Bugs fixed for stdin and stdout.
[Faustine.git] / interpreter / process.ml
1 (**
2 Module: Process
3 Description: Faust process classes
4 @author WANG Haisheng
5 Created: 03/06/2013 Modified: 14/08/2013
6 *)
8 open Types;;
9 open Aux;;
10 open Basic;;
11 open Symbol;;
12 open Value;;
13 open Signal;;
14 open Beam;;
16 exception NotYetDone;;
17 exception Dimension_error of string;;
18 exception Process_error of string;;
21 (* PARSER *)
23 let exp_of_string s = (Parser.main Lexer.token (Lexing.from_string s));;
26 class dimension : int * int -> dimension_type =
27 fun (init : int * int) ->
28 object (self)
29 val _input = fst init
30 val _output = snd init
32 method input = _input
33 method output = _output
35 method par : dimension_type -> dimension_type =
36 fun dim ->
37 new dimension
38 ((self#input + dim#input), (self#output + dim#output))
40 method seq : dimension_type -> dimension_type =
41 fun dim ->
42 if self#output = dim#input then
43 new dimension (self#input, dim#output)
44 else raise (Dimension_error "seq dimension not matched.")
46 method split : dimension_type -> dimension_type =
47 fun dim ->
48 if dim#input mod self#output = 0 then
49 new dimension (self#input, dim#output)
50 else raise (Dimension_error "split dimension not matched.")
52 method merge : dimension_type -> dimension_type =
53 fun dim ->
54 if self#output mod dim#input = 0 then
55 new dimension (self#input, dim#output)
56 else raise (Dimension_error "merge dimension not matched.")
58 method _rec : dimension_type -> dimension_type =
59 fun dim ->
60 if self#output >= dim#input && self#input >= dim#output then
61 new dimension (self#input - dim#output, self#output)
62 else raise (Dimension_error "rec dimension not matched.")
63 end;;
65 class virtual process =
66 fun (exp_init : faust_exp) ->
67 object
68 val _exp = exp_init
69 val virtual _dim : dimension_type
70 val virtual _delay : int
71 method exp = _exp
72 method dim = _dim
73 method delay = _delay
74 method virtual eval : beam_type -> beam_type
75 end
77 class proc_const : faust_exp -> process_type =
78 fun (exp_init : faust_exp) ->
79 let _const =
80 match exp_init with
81 | Const b -> b
82 | _ -> raise (Process_error "const process constructor.") in
84 object (self)
85 inherit process exp_init
86 val _dim = new dimension (0,1)
87 val _delay = 0
88 method private const = _const
89 method eval : beam_type -> beam_type =
90 fun (input : beam_type) ->
91 if input#get = [||] then
92 new beam [| new signal (new rate 0 1)
93 (fun t -> new value self#const)|]
94 else
95 raise (Process_error "proc_const accepts no input.")
96 end;;
99 class proc_ident : faust_exp -> process_type =
100 fun (exp_init : faust_exp) ->
101 let _symbol =
102 match exp_init with
103 | Ident s -> s
104 | _ -> raise (Process_error "ident process constructor.") in
106 object (self)
107 inherit process exp_init
108 val _dim = new dimension (dimension_of_symbol _symbol)
109 val _delay = delay_of_symbol _symbol
110 method private symb = _symbol
112 method private beam_of_ident : int -> signal_type -> beam_type =
113 fun (n : int) ->
114 fun (s : signal_type) ->
115 if n = (self#dim)#input then
116 new beam [|s|]
117 else raise (Process_error ("Ident " ^ string_of_symbol self#symb))
119 method eval : beam_type -> beam_type =
120 fun (input : beam_type) ->
121 let n = Array.length input#get in
122 match self#symb with
123 | Pass -> self#beam_of_ident n input#get.(0)
124 | Stop -> if n = 1 then new beam [||]
125 else raise (Process_error "Ident !")
