astar(start,end,layer,dist): return [list of positions]
start position
end position
a grid where zero cells are open and non-zero cells are walls
a distance function dist(a,b) - manhattan distance is used by default
returns a list of positions from start to end
+ """
+ w,h = len(layer[0]),len(layer)
+ if start[0] < 0 or start[1] < 0 or start[0] >= w or start[1] >= h:
+ return [] #start outside of layer
+ if end[0] < 0 or end[1] < 0 or end[0] >= w or end[1] >= h:
+ return [] #end outside of layer
+ if layer[start[1]][start[0]]:
+ return [] #start is blocked
+ if layer[end[1]][end[0]]:
+ return [] #end is blocked
+ opens = []
+ open = {}
+ closed = {}
+ cur = node(None, start, end, dist)
+ open[cur.pos] = cur
+ opens.append(cur)
+ while len(open):
+ cur = opens.pop(0)
+ if cur.pos not in open: continue
+ del open[cur.pos]
+ closed[cur.pos] = cur
+ if cur.pos == end: break
+ for dx,dy in [(0,-1),(1,0),(0,1),(-1,0)]:#(-1,-1),(1,-1),(-1,1),(1,1)]:
+ pos = cur.pos[0]+dx,cur.pos[1]+dy
+ # Check if the point lies in the grid
+ if (pos[0] < 0 or pos[1] < 0 or
+ pos[0] >= w or pos[1] >= h or
+ layer[pos[0]][pos[1]]):
+ continue
+ #check for blocks of diagonals
+ if layer[cur.pos[1]+dy][cur.pos[0]]: continue
+ if layer[cur.pos[1]][cur.pos[0]+dx]: continue
+ new = node(cur, pos, end, dist)
+ if pos in open and new.f >= open[pos].f: continue
+ if pos in closed and new.f >= closed[pos].f: continue
+ if pos in open: del open[pos]
+ if pos in closed: del closed[pos]
+ open[pos] = new
+ lo = 0
+ hi = len(opens)
+ while lo < hi:
+ mid = (lo+hi)/2
+ if new.f < opens[mid].f: hi = mid
+ else: lo = mid + 1
+ opens.insert(lo,new)
+ if cur.pos != end:
+ return []
+ path = []
+ while cur.prev != None:
+ path.append(cur.pos)
+ cur = cur.prev
+ path.reverse()
+ return path
+def getline(a,b):
+ """returns a path of points from a to b
getline(a,b): return [list of points]
starting point
ending point
returns a list of points from a to b
+ """
+ path = []
+ x1,y1 = a
+ x2,y2 = b
+ dx,dy = abs(x2-x1),abs(y2-y1)
+ if x2 >= x1: xi1,xi2 = 1,1
+ else: xi1,xi2 = -1,-1
+ if y2 >= y1: yi1,yi2 = 1,1
+ else: yi1,yi2 = -1,-1
+ if dx >= dy:
+ xi1,yi2 = 0,0
+ d = dx
+ n = dx/2
+ a = dy
+ p = dx
+ else:
+ xi2,yi1 = 0,0
+ d = dy
+ n = dy/2
+ a = dx
+ p = dy
+ x,y = x1,y1
+ c = 0
+ while c <= p:
+ path.append((x,y))
+ n += a
+ if n > d:
+ n -= d
+ x += xi1
+ y += yi1
+ x += xi2
+ y += yi2
+ c += 1
+ return path
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c33d380
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+"""animation loading and manipulating functions.
please note that this file is alpha, and is subject to modification in
+future versions of pgu!
+print 'pgu.ani','This module is alpha, and is subject to change.'
+import math
+import pygame
+def _ani_load(tv,name,parts,frames,shape):
+ l = len(frames)
+ #print name,parts,l
+ n = parts.pop()
+ if len(parts):
+ s = l/n
+ for i in xrange(0,n):
+ _ani_load(tv,name + ".%d"%i,parts[:],frames[s*i:s*(i+1)],shape)
+ return
+ for i in xrange(0,n):
+ tv.images[name+".%d"%i] = frames[i],shape
+def ani_load(tv,name,img,size,shape,parts):
+ """load an animation from an image
vid to load into
prefix name to give the images
image to load anis from
w,h size of image
shape of image (usually a subset of 0,0,w,h) used for collision detection
list of parts to divide the animation into
+ for example parts = [4,5] would yield 4 animations 5 frames long, 20 total
+ for example parts = [a,b,c] would yield ... images['name.a.b.c'] ..., a*b*c total
+ """
+ parts = parts[:]
+ parts.reverse()
+ w,h = size
+ frames = []
+ for y in xrange(0,img.get_height(),h):
+ for x in xrange(0,img.get_width(),w):
+ frames.append(img.subsurface(x,y,w,h))
+ _ani_load(tv,name,parts,frames,shape)
+def image_rotate(tv,name,img,shape,angles,diff=0):
+ """rotate an image and put it into tv.images
vid to load into
prefix name to give the images
image to load anis from
shape fimage (usually a subset of 0,0,w,h) used for collision detection
a list of angles to render in degrees
a number to add to the angles, to correct for source image not actually being at 0 degrees
+ """
+ w1,h1 = img.get_width(),img.get_height()
+ shape = pygame.Rect(shape)
+ ps = shape.topleft,shape.topright,shape.bottomleft,shape.bottomright
+ for a in angles:
+ img2 = pygame.transform.rotate(img,a+diff)
+ w2,h2 = img2.get_width(),img2.get_height()
+ minx,miny,maxx,maxy = 1024,1024,0,0
+ for x,y in ps:
+ x,y = x-w1/2,y-h1/2
+ a2 = math.radians(a+diff)
+ #NOTE: the + and - are switched from the normal formula because of
+ #the weird way that pygame does the angle...
+ x2 = x*math.cos(a2) + y*math.sin(a2)
+ y2 = y*math.cos(a2) - x*math.sin(a2)
+ x2,y2 = x2+w2/2,y2+h2/2
+ minx = min(minx,x2)
+ miny = min(miny,y2)
+ maxx = max(maxx,x2)
+ maxy = max(maxy,y2)
+ r = pygame.Rect(minx,miny,maxx-minx,maxy-miny)
+ #print r
+ #((ww-w)/2,(hh-h)/2,w,h)
+ tv.images["%s.%d"%(name,a)] = img2,r
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76be583
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+"""a state engine.
+import pygame
+from pygame.locals import *
+class State:
+ """Template Class -- for a state.
The state engine.
I usually pass in a custom value to a state
For all of the template methods, they should return None unless they return
+ a new State to switch the engine to.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,game,value=None):
+,self.value = game,value
+ def init(self):
+ """Template Method - Initialize the state, called once the first time a state is selected.
+ """
+ return
+ def paint(self,screen):
+ """Template Method - Paint the screen. Called once after the state is selected.
State is responsible for calling pygame.display.flip() or whatever.
+ """
+ return
+ def repaint(self):
+ """Template Method - Request a repaint of this state.
+ """
+ return
+class Quit(State):
+ """A state to quit the state engine.
+ """
+ def init(self):
+ = 1
+class Game:
+ """Template Class - The state engine.
+ """
+ def fnc(self,f,v=None):
+ s = self.state
+ if not hasattr(s,f): return 0
+ f = getattr(s,f)
+ if v != None: r = f(v)
+ else: r = f()
+ if r != None:
+ self.state = r
+ self.state._paint = 1
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def run(self,state,screen=None):
+ """Run the state engine, this is a infinite loop (until a quit occurs).
a state engine
the screen
+ """
+ self.quit = 0
+ self.state = state
+ if screen != None: self.screen = screen
+ self.init()
+ while not self.quit:
+ self.loop()
+ def loop(self):
+ s = self.state
+ if not hasattr(s,'_init') or s._init:
+ s._init = 0
+ if self.fnc('init'): return
+ else:
+ if self.fnc('loop'): return
+ if not hasattr(s,'_paint') or s._paint:
+ s._paint = 0
+ if self.fnc('paint',self.screen): return
+ else:
+ if self.fnc('update',self.screen): return
+ for e in pygame.event.get():
+ #NOTE: this might break API?
+ #if self.event(e): return
+ if not self.event(e):
+ if self.fnc('event',e): return
+ self.tick()
+ return
+ def init(self):
+ """Template Method - called at the beginning of to initialize things.
+ """
+ return
+ def tick(self):
+ """Template Method - called once per frame, usually for timer purposes.
+ """
+ pygame.time.wait(10)
+ def event(self,e):
+ """Template Method - called with each event, so the engine can capture special events.
Game.event(e): return captured
return a True value if the event is captured and does not need to be passed onto the current
+ state
+ """
+ if e.type is QUIT:
+ self.state = Quit(self)
+ return 1
+# vim: set filetype=python sts=4 sw=4 noet si :
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab6f73d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+"""Some handy font-like objects.
please note that this file is alpha, and is subject to modification in
+future versions of pgu!
+print 'pgu.fonts','This module is alpha, and is subject to change.'
+import pygame
+from pygame.locals import *
+class TileFont:
+ """Creates an instance of the TileFont class. Interface compatible with pygame.Font
TileFonts are fonts that are stored in a tiled image. Where the image opaque, it assumed that the font is visible. Font color is changed automatically, so it does not work with
+ fonts with stylized coloring.
+ """
+ self.items = []
+ = group.Group()
+ self.table.clear()
+ self.set_vertical_scroll(0)
+ self.blur(self.myfocus)
+ def _docs(self): #HACK: nasty hack to get the docs in "my way"
+ def add(self, label, image=None, value=None):
+ """Add an item to the list.
a label for the item
an image for the item
a value for the item
+ """
+ def remove(self,value):
+ """Remove an item from the list.
a value of an item to remove from the list
+ """
+ def _add(self, label, image = None, value=None):
+ item = _List_Item(label,image=image,value=value)
+ self.table.add(item)
+ self.items.append(item)
+ =
+ def _remove(self, item):
+ for i in self.items:
+ if i.value == item: item = i
+ if item not in self.items: return
+ item.blur()
+ self.items.remove(item)
+ self.table.remove_row(
+#class List(ListArea):
+# def __init__(self,*args,**params):
+# print 'gui.List','Scheduled to be renamed to ListArea. API may also be changed in the future.'
+# ListArea.__init__(self,*args,**params)
diff --git a/src/pgu/gui/ b/src/pgu/gui/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3800440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/gui/
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+"""These widgets are all grouped together because they are non-interactive widgets.
+import pygame
+from const import *
+import widget
+# Turns a descriptive string or a tuple into a pygame color
+def parse_color(desc):
+ if (is_color(desc)):
+ # Already a color
+ return desc
+ elif (desc and desc[0] == "#"):
+ # Because of a bug in pygame 1.8.1 we need to explicitly define the
+ # alpha value otherwise it will default to transparent.
+ if (len(desc) == 7):
+ desc += "FF"
+ return pygame.Color(desc)
+# Determines if the given object is a pygame-compatible color or not
+def is_color(col):
+ # In every version of pygame (up to 1.8.1 so far) will interpret
+ # a tuple as a color.
