1 <h1 tal:replace="structure here/manage_page_header">Header</h1>
4 This form appear because you've just created some users.<br />
5 GRUF has generated random passwords for them: here they are.
9 <b><font color="red">IMPORTANT</font></b>: Take some time to write down this information
10 (a copy/paste within a notepad should do it) before clicking the "Ok" button below, as
11 you won't have any (easy) way to retreive your user's passwords after!
14 <h4>Generated passwords</h4>
16 <form action="" method="GET" tal:attributes="action string:${here/absolute_url}/manage_users">
17 <div tal:repeat="user request/USER_PASSWORDS">
18 <span tal:content="user/name">User name</span> :
19 <span class="list-item" tal:content="user/password">
26 <input type="submit" name="changeOrCreateGroups:method" value="Ok" />
32 <h1 tal:replace="structure here/manage_page_footer">Footer</h1>