126 | Add -> self#beam_of_ident n
127 ((input#get.(0))#add input#get.(1))
128 | Sub -> self#beam_of_ident n
129 ((input#get.(0))#sub input#get.(1))
130 | Mul -> self#beam_of_ident n
131 ((input#get.(0))#mul input#get.(1))
132 | Div -> self#beam_of_ident n
133 ((input#get.(0))#div input#get.(1))
134 | Power -> self#beam_of_ident n
135 ((input#get.(0))#power input#get.(1))
136 | And -> self#beam_of_ident n
137 ((input#get.(0))#_and input#get.(1))
138 | Or -> self#beam_of_ident n
139 ((input#get.(0))#_or input#get.(1))
140 | Xor -> self#beam_of_ident n
141 ((input#get.(0))#_xor input#get.(1))
142 | Mem -> self#beam_of_ident n
143 ((input#get.(0))#mem)
144 | Delay -> self#beam_of_ident n
145 ((input#get.(0))#delay input#get.(1))
146 | Floor -> self#beam_of_ident n
147 ((input#get.(0))#floor)
148 | Ceil -> self#beam_of_ident n
149 ((input#get.(0))#ceil)
150 | Rint -> self#beam_of_ident n
151 ((input#get.(0))#rint)
152 | Int -> self#beam_of_ident n
153 ((input#get.(0))#int)
154 | Float -> self#beam_of_ident n
155 ((input#get.(0))#float)
156 | Sin -> self#beam_of_ident n
157 ((input#get.(0))#sin)
158 | Asin -> self#beam_of_ident n
159 ((input#get.(0))#asin)
160 | Cos -> self#beam_of_ident n
161 ((input#get.(0))#cos)
162 | Acos -> self#beam_of_ident n
163 ((input#get.(0))#acos)
164 | Tan -> self#beam_of_ident n
165 ((input#get.(0))#tan)
166 | Atan -> self#beam_of_ident n
167 ((input#get.(0))#atan)
168 | Atan2 -> self#beam_of_ident n
169 ((input#get.(0))#atan2 input#get.(1))
170 | Exp -> self#beam_of_ident n
171 ((input#get.(0))#exp)
172 | Sqrt -> self#beam_of_ident n
173 ((input#get.(0))#sqrt)
174 | Ln -> self#beam_of_ident n
175 ((input#get.(0))#ln)
176 | Lg -> self#beam_of_ident n
177 ((input#get.(0))#lg)
178 | Abs -> self#beam_of_ident n
179 ((input#get.(0))#abs)
180 | Mod -> self#beam_of_ident n
181 ((input#get.(0))#_mod input#get.(1))
182 | Fmod -> self#beam_of_ident n
183 ((input#get.(0))#fmod input#get.(1))
184 | Remainder -> self#beam_of_ident n
185 ((input#get.(0))#remainder input#get.(1))
186 | Vectorize -> self#beam_of_ident n
187 ((input#get.(0))#vectorize input#get.(1))
188 | Vconcat -> self#beam_of_ident n
189 ((input#get.(0))#vconcat input#get.(1))
190 | Vpick -> self#beam_of_ident n
191 ((input#get.(0))#vpick input#get.(1))
192 | Serialize -> self#beam_of_ident n
193 (input#get.(0))#serialize
194 | Gt -> self#beam_of_ident n
195 ((input#get.(0))#gt input#get.(1))
196 | Lt -> self#beam_of_ident n
197 ((input#get.(0))#lt input#get.(1))
198 | Geq -> self#beam_of_ident n
199 ((input#get.(0))#geq input#get.(1))
200 | Leq -> self#beam_of_ident n
201 ((input#get.(0))#leq input#get.(1))
202 | Eq -> self#beam_of_ident n
203 ((input#get.(0))#eq input#get.(1))
204 | Neq -> self#beam_of_ident n
205 ((input#get.(0))#neq input#get.(1))
206 | Max -> self#beam_of_ident n
207 ((input#get.(0))#max input#get.(1))
208 | Min -> self#beam_of_ident n
209 ((input#get.(0))#min input#get.(1))
210 | Shl -> self#beam_of_ident n
211 ((input#get.(0))#shl input#get.(1))
212 | Shr -> self#beam_of_ident n
213 ((input#get.(0))#shr input#get.(1))
214 | Prefix -> self#beam_of_ident n
215 ((input#get.(1))#prefix input#get.(0))
216 | Select2 -> self#beam_of_ident n
217 ((input#get.(0))#select2 input#get.(1) input#get.(2))
218 | Select3 -> self#beam_of_ident n
219 ((input#get.(0))#select3 input#get.(1)
220 input#get.(2) input#get.(3))
221 | Rdtable -> self#beam_of_ident n
222 ((input#get.(1))#rdtable input#get.(0) input#get.(2))
223 | Rwtable -> self#beam_of_ident n
224 ((input#get.(0))#rwtable input#get.(1)
225 input#get.(2) input#get.(3) input#get.(4))
226 | other ->
227 let err_message = "GUI not supported: "
228 ^ (string_of_symbol other) ^ "." in
229 raise (Process_error err_message)
230 end;;
232 class virtual process_binary =
233 fun (exp_init : faust_exp) ->
234 let (exp_left, exp_right) =
235 match exp_init with
236 | Par (e1, e2) -> (e1, e2)
237 | Seq (e1, e2) -> (e1, e2)
238 | Split (e1, e2) -> (e1, e2)
239 | Merge (e1, e2) -> (e1, e2)
240 | Rec (e1, e2) -> (e1, e2)
241 | _ -> raise (Process_error "binary process constructor.") in
242 let proc_left = (new proc_factory)#make exp_left in
243 let proc_right = (new proc_factory)#make exp_right in
245 object
246 inherit process exp_init
247 method private proc_left = proc_left
248 method private proc_right = proc_right
250 val _dim =
251 match exp_init with
252 | Par (e1, e2) -> (proc_left#dim)#par proc_right#dim
253 | Seq (e1, e2) -> (proc_left#dim)#seq proc_right#dim
254 | Split (e1, e2) -> (proc_left#dim)#split proc_right#dim
255 | Merge (e1, e2) -> (proc_left#dim)#merge proc_right#dim
256 | Rec (e1, e2) -> (proc_left#dim)#_rec proc_right#dim
257 | _ -> raise (Process_error "binary process constructor.")