+ if (type(col) == tuple):
+ return col
+ if (hasattr(pygame, "Color") and type(pygame.Color) == type):
+ # This is a recent version of pygame that uses a proper type
+ # instance for colors.
+ return (isinstance(col, pygame.Color))
+ # Otherwise, this version of pygame only supports tuple colors
+ return False
+class Spacer(widget.Widget):
+ """A invisible space.
+import pygame
+ENTER = pygame.locals.USEREVENT + 0
+EXIT = pygame.locals.USEREVENT + 1
+BLUR = pygame.locals.USEREVENT + 2
+FOCUS = pygame.locals.USEREVENT + 3
+CLICK = pygame.locals.USEREVENT + 4
+CHANGE = pygame.locals.USEREVENT + 5
+OPEN = pygame.locals.USEREVENT + 6
+CLOSE = pygame.locals.USEREVENT + 7
+INIT = 'init'
+class NOATTR: pass
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73a8e68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/gui/
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+import pygame
+from pygame.locals import *
+from const import *
+import widget, surface
+import pguglobals
+class Container(widget.Widget):
+ """The base container widget, can be used as a template as well as stand alone.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,**params):
+ widget.Widget.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.myfocus = None
+ self.mywindow = None
+ self.myhover = None
+ #self.background = 0
+ self.widgets = []
+ = []
+ self.toupdate = {}
+ self.topaint = {}
+ def update(self,s):
+ updates = []
+ if self.myfocus: self.toupdate[self.myfocus] = self.myfocus
+ for w in self.topaint:
+ if w is self.mywindow:
+ continue
+ else:
+ sub = surface.subsurface(s,w.rect)
+ #if (hasattr(w, "_container_bkgr")):
+ # sub.blit(w._container_bkgr,(0,0))
+ w.paint(sub)
+ updates.append(pygame.rect.Rect(w.rect))
+ for w in self.toupdate:
+ if w is self.mywindow:
+ continue
+ else:
+ us = w.update(surface.subsurface(s,w.rect))
+ if us:
+ for u in us:
+ updates.append(pygame.rect.Rect(u.x + w.rect.x,u.y+w.rect.y,u.w,u.h))
+ for w in self.topaint:
+ if w is self.mywindow:
+ w.paint(self.top_surface(s,w))
+ updates.append(pygame.rect.Rect(w.rect))
+ else:
+ continue
+ for w in self.toupdate:
+ if w is self.mywindow:
+ us = w.update(self.top_surface(s,w))
+ else:
+ continue
+ if us:
+ for u in us:
+ updates.append(pygame.rect.Rect(u.x + w.rect.x,u.y+w.rect.y,u.w,u.h))
+ self.topaint = {}
+ self.toupdate = {}
+ return updates
+ def repaint(self,w=None):
+ if not w:
+ return widget.Widget.repaint(self)
+ self.topaint[w] = w
+ self.reupdate()
+ def reupdate(self,w=None):
+ if not w:
+ return widget.Widget.reupdate(self)
+ self.toupdate[w] = w
+ self.reupdate()
+ def paint(self,s):
+ self.toupdate = {}
+ self.topaint = {}
+ for w in self.widgets:
+ try:
+ sub = surface.subsurface(s, w.rect)
+ except:
+ print 'container.paint(): %s not inside %s' % (
+ w.__class__.__name__,self.__class__.__name__)
+ print s.get_width(), s.get_height(), w.rect
+ print ""
+ else:
+# if (not hasattr(w,'_container_bkgr') or
+# w._container_bkgr.get_size() != sub.get_size()):
+# #w._container_bkgr.get_width() == sub.get_width() and
+# #w._container_bkgr.get_height() == sub.get_height())):
+# w._container_bkgr = sub.copy()
+# w._container_bkgr.fill((0,0,0,0))
+# w._container_bkgr.blit(sub,(0,0))
+ w.paint(sub)
+ for w in
+ w.paint(self.top_surface(s,w))
+ def top_surface(self,s,w):
+ x,y = s.get_abs_offset()
+ s = s.get_abs_parent()
+ return surface.subsurface(s,(x+w.rect.x,y+w.rect.y,w.rect.w,w.rect.h))
+ def event(self,e):
+ used = False
+ if self.mywindow and e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
+ w = self.mywindow
+ if self.myfocus is w:
+ if not w.rect.collidepoint(e.pos): self.blur(w)
+ if not self.myfocus:
+ if w.rect.collidepoint(e.pos): self.focus(w)
+ if not self.mywindow:
+ #### by Gal Koren
+ ##
+ ## if e.type == FOCUS:
+ if e.type == FOCUS and not self.myfocus:
+ #self.first()
+ pass
+ elif e.type == EXIT:
+ if self.myhover: self.exit(self.myhover)
+ elif e.type == BLUR:
+ if self.myfocus: self.blur(self.myfocus)
+ elif e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
+ h = None
+ for w in self.widgets:
+ if not w.disabled: #focusable not considered, since that is only for tabs
+ if w.rect.collidepoint(e.pos):
+ h = w
+ if self.myfocus is not w: self.focus(w)
+ if not h and self.myfocus:
+ self.blur(self.myfocus)
+ elif e.type == MOUSEMOTION:
+ if 1 in e.buttons:
+ if self.myfocus: ws = [self.myfocus]
+ else: ws = []
+ else: ws = self.widgets
+ h = None
+ for w in ws:
+ if w.rect.collidepoint(e.pos):
+ h = w
+ if self.myhover is not w: self.enter(w)
+ if not h and self.myhover:
+ self.exit(self.myhover)
+ w = self.myhover
+ if w and w is not self.myfocus:
+ sub = pygame.event.Event(e.type,{
+ 'buttons':e.buttons,
+ 'pos':(e.pos[0]-w.rect.x,e.pos[1]-w.rect.y),
+ 'rel':e.rel})
+ used = w._event(sub)
+ w = self.myfocus
+ if w:
+ sub = e
+ if e.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP or e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
+ sub = pygame.event.Event(e.type,{
+ 'button':e.button,
+ 'pos':(e.pos[0]-w.rect.x,e.pos[1]-w.rect.y)})
+ used = w._event(sub)
+ elif e.type == CLICK and self.myhover is w:
+ sub = pygame.event.Event(e.type,{
+ 'button':e.button,
+ 'pos':(e.pos[0]-w.rect.x,e.pos[1]-w.rect.y)})
+ used = w._event(sub)
+ elif e.type == CLICK: #a dead click
+ pass
+ elif e.type == MOUSEMOTION:
+ sub = pygame.event.Event(e.type,{
+ 'buttons':e.buttons,
+ 'pos':(e.pos[0]-w.rect.x,e.pos[1]-w.rect.y),
+ 'rel':e.rel})
+ used = w._event(sub)
+ else:
+ used = w._event(sub)
+ if not used:
+ if e.type is KEYDOWN:
+ if e.key is K_TAB and self.myfocus:
+ if (e.mod&KMOD_SHIFT) == 0:
+ else:
+ self.myfocus.previous()
+ return True
+ elif e.key == K_UP:
+ self._move_focus(0,-1)
+ return True
+ elif e.key == K_RIGHT:
+ self._move_focus(1,0)
+ return True
+ elif e.key == K_DOWN:
+ self._move_focus(0,1)
+ return True
+ elif e.key == K_LEFT:
+ self._move_focus(-1,0)
+ return True
+ return used
+ def _move_focus(self,dx_,dy_):
+ myfocus = self.myfocus
+ if not self.myfocus: return
+ widgets = self._get_widgets(
+ #if myfocus not in widgets: return
+ #widgets.remove(myfocus)
+ if myfocus in widgets:
+ widgets.remove(myfocus)
+ rect = myfocus.get_abs_rect()
+ fx,fy = rect.centerx,rect.centery
+ def sign(v):
+ if v < 0: return -1
+ if v > 0: return 1
+ return 0
+ dist = []
+ for w in widgets:
+ wrect = w.get_abs_rect()
+ wx,wy = wrect.centerx,wrect.centery
+ dx,dy = wx-fx,wy-fy
+ if dx_ > 0 and wrect.left < rect.right: continue
+ if dx_ < 0 and wrect.right > rect.left: continue
+ if dy_ > 0 and < rect.bottom: continue
+ if dy_ < 0 and wrect.bottom > continue
+ dist.append((dx*dx+dy*dy,w))
+ if not len(dist): return
+ dist.sort()
+ d,w = dist.pop(0)
+ w.focus()
+ def _get_widgets(self,c):
+ widgets = []
+ if c.mywindow:
+ widgets.extend(self._get_widgets(c.mywindow))
+ else:
+ for w in c.widgets:
+ if isinstance(w,Container):
+ widgets.extend(self._get_widgets(w))
+ elif not w.disabled and w.focusable:
+ widgets.append(w)
+ return widgets
+ def remove(self,w):
+ """Remove a widget from the container.
+ """
+ self.blur(w)
+ self.widgets.remove(w)
+ #self.repaint()
+ self.chsize()
+ def add(self,w,x,y):
+ """Add a widget to the container.
x, y
position of the widget
+ """
+ = x
+ = y
+ w.container = self
+ #NOTE: this might fix it, sort of...
+ #but the thing is, we don't really want to resize
+ #something if it is going to get resized again later
+ #for no reason...
+ #w.rect.x,w.rect.y =,
+ #w.rect.w, w.rect.h = w.resize()
+ self.widgets.append(w)
+ self.chsize()
+ def open(self,w=None,x=None,y=None):
+ if (not w):
+ w = self
+ if (x != None):
+ # The position is relative to this container
+ rect = self.get_abs_rect()
+ pos = (rect.x + x, rect.y + y)
+ else:
+ pos = None
+ # Have the application open the window
+, pos)
+ def focus(self,w=None):
+ widget.Widget.focus(self) ### by Gal koren
+# if not w:
+# return widget.Widget.focus(self)
+ if not w: return
+ if self.myfocus: self.blur(self.myfocus)
+ if self.myhover is not w: self.enter(w)
+ self.myfocus = w
+ w._event(pygame.event.Event(FOCUS))
+ #print self.myfocus,self.myfocus.__class__.__name__
+ def blur(self,w=None):
+ if not w:
+ return widget.Widget.blur(self)
+ if self.myfocus is w:
+ if self.myhover is w: self.exit(w)
+ self.myfocus = None
+ w._event(pygame.event.Event(BLUR))
+ def enter(self,w):
+ if self.myhover: self.exit(self.myhover)
+ self.myhover = w
+ w._event(pygame.event.Event(ENTER))
+ def exit(self,w):
+ if self.myhover and self.myhover is w:
+ self.myhover = None
+ w._event(pygame.event.Event(EXIT))
+# def first(self):
+# for w in self.widgets:
+# if w.focusable:
+# self.focus(w)
+# return
+# if self.container:
+# def next(self,w):
+# if w not in self.widgets: return #HACK: maybe. this happens in windows for some reason...
