Correct the paths in examples.
-import ( "../../architecture/fft.lib" ) ;
-import ( "../../architecture/complex.lib" ) ;
+import ( "fft.lib" ) ;
+import ( "complex.lib" ) ;
GREY_MAX = 256;
-../../interpretor/faustine -d fft2d.dsp -i hcosine-32.csv --oformat csv
+faustine -d fft2d.dsp -i hcosine-32.csv --oformat csv
-import ("../../architecture/morph.lib");
+import ("morpho.lib");
-process = close(119, 123, 2);
+process = closing_square(119, 123, 2);
-../../interpretor/faustine -d close.dsp -i circbw.csv --oformat csv
+faustine -d close.dsp -i circbw.csv --oformat csv
-import ("../../architecture/morpho.lib");
+import ("morpho.lib");
process = dilations_square(112, 150, 2);
-../../interpretor/faustine -d dilation.dsp -i letter_j.csv -t 150 --oformat csv
+faustine -d dilation.dsp -i letter_j.csv -t 150 --oformat csv
-import ("../../architecture/morph.lib");
+import ("morpho.lib");
-process = erosions(112, 150, 2);
+process = erosions_square(112, 150, 2);
-../../interpretor/faustine -d erosion.dsp -i letter_j.csv --oformat csv
+faustine -d erosion.dsp -i letter_j.csv --oformat csv
-import ( "../../architecture/fft.lib" ) ;
-import ( "../../architecture/complex.lib" ) ;
+import ("fft.lib");
+import ("complex.lib");
-../../interpretor/faustine -d fft.dsp -i sin_22000Hz_0.005_ampli_128samples.wav
+faustine -d fft.dsp -i sin_22000Hz_0.005_ampli_128samples.wav
-import ("../../architecture/morpho.lib");
+import ("morpho.lib");
process = licenceplate(300, 100, 15, 8, 1, 50, 150, 255, 4, 4, 2);
-../../interpretor/faustine -d licenceplate.dsp -i licence.csv -t 383 --oformat csv
+faustine -d licenceplate.dsp -i licence.csv -t 383 --oformat csv
-import ("../../architecture/morpho.lib");
+import ("morpho.lib");
-process = open(119, 123, 2);
+process = opening_square(119, 123, 2);
-../../interpretor/faustine -d open.dsp -i circbw.csv -t 123 --oformat csv
+faustine -d open.dsp -i circbw.csv -t 123 --oformat csv
if ((f = fopenat(fullpath, gFaustSuperSuperDirectory, "architecture", filename))) {
return f;
+ /* Faustine directories (Haisheng WANG 09/2013) */
+ if ((f = fopenat(fullpath, INSTALL_PREFIX "/lib/faustine", filename))) {
+ return f;
+ }
+ if ((f = fopenat(fullpath, "/usr/local/lib/faustine", filename))) {
+ return f;
+ }
+ if ((f = fopenat(fullpath, "/usr/lib/faustine", filename))) {
+ return f;
+ }
+ /* End of Faustine directories */
if ((f = fopenat(fullpath, INSTALL_PREFIX "/lib/faust", filename))) {
return f;