259 val _delay =
260 match exp_init with
261 | Par (e1, e2) -> max proc_left#delay proc_right#delay
262 | Seq (e1, e2) -> proc_left#delay + proc_right#delay
263 | Split (e1, e2) -> proc_left#delay + proc_right#delay
264 | Merge (e1, e2) -> proc_left#delay + proc_right#delay
265 | Rec (e1, e2) -> 1 + proc_left#delay + proc_right#delay
266 | _ -> raise (Process_error "binary process constructor.")
267 end
269 and proc_par : faust_exp -> process_type =
270 fun (exp_init : faust_exp) ->
271 object (self)
272 inherit process_binary exp_init
273 method eval : beam_type -> beam_type =
274 fun (input : beam_type) ->
275 let (sub_input1, sub_input2) = input#cut self#proc_left#dim#input in
276 let sub_output1 = self#proc_left#eval sub_input1 in
277 let sub_output2 = self#proc_right#eval sub_input2 in
278 sub_output1#append sub_output2
279 end
281 and proc_split : faust_exp -> process_type =
282 fun (exp_init : faust_exp) ->
283 object (self)
284 inherit process_binary exp_init
285 method eval : beam_type -> beam_type =
286 fun (input : beam_type) ->
287 let mid_output = self#proc_left#eval input in
288 let mid_input = mid_output#matching self#proc_right#dim#input in
289 self#proc_right#eval mid_input
290 end
292 and proc_merge : faust_exp -> process_type =
293 fun (exp_init : faust_exp) ->
294 object (self)
295 inherit process_binary exp_init
296 method eval : beam_type -> beam_type =
297 fun (input : beam_type) ->
298 let mid_output = self#proc_left#eval input in
299 let mid_input = mid_output#matching self#proc_right#dim#input in
300 self#proc_right#eval mid_input
301 end
303 and proc_seq : faust_exp -> process_type =
304 fun (exp_init : faust_exp) ->
305 object (self)
306 inherit process_binary exp_init
307 method eval : beam_type -> beam_type =
308 fun (input : beam_type) ->
309 let mid_output = self#proc_left#eval input in
310 self#proc_right#eval mid_output
311 end
313 and proc_rec : faust_exp -> process_type =
314 fun (exp_init : faust_exp) ->
315 object (self)
316 inherit process_binary exp_init
317 method eval : beam_type -> beam_type =
318 fun (input : beam_type) ->
319 let memory = Hashtbl.create self#delay in
320 let rates = ref (Array.make self#dim#output (new rate 0 1)) in
322 let split : (time -> value_type array) -> (time -> value_type) array =
323 fun beam_at ->
324 let get_signal =
325 fun beam_func -> fun i -> fun t ->
326 (beam_func t).(i) in
327 Array.init self#dim#output (get_signal beam_at) in
329 let feedback : (time -> value_type array) -> beam =
330 fun beam_at ->
331 let signals_at = split beam_at in
332 let delay_by_one = fun s -> fun t -> s (t - 1) in
333 let delay_signal_funcs = Array.map delay_by_one
334 (Array.sub signals_at 0 self#proc_right#dim#input) in
335 new beam (array_map2 (new signal)
336 (Array.sub !rates 0 self#proc_right#dim#input)
337 delay_signal_funcs) in
339 let rec beam_at : time -> value_type array =
340 fun (t : time) ->
341 if t < 0 then
342 Array.make self#dim#output (new value Zero)
343 else if Hashtbl.mem memory t then
344 Hashtbl.find memory t
345 else
346 let beam_fb_in = feedback beam_at in
347 let beam_fb_out = self#proc_right#eval beam_fb_in in
348 let beam_in = beam_fb_out#append input in
349 let beam_out = self#proc_left#eval beam_in in
350 let values = beam_out#at t in
351 let () = (rates := beam_out#frequency) in
352 let () = Hashtbl.add memory t values in
353 let () = if t - self#delay >= 0 then
354 Hashtbl.remove memory (t - self#delay) else () in
355 values in
356 new beam (array_map2 (new signal) !rates (split beam_at))
357 end
359 and proc_factory =
360 object
361 method make : faust_exp -> process_type =
362 fun (exp : faust_exp) ->
363 match exp with
364 | Const b -> new proc_const exp
365 | Ident s -> new proc_ident exp
366 | Par (e1, e2) -> new proc_par exp
367 | Seq (e1, e2) -> new proc_seq exp
368 | Split (e1, e2) -> new proc_split exp
369 | Merge (e1, e2) -> new proc_merge exp
370 | Rec (e1, e2) -> new proc_rec exp
371 end;;