+# for w in self.widgets[self.widgets.index(w)+1:]:
+# if w.focusable:
+# self.focus(w)
+# return
+# if self.container: return
+ def _next(self,orig=None):
+ start = 0
+ if orig in self.widgets: start = self.widgets.index(orig)+1
+ for w in self.widgets[start:]:
+ if not w.disabled and w.focusable:
+ if isinstance(w,Container):
+ if w._next():
+ return True
+ else:
+ self.focus(w)
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _previous(self,orig=None):
+ end = len(self.widgets)
+ if orig in self.widgets: end = self.widgets.index(orig)
+ ws = self.widgets[:end]
+ ws.reverse()
+ for w in ws:
+ if not w.disabled and w.focusable:
+ if isinstance(w,Container):
+ if w._previous():
+ return True
+ else:
+ self.focus(w)
+ return True
+ return False
+ def next(self,w=None):
+ if w != None and w not in self.widgets: return #HACK: maybe. this happens in windows for some reason...
+ if self._next(w): return True
+ if self.container: return
+ def previous(self,w=None):
+ if w != None and w not in self.widgets: return #HACK: maybe. this happens in windows for some reason...
+ if self._previous(w): return True
+ if self.container: return self.container.previous(self)
+ def resize(self,width=None,height=None):
+ #r = self.rect
+ #r.w,r.h = 0,0
+ ww,hh = 0,0
+ if ww =
+ if hh =
+ for w in self.widgets:
+ #w.rect.w,w.rect.h = 0,0
+ w.rect.x,w.rect.y =,
+ w.rect.w, w.rect.h = w.resize()
+ #w._resize()
+ ww = max(ww,w.rect.right)
+ hh = max(hh,w.rect.bottom)
+ return ww,hh
+ # Returns the widget with the given name
+ def find(self, name):
+ for w in self.widgets:
+ if ( == name):
+ return w
+ elif (isinstance(w, Container)):
+ tmp = w.find(name)
+ if (tmp): return tmp
+ return None
diff --git a/src/pgu/gui/ b/src/pgu/gui/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d53515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/gui/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+import pygame
+from const import *
+import table
+import group
+import button, basic
+import pguglobals
+def action_open(value):
+ print 'gui.action_open',"Scheduled to be deprecated."
+ value.setdefault('x',None)
+ value.setdefault('y',None)
+ value['container'].open(value['window'],value['x'],value['y'])
+def action_setvalue(value):
+ print 'gui.action_setvalue',"Scheduled to be deprecated."
+ a,b = value
+ b.value = a.value
+def action_quit(value):
+ print 'gui.action_quit',"Scheduled to be deprecated."
+ value.quit()
+def action_exec(value):
+ print 'gui.action_exec',"Scheduled to be deprecated."
+ exec(value['script'],globals(),value['dict'])
+class Toolbox(table.Table):
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ _v = self.__dict__.get(k,NOATTR)
+ self.__dict__[k]=v
+ if k == 'value' and _v != NOATTR and _v != v:
+ = v
+ for w in
+ if w.value != v: w.pcls = ""
+ else: w.pcls = "down"
+ self.repaint()
+ def _change(self,value):
+ self.value =
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ def __init__(self,data,cols=0,rows=0,tool_cls='tool',value=None,**params):
+ print 'gui.Toolbox','Scheduled to be deprecated.'
+ params.setdefault('cls','toolbox')
+ table.Table.__init__(self,**params)
+ if cols == 0 and rows == 0: cols = len(data)
+ if cols != 0 and rows != 0: rows = 0
+ = {}
+ _value = value
+ g = group.Group()
+ = g
+ g.connect(CHANGE,self._change,None)
+ = _value
+ x,y,p,s = 0,0,None,1
+ for ico,value in data:
+ #from __init__ import theme
+ img ="."+ico,"","image")
+ if img:
+ i = basic.Image(img)
+ else: i = basic.Label(ico,cls=tool_cls+".label")
+ p = button.Tool(g,i,value,cls=tool_cls)
+[ico] = p
+ = 1
+ = 1
+ self.add(p,x,y)
+ s = 0
+ if cols != 0: x += 1
+ if cols != 0 and x == cols: x,y = 0,y+1
+ if rows != 0: y += 1
+ if rows != 0 and y == rows: x,y = x+1,0
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d30b34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/gui/
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+import os
+from const import *
+import table, area
+import basic, input, button
+import pguglobals
+class Dialog(table.Table):
+ """A dialog window with a title bar and an "close" button on the bar.
+ """
+ self.layout.add(e)
+ def br(self,height):
+ """Add a line break.
height of line break
+ """
+ self.layout.add((0,height))
+ def resize(self,width=None,height=None):
+ if width =
+ if height =
+ for w in self.widgets:
+ w.rect.w,w.rect.h = w.resize()
+ if (width != None and w.rect.w > width) or (height != None and w.rect.h > height):
+ w.rect.w,w.rect.h = w.resize(width,height)
+ dw = w._c_dw
+ dw.rect = pygame.Rect(0,0,w.rect.w,w.rect.h)
+ if width == None: width = 65535
+ self.layout.rect = pygame.Rect(0,0,width,0)
+ self.layout.resize()
+ _max_w = 0
+ for w in self.widgets:
+ #xt,xl,xb,xr = w.getspacing()
+ dw = w._c_dw
+,,w.rect.w,w.rect.h = dw.rect.x,dw.rect.y,dw.rect.w,dw.rect.h
+ #w.resize()
+ w.rect.x,w.rect.y =,
+ _max_w = max(_max_w,w.rect.right)
+ #self.rect.w = _max_w #self.layout.rect.w
+ #self.rect.h = self.layout.rect.h
+ #print 'document',_max_w,self.layout.rect.h
+ return _max_w,self.layout.rect.h
diff --git a/src/pgu/gui/ b/src/pgu/gui/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a874f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/gui/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+import widget
+class Form(widget.Widget):
+ """A form that automatically will contain all named widgets.
After a form is created, all named widget that are subsequently created are added
+ to that form. You may use dict style access to access named widgets.
+ Example
+ f = gui.Form()
+ w = gui.Input("Phil",name="firstname")
+ w = gui.Input("Hassey",name="lastname")
+ print f.results()
+ print ''
+ print f.items()
+ print ''
+ print f['firstname'].value
+ print f['lastname'].value
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ widget.Widget.__init__(self,decorate=False)
+ self._elist = []
+ self._emap = {}
+ self._dirty = 0
+ Form.form = self
+ def add(self,e,name=None,value=None):
+ if name != None: = name
+ if value != None: e.value = value
+ self._elist.append(e)
+ self._dirty = 1
+ def _clean(self):
+ for e in self._elist[:]:
+ if not hasattr(e,'name') or == None:
+ self._elist.remove(e)
+ self._emap = {}
+ for e in self._elist:
+ self._emap[] = e
+ self._dirty = 0
+ def __getitem__(self,k):
+ if self._dirty: self._clean()
+ return self._emap[k]
+ def __contains__(self,k):
+ if self._dirty: self._clean()
+ if k in self._emap: return True
+ return False
+ def results(self):
+ """Return a dict of name => values.
Form.results(): return dict
+ """
+ if self._dirty: self._clean()
+ r = {}
+ for e in self._elist:
+ r[] = e.value
+ return r
+ def items(self):
+ """Return a list of name, value keys.
When the value changes, an gui.CHANGE event is sent.
+ Although note, that when the value is a list, it may have to be sent by hand via
+ g.send(gui.CHANGE)
+ """
+ def __init__(self,name=None,value=None):
+ widget.Widget.__init__(self,name=name,value=value)
+ self.widgets = []
+ def add(self,w):
+ """Add a widget to this group.
+ """
+ self.widgets.append(w)
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ _v = self.__dict__.get(k,NOATTR)
+ self.__dict__[k] = v
+ if k == 'value' and _v != NOATTR and _v != v:
+ self._change()
+ def _change(self):
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ for w in self.widgets:
+ w.repaint()
diff --git a/src/pgu/gui/ b/src/pgu/gui/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f3f653
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/gui/
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+import pygame
+from pygame.locals import *
+from const import *
+import widget
+class Input(widget.Widget):
+ """A single line text input.
initial text
size for the text box, in characters
+ Example
+ w = Input(value="Cuzco the Goat",size=20)
+ w = Input("Marbles")
+ """
+ def __init__(self,value="",size=20,customFont = None,**params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','input')
+ widget.Widget.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.value = value
+ self.pos = len(str(value))
+ self.vpos = 0
+ if customFont != None:
+ self.font = customFont
+ else:
+ self.font =
+ w,h = self.font.size("e"*size)
+ if not = h
+ if not = w
+ = max(,h)
+ = max(,w)
+ def paint(self,s):
+ r = pygame.Rect(0,0,self.rect.w,self.rect.h)
+ cs = 2 #NOTE: should be in a style
+ w,h = self.font.size(self.value[0:self.pos])
+ x = w-self.vpos
+ if x < 0: self.vpos -= -x
+ if x+cs > s.get_width(): self.vpos += x+cs-s.get_width()
+ s.blit(self.font.render(self.value, 1,,(-self.vpos,0))
+ if self.container.myfocus is self:
+ w,h = self.font.size(self.value[0:self.pos])
+ r.x = w-self.vpos
+ r.w = cs
+ r.h = h
+ s.fill(,r)
+ def _setvalue(self,v):
+ self.__dict__['value'] = v
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ def event(self,e):
+ used = None
+ if e.type == KEYDOWN:
+ if e.key == K_BACKSPACE:
+ if self.pos:
+ self._setvalue(self.value[:self.pos-1] + self.value[self.pos:])
+ self.pos -= 1
+ elif e.key == K_DELETE:
+ if len(self.value) > self.pos:
+ self._setvalue(self.value[:self.pos] + self.value[self.pos+1:])
+ elif e.key == K_HOME:
+ self.pos = 0
+ elif e.key == K_END:
+ self.pos = len(self.value)
+ elif e.key == K_LEFT:
+ if self.pos > 0: self.pos -= 1
+ used = True
+ elif e.key == K_RIGHT:
+ if self.pos < len(self.value): self.pos += 1
+ used = True
+ elif e.key == K_RETURN:
+ elif e.key == K_TAB:
+ pass
+ else:
+ #c = str(e.unicode)
+ try:
+ c = (e.unicode).encode('latin-1')
+ if c:
+ self._setvalue(self.value[:self.pos] + c + self.value[self.pos:])
+ self.pos += 1
+ except: #ignore weird characters
+ pass
+ self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == FOCUS:
+ self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == BLUR:
+ self.repaint()
+ self.pcls = ""
+ if self.container.myfocus is self: self.pcls = "focus"
+ return used
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ if k == 'value':
+ if v == None: v = ''
+ v = str(v)
+ self.pos = len(v)
+ _v = self.__dict__.get(k,NOATTR)
+ self.__dict__[k]=v
+ if k == 'value' and _v != NOATTR and _v != v:
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ self.repaint()
+class Password(Input):
+ """A password input, text is *-ed out.
initial text
size for the text box, in characters
+ Example
+ w = Password(value="password",size=20)
+ w = Password("53[r3+")
+ """
+ def paint(self,s):
+ hidden="*"
+ show=len(self.value)*hidden
+ #print "self.value:",self.value
+ if self.pos == None: self.pos = len(self.value)
+ r = pygame.Rect(0,0,self.rect.w,self.rect.h)
+ cs = 2 #NOTE: should be in a style
+ w,h = self.font.size(show)
+ x = w-self.vpos
+ if x < 0: self.vpos -= -x
+ if x+cs > s.get_width(): self.vpos += x+cs-s.get_width()
+ s.blit(self.font.render(show, 1,,(-self.vpos,0))
+ if self.container.myfocus is self:
+ #w,h = self.font.size(self.value[0:self.pos])
+ w,h = self.font.size(show[0:self.pos])
+ r.x = w-self.vpos
+ r.w = cs
+ r.h = h
+ s.fill(,r)
diff --git a/src/pgu/gui/ b/src/pgu/gui/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc24089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/gui/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+import pygame
+from pygame.locals import *
+from const import *
+import widget
+class Keysym(widget.Widget):
+ """A keysym input.
