1 \chapter{Compiling and installing
3 The
\faust source distribution
0.9.46.tar.gz' can be downloaded from sourceforge (
5 \section{Organization of the distribution
6 The first thing is to decompress the downloaded archive.
8 tar xzf faust-
11 The resulting
0.9.46/' folder should contain the following elements:
14 \lstinline'architecture/' &
\faust libraries and architecture files\\
15 \lstinline'benchmark' &tools to measure the efficiency of the generated code\\
16 \lstinline'compiler/' &sources of the
\faust compiler\\
17 \lstinline'examples/' &examples of
\faust programs\\
18 \lstinline'syntax-highlighting/'& support for syntax highlighting for several editors\\
19 \lstinline'documentation/' &
\faust's documentation, including this manual\\
20 \lstinline'tools/' &tools to produce audio applications and plugins\\
21 \lstinline'COPYING' &license information\\
22 \lstinline'Makefile' &Makefile used to build and install
23 \lstinline'README' &instructions on how to build and install
27 \faust has no dependencies outside standard libraries. Therefore the compilation should be straightforward. There is no configuration phase, to compile the
\faust compiler simply do :
33 If the compilation was successful you can test the compiler before installing it:
40 FAUST, DSP to C++ compiler, Version
41 Copyright (C)
2012, GRAME - Centre...
44 Then you can also try to compile one of the examples :
47 ./compiler/faust examples/noise.dsp
49 It should produce some C++ code on the standard output
51 \section{Installation
52 You can install
\faust with:
63 depending on your system.
66 \section{Compilation of the examples
67 Once
\faust correctly installed, you can have a look at the provided examples in the
\lstinline'examples/' folder. This folder contains a
\lstinline'Makefile' with all the required instructions to build these examples for various
}\marginpar{An architecture file provides the code needed to connect a signal processor to the outside world. It typically defines the audio communications and user interface.
}, either standalone audio applications or plugins.
69 The command
\lstinline'make help' will list the available targets. Before using a specific target, make sure you have the appropriate development tools, libraries and headers installed. For example to compile the examples as ALSA applications with a GTK user interface do a
\lstinline'make alsagtk'. This will create a
\lstinline'alsagtkdir/' subfolder with all the binaries.