PREFIX ?= /usr/local
prefix := $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)
-arch := $(wildcard architecture/*.*)
+lib := $(wildcard lib/*.*)
all: $(EXEC)
mkdir -p $(prefix)/lib/faustine/
mkdir -p $(prefix)/bin/
install $(SRC_DIR)/faustine $(prefix)/bin/
- install -m 0644 $(arch) $(prefix)/lib/faustine/
+ install -m 0644 $(lib) $(prefix)/lib/faustine/
uninstall :
rm -rf $(prefix)/lib/faustine/
- architecture/ library files in Faustine (fft.lib, morpho.lib...)
benchmarks/ benchmark result files
Changes.txt what's new with each release
configure compilation configuration script
examples/ vector examples (fft, image processing...)
INSTALL.txt Faustine installation instructions
interpreter/ Faustine's interpreter source code
+ lib/ library files in Faustine (fft.lib, morpho.lib...)
LICENSE.txt license and copyright notice
Makefile main Makefile to compile and install
README.txt this file