This widget records the keysym of the key pressed while this widget is in focus.
+ Example
+ w = Input(value=pygame.locals.K_g)
+ w = Input(pygame.locals.K_g)
+ w = Input()
+ """
+ def __init__(self,value=None,**params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','keysym')
+ widget.Widget.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.value = value
+ self.font =
+ w,h = self.font.size("Right Super") #"Right Shift")
+, = w,h
+ def event(self,e):
+ used = None
+ if e.type == FOCUS or e.type == BLUR: self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == KEYDOWN:
+ if e.key != K_TAB:
+ self.value = e.key
+ self.repaint()
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ used = True
+ self.pcls = ""
+ if self.container.myfocus is self: self.pcls = "focus"
+ return used
+ def paint(self,s):
+ r = pygame.rect.Rect(0,0,self.rect.w,self.rect.h)
+ #render_box(s,,r)
+ if self.value == None: return
+ name = ""
+ for p in name += p.capitalize()+" "
+ #r.x =;
+ #r.y =;
+ s.blit(, 1,, r)
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ if k == 'value' and v != None:
+ v = int(v)
+ _v = self.__dict__.get(k,NOATTR)
+ self.__dict__[k]=v
+ if k == 'value' and _v != NOATTR and _v != v:
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ self.repaint()
diff --git a/src/pgu/gui/ b/src/pgu/gui/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01fe0cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/gui/
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+"""document layout engine."""
+class Layout:
+ """the document layout engine
+ .widgets -- elements are kept in this list. read-only, use add to add items to it.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,rect=None):
+ """initialize the object with the size of the box."""
+ self._widgets = []
+ self.rect = rect
+ def add(self,e):
+ """add a document element to the layout.
+ a document element may be
+ - a tuple (w,h) if it is a whitespace element
+ - a tuple (0,h) if it is a linebreak element
+ - an integer -1,0,1 if it is a command to start a new block of elements that are aligned either left,center, or right.
+ - an object with a .rect (for size) -- such as a word element
+ - an object with a .rect (for size) and .align -- such as an image element
+ """
+ self._widgets.append(e)
+ def resize(self):
+ """resize the layout
+ this method recalculates the position of all document elements
+ after they have been added to the document. .rect.x,y will be updated for all
+ objects.
+ """
+ self.init()
+ self.widgets = []
+ for e in self._widgets:
+ if type(e) is tuple and e[0] != 0:
+ self.do_space(e)
+ elif type(e) is tuple and e[0] == 0:
+ self.do_br(e[1])
+ elif type(e) is int:
+ self.do_block(align=e)
+ elif hasattr(e,'align'):
+ self.do_align(e)
+ else:
+ self.do_item(e)
+ self.line()
+ self.rect.h = max(self.y,self.left_bottom,self.right_bottom)
+ def init(self):
+ self.x,self.y = self.rect.x,self.rect.y
+ self.left = self.rect.left
+ self.right = self.rect.right
+ self.left_bottom = 0
+ self.right_bottom = 0
+ self.y = self.rect.y
+ self.x = self.rect.x
+ self.h = 0
+ self.items = []
+ self.align = -1
+ def getleft(self):
+ if self.y > self.left_bottom:
+ self.left = self.rect.left
+ return self.left
+ def getright(self):
+ if self.y > self.right_bottom:
+ self.right = self.rect.right
+ return self.right
+ def do_br(self,h):
+ self.line()
+ self.h = h
+ def do_block(self,align=-1):
+ self.line()
+ self.align = align
+ def do_align(self,e):
+ align = e.align
+ ox,oy,oh = self.x,self.y,self.h
+ w,h = e.rect.w,e.rect.h
+ if align == 0:
+ self.line()
+ self.x = self.rect.left + (self.rect.width-w)/2
+ = 0
+ elif align == -1:
+ self.line()
+ self.y = max(self.left_bottom,self.y + self.h)
+ self.h = 0
+ self.x = self.rect.left
+ elif align == 1:
+ self.line()
+ self.y = max(self.right_bottom,self.y + self.h)
+ self.h = 0
+ self.x = self.rect.left + (self.rect.width-w)
+ e.rect.x,e.rect.y = self.x,self.y
+ self.x = self.x + w
+ self.y = self.y
+ if align == 0:
+ self.h = max(self.h,h)
+ self.y = self.y + self.h
+ self.x = self.getleft()
+ self.h = 0
+ elif align == -1:
+ self.left = self.x
+ self.left_bottom = self.y + h
+ self.x,self.y,self.h = ox + w,oy,oh
+ elif align == 1:
+ self.right = self.x - w
+ self.right_bottom = self.y + h
+ self.x,self.y,self.h = ox,oy,oh
+ self.widgets.append(e)
+ def do_space(self,e):
+ w,h = e
+ if self.x+w >= self.getright():
+ self.line()
+ else:
+ self.items.append(e)
+ self.h = max(self.h,h)
+ self.x += w
+ def do_item(self,e):
+ w,h = e.rect.w,e.rect.h
+ if self.x+w >= self.getright():
+ self.line()
+ self.items.append(e)
+ self.h = max(self.h,h)
+ self.x += w
+ def line(self):
+ x1 = self.getleft()
+ x2 = self.getright()
+ align = self.align
+ y = self.y
+ if len(self.items) != 0 and type(self.items[-1]) == tuple:
+ del self.items[-1]
+ w = 0
+ for e in self.items:
+ if type(e) == tuple: w += e[0]
+ else: w += e.rect.w
+ if align == -1: x = x1
+ elif align == 0:
+ x = x1 + ((x2-x1)-w)/2
+ = 0
+ elif align == 1: x = x2 - w
+ for e in self.items:
+ if type(e) == tuple: x += e[0]
+ else:
+ e.rect.x,e.rect.y = x,y
+ self.widgets.append(e)
+ x += e.rect.w
+ self.items = []
+ self.y = self.y + self.h
+ self.x = self.getleft()
+ self.h = 0
+# vim: set filetype=python sts=4 sw=4 noet si :
diff --git a/src/pgu/gui/ b/src/pgu/gui/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b850b6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/gui/
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+from const import *
+import table
+import basic, button
+class _Menu_Options(table.Table):
+ def __init__(self,menu,**params):
+ table.Table.__init__(self,**params)
+ = menu
+ def event(self,e):
+ handled = False
+ arect = self.get_abs_rect()
+ if e.type == MOUSEMOTION:
+ abspos = e.pos[0]+arect.x,e.pos[1]+arect.y
+ for w in
+ if not w is
+ mrect = w.get_abs_rect()
+ if mrect.collidepoint(abspos):
+ w._open(None)
+ handled = True
+ if not handled: table.Table.event(self,e)
+class _Menu(button.Button):
+ def __init__(self,parent,widget=None,**params): #TODO widget= could conflict with module widget
+ params.setdefault('cls','menu')
+ button.Button.__init__(self,widget,**params)
+ self.parent = parent
+ self._cls = self.cls
+ self.options = _Menu_Options(self, cls=self.cls+".options")
+ self.connect(CLICK,self._open,None)
+ self.pos = 0
+ def _open(self,value):
+ self.parent.value = self
+ self.pcls = 'down'
+ self.repaint()
+ self.options.connect(BLUR,self._close,None)
+ self.options.focus()
+ self.repaint()
+ def _pass(self,value):
+ pass
+ def _close(self,value):
+ self.pcls = ''
+ self.parent.value = None
+ self.repaint()
+ self.options.close()
+ def _value(self,value):
+ self._close(None)
+ if value['fnc'] != None:
+ value['fnc'](value['value'])
+ def event(self,e):
+ button.Button.event(self,e)
+ if self.parent.value == self:
+ self.pcls = 'down'
+ def add(self,w,fnc=None,value=None):
+ = -1
+ b = button.Button(w,cls=self.cls+".option")
+ b.connect(CLICK,self._value,{'fnc':fnc,'value':value})
+ self.options.add(b)
+ return b
+class Menus(table.Table):
+ """A drop down menu bar.
Menu data, a list of (path,fnc,value), see example below
+ Example
+ data = [
+ ('File/Save',fnc_save,None),
+ ('File/New',fnc_new,None),
+ ('Edit/Copy',fnc_copy,None),
+ ('Edit/Cut',fnc_cut,None),
+ ('Help/About',fnc_help,help_about_content),
+ ('Help/Reference',fnc_help,help_reference_content),
+ ]
+ w = Menus(data)
+ """
+ def __init__(self,data,menu_cls='menu',**params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','menus')
+ table.Table.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.value = None
+ n,m,mt = 0,None,None
+ for path,cmd,value in data:
+ parts = path.split("/")
+ if parts[0] != mt:
+ mt = parts[0]
+ m = _Menu(self,basic.Label(mt,cls=menu_cls+".label"),cls=menu_cls)
+ self.add(m,n,0)
+ n += 1
+ m.add(basic.Label(parts[1],cls=m.cls+".option.label"),cmd,value)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afb10c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/gui/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+from const import *
+import widget
+import pguglobals
+class ProgressBar(widget.Widget):
+ """A progress bar.
starting value
minimum value rendered on the screen (usually 0)
maximum value
+ Example
+ w = gui.ProgressBar(0,0,100)
+ w.value = 25
+ """
+ def __init__(self,value,min,max,**params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','progressbar')
+ widget.Widget.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.min,self.max,self.value = min,max,value
+ def paint(self,s):
+ r = pygame.rect.Rect(0,0,self.rect.w,self.rect.h)
+ r.w = r.w*(self.value-self.min)/(self.max-self.min)
+ = r
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ if k == 'value':
+ v = int(v)
+ v = max(v,self.min)
+ v = min(v,self.max)
+ _v = self.__dict__.get(k,NOATTR)
+ self.__dict__[k]=v
+ if k == 'value' and _v != NOATTR and _v != v:
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ self.repaint()
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc0e673
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/gui/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# - A place to stick global variables that need to be accessed
+# from other modules. To avoid problems with circular imports
+# this module should not import any other PGU module.
