse_marshal('%s.%s' % (k, ssk), ssv, nested=n))
+ else :
+ marshalList.append({'k' : k,
+ 'm' : m + nested,
+ 'v' : v})
+ return marshalList
+def initialize(context) :
+ import ZTUtils as ztu
+ ztu.make_query = ztu.Zope.make_query = make_query
+ ztu.make_hidden_input = ztu.Zope.make_hidden_input = make_hidden_input
\ No newline at end of file