+# A global reference to the application instance (App class)
+app = None
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index 0000000..0ee39e9
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+++ b/src/pgu/gui/
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+import traceback
+from const import *
+from button import Button
+from basic import Label, Image
+from table import Table
+class Select(Table):
+ """A select input.
initial value
+ Example
+ w = Select(value="goats")
+ w.add("Cats","cats")
+ w.add("Goats","goats")
+ w.add("Dogs","Dogs")
+ w.value = 'dogs' #changes the value from goats to dogs
+ """
+ # The drop-down arrow button for the selection widget
+ top_arrow = None
+ # A button displaying the currently selected item
+ top_selection = None
+ # The first option added to the selector
+ firstOption = None
+ # The PGU table of options
+ options = None
+ def __init__(self,value=None,**params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','select')
+ Table.__init__(self,**params)
+ label = Label(" ",cls=self.cls+".option.label")
+ self.top_selected = Button(label, cls=self.cls+".selected")
+ Table.add(self,self.top_selected) #,hexpand=1,vexpand=1)#,0,0)
+ self.top_arrow = Button(Image(, cls=self.cls+".arrow")
+ Table.add(self,self.top_arrow) #,hexpand=1,vexpand=1) #,1,0)
+ self.options = Table(cls=self.cls+".options")
+ self.options.connect(BLUR,self._close,None)
+ = "pulldown-table"
+ self.values = []
+ self.value = value
+ def resize(self,width=None,height=None):
+ max_w,max_h = 0,0
+ for w in self.options.widgets:
+ w.rect.w,w.rect.h = w.resize()
+ max_w,max_h = max(max_w,w.rect.w),max(max_h,w.rect.h)
+ #xt,xr,xb,xl = self.top_selected.getspacing()
+ = max_w #+ xl + xr
+ = max_h #+ xt + xb
+ self.top_arrow.connect(CLICK,self._open,None)
+ self.top_selected.connect(CLICK,self._open,None)
+ w,h = Table.resize(self,width,height)
+ = w
+ #HACK: sort of, but not a big one..
+ self.options.resize()
+ return w,h
+ def _open(self,value):
+ opts = self.options
+ opts.rect.w, opts.rect.h = opts.resize()
+# y = self.rect.y
+# c = self.container
+# while hasattr(c, 'container'):
+# y += c.rect.y
+# if (not c.container):
+# break
+# c = c.container
+# if y + self.rect.h + opts.rect.h <= c.rect.h: #down
+# dy = self.rect.y + self.rect.h
+# else: #up
+# dy = self.rect.y - self.rect.h
+ opts.rect.w, opts.rect.h = opts.resize()
+ # TODO - make sure there is enough space to open down
+ # ...
+ yp = self.rect.bottom-1
+, self.rect.x, yp)
+ self.firstOption.focus()
+ # TODO - this is a hack
+ for opt in self.options.widgets:
+ opt.repaint()
+ def _close(self,value):
+ self.options.close()
+ self.top_selected.focus()
+ def _setvalue(self,value):
+ self.value = value._value
+ if hasattr(self,'container'):
+ #self.chsize()
+ #HACK: improper use of resize()
+ #self.resize() #to recenter the new value, etc.
+ pass
+ # #self._resize()
+ self._close(None)
+ #self.repaint() #this will happen anyways
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ mywidget = None
+ if k == 'value':
+ for w in self.values:
+ if w._value == v:
+ mywidget = w
+ _v = self.__dict__.get(k,NOATTR)
+ self.__dict__[k]=v
+ if k == 'value' and _v != NOATTR and _v != v:
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ self.repaint()
+ if k == 'value':
+ if not mywidget:
+ mywidget = Label(" ",cls=self.cls+".option.label")
+ self.top_selected.value = mywidget
+ def add(self,w,value=None):
+ """Add a widget, value item to the Select.
Widget or string to represent the item
value for this item
+ Example
+ w = Select()
+ w.add("Goat") #adds a Label
+ w.add("Goat","goat") #adds a Label with the value goat
+ w.add(gui.Label("Cuzco"),"goat") #adds a Label with value goat
+ """
+ if type(w) == str: w = Label(w,cls=self.cls+".option.label")
+ = -1
+ btn = Button(w,cls=self.cls+".option")
+ btn.connect(CLICK,self._setvalue,w)
+ self.options.add(btn)
+ if (not self.firstOption):
+ self.firstOption = btn
+ if value != None: w._value = value
+ else: w._value = w
+ if self.value == w._value:
+ self.top_selected.value = w
+ self.values.append(w)
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index 0000000..f4fa623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/gui/
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+"""All sliders and scroll bar widgets have the same parameters.
initial value
minimum value
maximum value
size of bar in pixels
+import pygame
+from pygame.locals import *
+from const import *
+import widget
+import table
+import basic
+import pguglobals
+class _slider(widget.Widget):
+ def __init__(self,value,orient,min,max,size,step=1,**params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','slider')
+ widget.Widget.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.min,self.max,self.value,self.orient,self.size,self.step = min,max,value,orient,size,step
+ def paint(self,s):
+ self.value = self.value
+ r = pygame.rect.Rect(0,0,,
+ if self.orient == _SLIDER_HORIZONTAL:
+ r.x = (self.value-self.min) * (r.w-self.size) / max(1,self.max-self.min);
+ r.w = self.size;
+ else:
+ r.y = (self.value-self.min) * (r.h-self.size) / max(1,self.max-self.min);
+ r.h = self.size;
+ = r
+ def event(self,e):
+ used = None
+ r = pygame.rect.Rect(0,0,,
+ adj = 0
+ if e.type == ENTER: self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == EXIT: self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
+ if
+ self.grab = e.pos[0],e.pos[1]
+ self.grab_value = self.value
+ else:
+ x,y,adj = e.pos[0],e.pos[1],1
+ self.grab = None
+ self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:
+ #x,y,adj = e.pos[0],e.pos[1],1
+ self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == MOUSEMOTION:
+ if 1 in e.buttons and self.container.myfocus is self:
+ if self.grab != None:
+ rel = e.pos[0]-self.grab[0],e.pos[1]-self.grab[1]
+ if self.orient == _SLIDER_HORIZONTAL:
+ d = (r.w - self.size)
+ if d != 0: self.value = self.grab_value + ((self.max-self.min) * rel[0] / d)
+ else:
+ d = (r.h - self.size)
+ if d != 0: self.value = self.grab_value + ((self.max-self.min) * rel[1] / d)
+ else:
+ x,y,adj = e.pos[0],e.pos[1],1
+ elif e.type is KEYDOWN:
+ if self.orient == _SLIDER_HORIZONTAL and e.key == K_LEFT:
+ self.value -= self.step
+ used = True
+ elif self.orient == _SLIDER_HORIZONTAL and e.key == K_RIGHT:
+ self.value += self.step
+ used = True
+ elif self.orient == _SLIDER_VERTICAL and e.key == K_UP:
+ self.value -= self.step
+ used = True
+ elif self.orient == _SLIDER_VERTICAL and e.key == K_DOWN:
+ self.value += self.step
+ used = True
+ if adj:
+ if self.orient == _SLIDER_HORIZONTAL:
+ d = self.size/2 - (r.w/(self.max-self.min+1))/2
+ self.value = (x-d) * (self.max-self.min) / (r.w-self.size+1) + self.min
+ else:
+ d = self.size/2 - (r.h/(self.max-self.min+1))/2
+ self.value = (y-d) * (self.max-self.min) / (r.h-self.size+1) + self.min
+ self.pcls = ""
+ if self.container.myhover is self: self.pcls = "hover"
+ if (self.container.myfocus is self and 1 in pygame.mouse.get_pressed()): self.pcls = "down"
+ return used
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ if k == 'value':
+ v = int(v)
+ v = max(v,self.min)
+ v = min(v,self.max)
+ _v = self.__dict__.get(k,NOATTR)
+ self.__dict__[k]=v
+ if k == 'value' and _v != NOATTR and _v != v:
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ self.repaint()
+ if hasattr(self,'size'):
+ sz = min(self.size,max(,
+ sz = max(sz,min(,
+ self.__dict__['size'] = sz
+ if hasattr(self,'max') and hasattr(self,'min'):
+ if self.max < self.min: self.max = self.min
+class VSlider(_slider):
+ """A verticle slider.
This object is used mainly as a dictionary, accessed via, as opposed to
+['attr']. It automatically grabs information from the theme via value = theme.get(widget.cls,widget.pcls,attr).
+ """
+ def __init__(self,o,dict):
+ self.obj = o
+ for k,v in dict.items(): self.__dict__[k]=v
+ self._cache = {}
+ def __getattr__(self,k):
+ key = self.obj.cls,self.obj.pcls,k
+ if key not in self._cache:
+ self._cache[key] = Style_get(self.obj.cls,self.obj.pcls,k)
+ v = self._cache[key]
+ if k in (
+ 'border_top','border_right','border_bottom','border_left',
+ 'padding_top','padding_right','padding_bottom','padding_left',
+ 'margin_top','margin_right','margin_bottom','margin_left',
+ 'align','valign','width','height',
+ ): self.__dict__[k] = v
+ return v
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ self.__dict__[k] = v
+Style_cache = {}
+def Style_get(cls,pcls,k):
+ key = cls,pcls,k
+ if key not in Style_cache:
+ Style_cache[key] =,pcls,k)
+ return Style_cache[key]
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index 0000000..9bd064d
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+++ b/src/pgu/gui/
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+import pygame
+def subsurface(s,r):
+ """Return the subsurface of a surface, with some help, checks.
subsurface(s,r): return surface
+ """
+ r = pygame.Rect(r)
+ if r.x < 0 or r.y < 0:
+ raise "gui.subsurface: %d %d %s"%(s.get_width(),s.get_height(),r)
+ w,h = s.get_width(),s.get_height()
+ if r.right > w:
+ r.w -= r.right-w
+ if r.bottom > h:
+ r.h -= r.bottom-h
+ assert(r.w >= 0 and r.h >= 0)
+ return s.subsurface(r)
+class ProxySurface:
+ """
+ A surface-like object which smartly handle out-of-area blitting.
If you know HTML, this should all work roughly how you would expect. If you are not
+ familiar with HTML, please read Tables in HTML Documents. Pay attention to TABLE, TR, TD related parts of the document.
+ Example
+ t = gui.Table()
+"First Name"), align=-1)
+"Last Name"), align=-1)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, **params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','table')
+ container.Container.__init__(self, **params)
+ self._rows = []
+ self._curRow = 0
+ self._trok = False
+ def getRows(self):
+ return len(self._rows)
+ def getColumns(self):
+ if self._rows:
+ return len(self._rows[0])
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def remove_row(self, n): #NOTE: won't work in all cases.
+ if n >= self.getRows():
+ print "Trying to remove a nonexistant row:", n, "there are only", self.getRows(), "rows"
+ return
+ for cell in self._rows[n]:
+ if isinstance(cell, dict) and cell["widget"] in self.widgets:
+ #print 'removing widget'
+ self.widgets.remove(cell["widget"])
+ del self._rows[n]
+ #print "got here"
+ for w in self.widgets:
+ if > n: -= 1
+ if self._curRow >= n:
+ self._curRow -= 1
+ #self.rect.w, self.rect.h = self.resize()
+ #self.repaint()
+ self.chsize()
+ def clear(self):
+ self._rows = []
+ self._curRow = 0
+ self._trok = False
+ self.widgets = []
+ self.chsize()
+ #print 'clear',self,self._rows
+ def _addRow(self):
+ self._rows.append([None for x in xrange(self.getColumns())])
+ def tr(self):
+ """Start on the next row."""
+ if not self._trok:
+ self._trok = True
+ return
+ self._curRow += 1
+ if self.getRows() <= self._curRow:
+ self._addRow()
+ def _addColumn(self):
+ if not self._rows:
+ self._addRow()
+ for row in self._rows:
+ row.append(None)
+ def _setCell(self, w, col, row, colspan=1, rowspan=1):
+ #make room for the widget by adding columns and rows
+ while self.getColumns() < col + colspan:
+ self._addColumn()
+ while self.getRows() < row + rowspan:
+ self._addRow()
+ #print w.__class__.__name__,col,row,colspan,rowspan
+ #actual widget setting and modification stuff
+ w.container = self
+ = row #HACK - to work with gal's list
+ = col #HACK - to work with gal's list
+ self._rows[row][col] = {"widget":w, "colspan":colspan, "rowspan":rowspan}
+ self.widgets.append(self._rows[row][col]["widget"])
+ #set the spanned columns
+ #for acell in xrange(col + 1, col + colspan):
+ # self._rows[row][acell] = True
+ #set the spanned rows and the columns on them
+ #for arow in xrange(row + 1, row + rowspan):
+ # for acell in xrange(col, col + colspan): #incorrect?
+ # self._rows[arow][acell] = True
+ for arow in xrange(row, row + rowspan):
+ for acell in xrange(col, col + colspan): #incorrect?
+ if row != arow or col != acell:
+ self._rows[arow][acell] = True
+ def td(self, w, col=None, row=None, colspan=1, rowspan=1, **params):
+ """Add a widget to a table after wrapping it in a TD container.
See for an explanation of the parameters.
+ """
+ self._trok = True
+ #if no row was specifically specified, set it to the current row
+ if row is None:
+ row = self._curRow
+ #print row
+ #if its going to be a new row, have it be on the first column
+ if row >= self.getRows():
+ col = 0
+ #try to find an open cell for the widget
+ if col is None:
+ for cell in xrange(self.getColumns()):
+ if col is None and not self._rows[row][cell]:
+ col = cell
+ break
+ #otherwise put the widget in a new column
+ if col is None:
+ col = self.getColumns()
+ self._setCell(w, col, row, colspan=colspan, rowspan=rowspan)
+ self.chsize()
+ return
+ def remove(self,w):
+ if hasattr(w,'_table_td'): w = w._table_td
+ row,col =,
+ cell = self._rows[row][col]
+ colspan,rowspan = cell['colspan'],cell['rowspan']
+ for arow in xrange(row , row + rowspan):
+ for acell in xrange(col, col + colspan): #incorrect?
+ self._rows[arow][acell] = False
+ self.widgets.remove(w)
+ self.chsize()
+ def resize(self, width=None, height=None):
+ #if 1 or self.getRows() == 82:
+ #print ''
+ #print 'resize',self.getRows(),self.getColumns(),width,height
+ #import inspect
+ #for obj,fname,line,fnc,code,n in inspect.stack()[9:20]:
+ # print fname,line,':',fnc,code[0].strip()
+ #resize the widgets to their smallest size
+ for w in self.widgets:
+ w.rect.w, w.rect.h = w.resize()
+ #calculate row heights and column widths
+ rowsizes = [0 for y in xrange(self.getRows())]
+ columnsizes = [0 for x in xrange(self.getColumns())]
+ for row in xrange(self.getRows()):
+ for cell in xrange(self.getColumns()):
+ if self._rows[row][cell] and self._rows[row][cell] is not True:
+ if not self._rows[row][cell]["colspan"] > 1:
+ columnsizes[cell] = max(columnsizes[cell], self._rows[row][cell]["widget"].rect.w)
+ if not self._rows[row][cell]["rowspan"] > 1:
+ rowsizes[row] = max(rowsizes[row], self._rows[row][cell]["widget"].rect.h)
+ #distribute extra space if necessary for wide colspanning/rowspanning
+ for row in xrange(self.getRows()):
+ for cell in xrange(self.getColumns()):
+ if self._rows[row][cell] and self._rows[row][cell] is not True:
+ if self._rows[row][cell]["colspan"] > 1:
+ columns = xrange(cell, cell + self._rows[row][cell]["colspan"])
+ totalwidth = 0
+ for acol in columns:
+ totalwidth += columnsizes[acol]
+ if totalwidth < self._rows[row][cell]["widget"].rect.w:
+ for acol in columns:
+ columnsizes[acol] += _table_div(self._rows[row][cell]["widget"].rect.w - totalwidth, self._rows[row][cell]["colspan"],acol)
+ if self._rows[row][cell]["rowspan"] > 1:
+ rows = xrange(row, row + self._rows[row][cell]["rowspan"])
+ totalheight = 0
+ for arow in rows:
+ totalheight += rowsizes[arow]
+ if totalheight < self._rows[row][cell]["widget"].rect.h:
+ for arow in rows:
+ rowsizes[arow] += _table_div(self._rows[row][cell]["widget"].rect.h - totalheight, self._rows[row][cell]["rowspan"],arow)
+ #make everything fill out to,, not exact, but pretty close...
+ w, h = sum(columnsizes), sum(rowsizes)
+ if w > 0 and w < and len(columnsizes):
+ d = ( - w)
+ for n in xrange(0, len(columnsizes)):
+ v = columnsizes[n]
+ columnsizes[n] += v * d / w
+ if h > 0 and h < and len(rowsizes):
+ d = ( - h) / len(rowsizes)
+ for n in xrange(0, len(rowsizes)):
+ v = rowsizes[n]
+ rowsizes[n] += v * d / h
+ #set the widget's position by calculating their row/column x/y offset
+ cellpositions = [[[sum(columnsizes[0:cell]), sum(rowsizes[0:row])] for cell in xrange(self.getColumns())] for row in xrange(self.getRows())]
+ for row in xrange(self.getRows()):
+ for cell in xrange(self.getColumns()):
+ if self._rows[row][cell] and self._rows[row][cell] is not True:
+ x, y = cellpositions[row][cell]
+ w = sum(columnsizes[cell:cell+self._rows[row][cell]["colspan"]])
+ h = sum(rowsizes[row:row+self._rows[row][cell]["rowspan"]])
+ widget = self._rows[row][cell]["widget"]
+ widget.rect.x = x
+ widget.rect.y = y
+ if 1 and (w,h) != (widget.rect.w,widget.rect.h):
+# if h > 20:
+# print widget.widget.__class__.__name__, (widget.rect.w,widget.rect.h),'=>',(w,h)
+ widget.rect.w, widget.rect.h = widget.resize(w, h)
+ #print self._rows[row][cell]["widget"].rect
+ #print columnsizes
+ #print sum(columnsizes)
+ #size = sum(columnsizes), sum(rowsizes); print size
+ #return the tables final size
+ return sum(columnsizes),sum(rowsizes)
+def _table_div(a,b,c):
+ v,r = a/b, a%b
+ if r != 0 and (c%b) or (!=0 and w.rect.h >
+# ww,hh = None,None
+# if ww =
+# if hh =
+# w.rect.w,w.rect.h = w.resize(ww,hh)
+ #in the case that the widget is too big, we try to resize it
+ if (width != None and width < w.rect.w) or (height != None and height < w.rect.h):
+ w.rect.w,w.rect.h = w.resize(width,height)
+ width = max(width,w.rect.w, #,
+ height = max(height,w.rect.h, #,
+ dx = width-w.rect.w
+ dy = height-w.rect.h
+ w.rect.x = (*dx/2
+ w.rect.y = (*dy/2
+ return width,height
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index 0000000..667076a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/gui/
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+import pygame
+from pygame.locals import *
+from const import *
+import widget
+class TextArea(widget.Widget):
+ """A multi-line text input.
+ Example
+ w = TextArea(value="Cuzco the Goat",size=20)
+ w = TextArea("Marbles")
+ w = TextArea("Groucho\nHarpo\nChico\nGummo\nZeppo\n\nMarx", 200, 400, 12)
+ """
+ def __init__(self,value="",width = 120, height = 30, size=20,**params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','input')
+ params.setdefault('width', width)
+ params.setdefault('height', height)
+ widget.Widget.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.value = value # The value of the TextArea
+ self.pos = len(str(value)) # The position of the cursor
+ self.vscroll = 0 # The number of lines that the TextArea is currently scrolled
+ self.font = # The font used for rendering the text
+ self.cursor_w = 2 # Cursor width (NOTE: should be in a style)
+ w,h = self.font.size("e"*size)
+ if not = h
+ if not = w
+ def resize(self,width=None,height=None):
+ if (width != None) and (height != None):
+ self.rect = pygame.Rect(self.rect.x, self.rect.y, width, height)
+ return self.rect.w, self.rect.h
+ def paint(self,s):
+ # TODO: What's up with this 20 magic number? It's the margin of the left and right sides, but I'm not sure how this should be gotten other than by trial and error.
+ max_line_w = self.rect.w - 20
+ # Update the line allocation for the box's value
+ self.doLines(max_line_w)
+ # Make sure that the vpos and hpos of the cursor is set properly
+ self.updateCursorPos()
+ # Make sure that we're scrolled vertically such that the cursor is visible
+ if (self.vscroll < 0):
+ self.vscroll = 0
+ if (self.vpos < self.vscroll):
+ self.vscroll = self.vpos
+ elif ((self.vpos - self.vscroll + 1) * self.line_h > self.rect.h):
+ self.vscroll = - (self.rect.h / self.line_h - self.vpos - 1)
+ # Blit each of the lines in turn
+ cnt = 0
+ for line in self.lines:
+ line_pos = (0, (cnt - self.vscroll) * self.line_h)
+ if (line_pos[1] >= 0) and (line_pos[1] < self.rect.h):
+ s.blit( self.font.render(line, 1,, line_pos )
+ cnt += 1
+ # If the textarea is focused, then also show the cursor
+ if self.container.myfocus is self:
+ r = self.getCursorRect()
+ s.fill(,r)
+ # This function updates self.vpos and self.hpos based on self.pos
+ def updateCursorPos(self):
+ self.vpos = 0 # Reset the current line that the cursor is on
+ self.hpos = 0
+ line_cnt = 0
+ char_cnt = 0
+ for line in self.lines:
+ line_char_start = char_cnt # The number of characters at the start of the line
+ # Keep track of the character count for words
+ char_cnt += len(line)
+ # If our cursor count is still less than the cursor position, then we can update our cursor line to assume that it's at least on this line
+ if (char_cnt > self.pos):
+ self.vpos = line_cnt
+ self.hpos = self.pos - line_char_start
+ break # Now that we know where our cursor is, we exit the loop
+ line_cnt += 1
+ if (char_cnt <= self.pos) and (len(self.lines) > 0):
+ self.vpos = len(self.lines) - 1
+ self.hpos = len(self.lines[ self.vpos ] )
+ # Returns a rectangle that is of the size and position of where the cursor is drawn
+ def getCursorRect(self):
+ lw = 0
+ if (len(self.lines) > 0):
+ lw, lh = self.font.size( self.lines[ self.vpos ][ 0:self.hpos ] )
+ r = pygame.Rect(lw, (self.vpos - self.vscroll) * self.line_h, self.cursor_w, self.line_h)
+ return r
+ # This function sets the cursor position according to an x/y value (such as by from a mouse click)
+ def setCursorByXY(self, (x, y)):
+ self.vpos = ((int) (y / self.line_h)) + self.vscroll
+ if (self.vpos >= len(self.lines)):
+ self.vpos = len(self.lines) - 1
+ currentLine = self.lines[ self.vpos ]
+ for cnt in range(0, len(currentLine) ):
+ self.hpos = cnt
+ lw, lh = self.font.size( currentLine[ 0:self.hpos + 1 ] )
+ if (lw > x):
+ break
+ lw, lh = self.font.size( currentLine )
+ if (lw < x):
+ self.hpos = len(currentLine)
+ self.setCursorByHVPos()
+ # This function sets the cursor position by the horizontal/vertical cursor position.
+ def setCursorByHVPos(self):
+ line_cnt = 0
+ char_cnt = 0
+ for line in self.lines:
+ line_char_start = char_cnt # The number of characters at the start of the line
+ # Keep track of the character count for words
+ char_cnt += len(line)
+ # If we're on the proper line
+ if (line_cnt == self.vpos):
+ # Make sure that we're not trying to go over the edge of the current line
+ if ( self.hpos >= len(line) ):
+ self.hpos = len(line) - 1
+ # Set the cursor position
+ self.pos = line_char_start + self.hpos
+ break # Now that we've set our cursor position, we exit the loop
+ line_cnt += 1
+ # Splits up the text found in the control's value, and assigns it into the lines array
+ def doLines(self, max_line_w):
+ self.line_h = 10
+ self.lines = [] # Create an empty starter list to start things out.
+ inx = 0
+ line_start = 0
+ while inx >= 0:
+ # Find the next breakable whitespace
+ # HACK: Find a better way to do this to include tabs and system characters and whatnot.
+ prev_word_start = inx # Store the previous whitespace
+ spc_inx = self.value.find(' ', inx+1)
+ nl_inx = self.value.find('\n', inx+1)
+ if (min(spc_inx, nl_inx) == -1):
+ inx = max(spc_inx, nl_inx)
+ else:
+ inx = min(spc_inx, nl_inx)
+ # Measure the current line
+ lw, self.line_h = self.font.size( self.value[ line_start : inx ] )
+ # If we exceeded the max line width, then create a new line
+ if (lw > max_line_w):
+ #Fall back to the previous word start
+ self.lines.append(self.value[ line_start : prev_word_start + 1 ])
+ line_start = prev_word_start + 1
+ # TODO: Check for extra-long words here that exceed the length of a line, to wrap mid-word
+ # If we reached the end of our text
+ if (inx < 0):
+ # Then make sure we added the last of the line
+ if (line_start < len( self.value ) ):
+ self.lines.append( self.value[ line_start : len( self.value ) ] )
+ # If we reached a hard line break
+ elif (self.value[inx] == "\n"):
+ # Then make a line break here as well.
+ newline = self.value[ line_start : inx + 1 ]
+ newline = newline.replace("\n", " ") # HACK: We know we have a newline character, which doesn't print nicely, so make it into a space. Comment this out to see what I mean.
+ self.lines.append( newline )
+ line_start = inx + 1
+ else:
+ # Otherwise, we just continue progressing to the next space
+ pass
+ def _setvalue(self,v):
+ self.__dict__['value'] = v
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ def event(self,e):
+ used = None
+ if e.type == KEYDOWN:
+ if e.key == K_BACKSPACE:
+ if self.pos:
+ self._setvalue(self.value[:self.pos-1] + self.value[self.pos:])
+ self.pos -= 1
+ elif e.key == K_DELETE:
+ if len(self.value) > self.pos:
+ self._setvalue(self.value[:self.pos] + self.value[self.pos+1:])
+ elif e.key == K_HOME:
+ # Find the previous newline
+ newPos = self.value.rfind('\n', 0, self.pos)
+ if (newPos >= 0):
+ self.pos = newPos
+ elif e.key == K_END:
+ # Find the previous newline
+ newPos = self.value.find('\n', self.pos, len(self.value) )
+ if (newPos >= 0):
+ self.pos = newPos
+ elif e.key == K_LEFT:
+ if self.pos > 0: self.pos -= 1
+ used = True
+ elif e.key == K_RIGHT:
+ if self.pos < len(self.value): self.pos += 1
+ used = True
+ elif e.key == K_UP:
+ self.vpos -= 1
+ self.setCursorByHVPos()
+ elif e.key == K_DOWN:
+ self.vpos += 1
+ self.setCursorByHVPos()
+ # The following return/tab keys are standard for PGU widgets, but I took them out here to facilitate multi-line text editing
+# elif e.key == K_RETURN:
+# elif e.key == K_TAB:
+# pass
+ else:
+ #c = str(e.unicode)
+ try:
+ if (e.key == K_RETURN):
+ c = "\n"
+ elif (e.key == K_TAB):
+ c = " "
+ else:
+ c = (e.unicode).encode('latin-1')
+ if c:
+ self._setvalue(self.value[:self.pos] + c + self.value[self.pos:])
+ self.pos += len(c)
+ except: #ignore weird characters
+ pass
+ self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
+ self.setCursorByXY(e.pos)
+ self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == FOCUS:
+ self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == BLUR:
+ self.repaint()
+ self.pcls = ""
+ if self.container.myfocus is self: self.pcls = "focus"
+ return used
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ if k == 'value':
+ if v == None: v = ''
+ v = str(v)
+ self.pos = len(v)
+ _v = self.__dict__.get(k,NOATTR)
+ self.__dict__[k]=v
+ if k == 'value' and _v != NOATTR and _v != v:
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ self.repaint()
+# The first version of this code was done by Clint Herron, and is a modified version of (by Phil Hassey).
+# It is under the same license as the rest of the PGU library.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/pgu/gui/ b/src/pgu/gui/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..283c287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/gui/
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+import os, re
+import pygame
+from const import *
+import widget
+import surface
+from basic import parse_color, is_color
+__file__ = os.path.abspath(__file__)
+def _list_themes(dir):
+ d = {}
+ for entry in os.listdir(dir):
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, entry, 'config.txt')):
+ d[entry] = os.path.join(dir, entry)
+ return d
+class Theme:
+ """Theme interface.
If you wish to create your own theme, create a class with this interface, and
+ pass it to gui.App via gui.App(theme=MyTheme()).
+ Default Theme
Name of the theme dir to load a theme from. May be an absolute path to a theme, if pgu is not installed, or if you created your own theme. May include several dirs in a list if data is spread across several themes.
+ Example
+ theme = gui.Theme("default")
+ theme = gui.Theme(["mytheme","mytheme2"])
+ """
+ def __init__(self,dirs='default'):
+ self.config = {}
+ self.dict = {}
+ self._loaded = []
+ self.cache = {}
+ self._preload(dirs)
+ pygame.font.init()
+ def _preload(self,ds):
+ if not isinstance(ds, list):
+ ds = [ds]
+ for d in ds:
+ if d not in self._loaded:
+ self._load(d)
+ self._loaded.append(d)
+ def _load(self, name):
+ #theme_dir = themes[name]
+ #try to load the local dir, or absolute path
+ dnames = [name]
+ #if the package isn't installed and people are just
+ #trying out the scripts or examples
+ dnames.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"..","..","data","themes",name))
+ #if the package is installed, and the package is installed
+ #in /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/pgu/
+ #or c:\python23\lib\site-packages\pgu\
+ #the data is in ... lib/../share/ ...
+ dnames.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"..","..","..","..","share","pgu","themes",name))
+ dnames.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"..","..","..","..","..","share","pgu","themes",name))
+ dnames.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"..","..","share","pgu","themes",name))
+ for dname in dnames:
+ if os.path.isdir(dname): break
+ if not os.path.isdir(dname):
+ raise 'could not find theme '+name
+ fname = os.path.join(dname,"config.txt")
+ if os.path.isfile(fname):
+ try:
+ f = open(fname)
+ for line in f.readlines():
+ vals = line.strip().split()
+ if len(vals) < 3: continue
+ cls = vals[0]
+ del vals[0]
+ pcls = ""
+ if cls.find(":")>=0:
+ cls,pcls = cls.split(":")
+ attr = vals[0]
+ del vals[0]
+ self.config[cls+":"+pcls+" "+attr] = (dname, vals)
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ fname = os.path.join(dname,"style.ini")
+ if os.path.isfile(fname):
+ import ConfigParser
+ cfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+ f = open(fname,'r')
+ cfg.readfp(f)
+ for section in cfg.sections():
+ cls = section
+ pcls = ''
+ if cls.find(":")>=0:
+ cls,pcls = cls.split(":")
+ for attr in cfg.options(section):
+ vals = cfg.get(section,attr).strip().split()
+ self.config[cls+':'+pcls+' '+attr] = (dname,vals)
+ is_image = re.compile('\.(gif|jpg|bmp|png|tga)$', re.I)
+ def _get(self,key):
+ if not key in self.config: return
+ if key in self.dict: return self.dict[key]
+ dvals = self.config[key]
+ dname, vals = dvals
+ #theme_dir = themes[name]
+ v0 = vals[0]
+ if v0[0] == '#':
+ v = parse_color(v0)
+ #if (len(v0) == 7):
+ # # Due to a bug in pygame 1.8 (?) we need to explicitly
+ # # specify the alpha value (otherwise it defaults to zero)
+ # v0 += "FF"
+ #v = pygame.color.Color(v0)
+ elif v0.endswith(".ttf") or v0.endswith(".TTF"):
+ v = pygame.font.Font(os.path.join(dname, v0),int(vals[1]))
+ elif is not None:
+ v = pygame.image.load(os.path.join(dname, v0))
+ else:
+ try: v = int(v0)
+ except: v = pygame.font.SysFont(v0, int(vals[1]))
+ self.dict[key] = v
+ return v
+ def get(self,cls,pcls,attr):
+ """Interface method -- get the value of a style attribute.
Theme.get(cls,pcls,attr): return value
class, for example "checkbox", "button", etc.
pseudo class, for example "hover", "down", etc.
attribute, for example "image", "background", "font", "color", etc.
returns the value of the attribute.
This method is called from [[gui-style]].
+ """
+ if not self._loaded: self._preload("default")
+ o = cls+":"+pcls+" "+attr
+ #if not hasattr(self,'_count'):
+ # self._count = {}
+ #if o not in self._count: self._count[o] = 0
+ #self._count[o] += 1
+ if o in self.cache:
+ return self.cache[o]
+ v = self._get(cls+":"+pcls+" "+attr)
+ if v:
+ self.cache[o] = v
+ return v
+ pcls = ""
+ v = self._get(cls+":"+pcls+" "+attr)
+ if v:
+ self.cache[o] = v
+ return v
+ cls = "default"
+ v = self._get(cls+":"+pcls+" "+attr)
+ if v:
+ self.cache[o] = v
+ return v
+ v = 0
+ self.cache[o] = v
+ return v
+ def box(self,w,s):
+ style =
+ c = (0,0,0)
+ if style.border_color != 0: c = style.border_color
+ w,h = s.get_width(),s.get_height()
+ s.fill(c,(0,0,w,style.border_top))
+ s.fill(c,(0,h-style.border_bottom,w,style.border_bottom))
+ s.fill(c,(0,0,style.border_left,h))
+ s.fill(c,(w-style.border_right,0,style.border_right,h))
+ def getspacing(self,w):
+ # return the top, right, bottom, left spacing around the widget
+ if not hasattr(w,'_spacing'): #HACK: assume spacing doesn't change re pcls
+ s =
+ xt = s.margin_top+s.border_top+s.padding_top
+ xr = s.padding_right+s.border_right+s.margin_right
+ xb = s.padding_bottom+s.border_bottom+s.margin_bottom
+ xl = s.margin_left+s.border_left+s.padding_left
+ w._spacing = xt,xr,xb,xl
+ return w._spacing
+ def resize(self,w,m):
+ # Returns the rectangle expanded in each direction
+ def expand_rect(rect, left, top, right, bottom):
+ return pygame.Rect(rect.x - left,
+ rect.y - top,
+ rect.w + left + right,
+ rect.h + top + bottom)
+ def func(width=None,height=None):
+ s =
+ pt,pr,pb,pl = s.padding_top,s.padding_right,s.padding_bottom,s.padding_left
+ bt,br,bb,bl = s.border_top,s.border_right,s.border_bottom,s.border_left
+ mt,mr,mb,ml = s.margin_top,s.margin_right,s.margin_bottom,s.margin_left
+ # Calculate the total space on each side
+ top = pt+bt+mt
+ right = pr+br+mr
+ bottom = pb+bb+mb
+ left = pl+bl+ml
+ ttw = left+right
+ tth = top+bottom
+ ww,hh = None,None
+ if width != None: ww = width-ttw
+ if height != None: hh = height-tth
+ ww,hh = m(ww,hh)
+ if width == None: width = ww
+ if height == None: height = hh
+ #if the widget hasn't respected the style.width,
+ #style height, we'll add in the space for it...
+ width = max(width-ttw, ww,
+ height = max(height-tth, hh,
+ #width = max(ww,
+ #height = max(hh,
+ r = pygame.Rect(left,top,width,height)
+ w._rect_padding = expand_rect(r, pl, pt, pr, pb)
+ w._rect_border = expand_rect(w._rect_padding, bl, bt, br, bb)
+ w._rect_margin = expand_rect(w._rect_border, ml, mt, mr, mb)
+ #w._rect_padding = pygame.Rect(r.x-pl,r.y-pt,r.w+pl+pr,r.h+pt+pb)
+ #r = w._rect_padding
+ #w._rect_border = pygame.Rect(r.x-bl,r.y-bt,r.w+bl+br,r.h+bt+bb)
+ #r = w._rect_border
+ #w._rect_margin = pygame.Rect(r.x-ml,r.y-mt,r.w+ml+mr,r.h+mt+mb)
+ # align it within it's zone of power.
+ rect = pygame.Rect(left, top, ww, hh)
+ dx = width-rect.w
+ dy = height-rect.h
+ rect.x += (*dx/2
+ rect.y += (*dy/2
+ w._rect_content = rect
+ return (w._rect_margin.w, w._rect_margin.h)
+ return func
+ def paint(self,w,m):
+ def func(s):
+# if w.disabled:
+# if not hasattr(w,'_disabled_bkgr'):
+# w._disabled_bkgr = s.convert()
+# orig = s
+# s = w._disabled_bkgr.convert()
+# if not hasattr(w,'_theme_paint_bkgr'):
+# w._theme_paint_bkgr = s.convert()
+# else:
+# s.blit(w._theme_paint_bkgr,(0,0))
+# if w.disabled:
+# orig = s
+# s = w._theme_paint_bkgr.convert()
+ if w.disabled:
+ if (not (hasattr(w,'_theme_bkgr') and
+ w._theme_bkgr.get_width() == s.get_width() and
+ w._theme_bkgr.get_height() == s.get_height())):
+ w._theme_bkgr = s.copy()
+ orig = s
+ s = w._theme_bkgr
+ s.fill((0,0,0,0))
+ s.blit(orig,(0,0))
+ if hasattr(w,'background'):
+ w.background.paint(surface.subsurface(s,w._rect_border))
+ r = m(surface.subsurface(s,w._rect_content))
+ if w.disabled:
+ s.set_alpha(128)
+ orig.blit(s,(0,0))
+# if w.disabled:
+# orig.blit(w._disabled_bkgr,(0,0))
+# s.set_alpha(128)
+# orig.blit(s,(0,0))
+ w._painted = True
+ return r
+ return func
+ def event(self,w,m):
+ def func(e):
+ rect = w._rect_content
+ if e.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP or e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
+ sub = pygame.event.Event(e.type,{
+ 'button':e.button,
+ 'pos':(e.pos[0]-rect.x,e.pos[1]-rect.y)})
+ elif e.type == CLICK:
+ sub = pygame.event.Event(e.type,{
+ 'button':e.button,
+ 'pos':(e.pos[0]-rect.x,e.pos[1]-rect.y)})
+ elif e.type == MOUSEMOTION:
+ sub = pygame.event.Event(e.type,{
+ 'buttons':e.buttons,
+ 'pos':(e.pos[0]-rect.x,e.pos[1]-rect.y),
+ 'rel':e.rel})
+ else:
+ sub = e
+ r = m(sub)
+ return r
+ return func
+ def update(self,w,m):
+ def func(s):
+ if w.disabled: return []
+ r = m(surface.subsurface(s,w._rect_content))
+ if type(r) == list:
+ dx,dy = w._rect_content.topleft
+ for rr in r:
+ rr.x,rr.y = rr.x+dx,rr.y+dy
+ return r
+ return func
+ def open(self,w,m):
+ def func(widget=None,x=None,y=None):
+ if not hasattr(w,'_rect_content'): w.rect.w,w.rect.h = w.resize() #HACK: so that won't resize again!
+ rect = w._rect_content
+ ##print w.__class__.__name__, rect
+ if x != None: x += rect.x
+ if y != None: y += rect.y
+ return m(widget,x,y)
+ return func
+ #def open(self,w,m):
+ # def func(widget=None):
+ # return m(widget)
+ # return func
+ def decorate(self,widget,level):
+ """Interface method -- decorate a widget.
The theme system is given the opportunity to decorate a widget methods at the
+ end of the Widget initializer.
the widget to be decorated
the amount of decoration to do, False for none, True for normal amount, 'app' for special treatment of App objects.
+ """
+ w = widget
+ if level == False: return
+ if type( != int:
+ w.background = Background(w,self)
+ if level == 'app': return
+ for k,v in
+ if k in ('border','margin','padding'):
+ for kk in ('top','bottom','left','right'):
+ setattr(,'%s_%s'%(k,kk),v)
+ w.paint = self.paint(w,w.paint)
+ w.event = self.event(w,w.event)
+ w.update = self.update(w,w.update)
+ w.resize = self.resize(w,w.resize)
+ =,
+ def render(self,s,box,r):
+ """Interface method - render a special widget feature.
box data, a value returned from Theme.get, typically a pygame.Surface
pygame.Rect with the size that the box data should be rendered
+ """
+ if box == 0: return
+ if is_color(box):
+ s.fill(box,r)
+ return
+ x,y,w,h=r.x,r.y,r.w,r.h
+ ww,hh=box.get_width()/3,box.get_height()/3
+ xx,yy=x+w,y+h
+ src = pygame.rect.Rect(0,0,ww,hh)
+ dest = pygame.rect.Rect(0,0,ww,hh)
+ s.set_clip(pygame.Rect(x+ww,y+hh,w-ww*2,h-hh*2))
+ src.x,src.y = ww,hh
+ for dest.y in xrange(y+hh,yy-hh,hh):
+ for dest.x in xrange(x+ww,xx-ww,ww): s.blit(box,dest,src)
+ s.set_clip(pygame.Rect(x+ww,y,w-ww*3,hh))
+ src.x,src.y,dest.y = ww,0,y
+ for dest.x in xrange(x+ww,xx-ww*2,ww): s.blit(box,dest,src)
+ dest.x = xx-ww*2
+ s.set_clip(pygame.Rect(x+ww,y,w-ww*2,hh))
+ s.blit(box,dest,src)
+ s.set_clip(pygame.Rect(x+ww,yy-hh,w-ww*3,hh))
+ src.x,src.y,dest.y = ww,hh*2,yy-hh
+ for dest.x in xrange(x+ww,xx-ww*2,ww): s.blit(box,dest,src)
+ dest.x = xx-ww*2
+ s.set_clip(pygame.Rect(x+ww,yy-hh,w-ww*2,hh))
+ s.blit(box,dest,src)
+ s.set_clip(pygame.Rect(x,y+hh,xx,h-hh*3))
+ src.y,src.x,dest.x = hh,0,x
+ for dest.y in xrange(y+hh,yy-hh*2,hh): s.blit(box,dest,src)
+ dest.y = yy-hh*2
+ s.set_clip(pygame.Rect(x,y+hh,xx,h-hh*2))
+ s.blit(box,dest,src)
+ s.set_clip(pygame.Rect(xx-ww,y+hh,xx,h-hh*3))
+ src.y,src.x,dest.x=hh,ww*2,xx-ww
+ for dest.y in xrange(y+hh,yy-hh*2,hh): s.blit(box,dest,src)
+ dest.y = yy-hh*2
+ s.set_clip(pygame.Rect(xx-ww,y+hh,xx,h-hh*2))
+ s.blit(box,dest,src)
+ s.set_clip()
+ src.x,src.y,dest.x,dest.y = 0,0,x,y
+ s.blit(box,dest,src)
+ src.x,src.y,dest.x,dest.y = ww*2,0,xx-ww,y
+ s.blit(box,dest,src)
+ src.x,src.y,dest.x,dest.y = 0,hh*2,x,yy-hh
+ s.blit(box,dest,src)
+ src.x,src.y,dest.x,dest.y = ww*2,hh*2,xx-ww,yy-hh
+ s.blit(box,dest,src)
+class Background(widget.Widget):
+ def __init__(self,value,theme,**params):
+ params['decorate'] = False
+ widget.Widget.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.value = value
+ self.theme = theme
+ def paint(self,s):
+ r = pygame.Rect(0,0,s.get_width(),s.get_height())
+ v =
+ if is_color(v):
+ s.fill(v)
+ else:
+ self.theme.render(s,v,r)
diff --git a/src/pgu/gui/ b/src/pgu/gui/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0f4b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/gui/
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+import pygame
+import pguglobals
+import style
+class SignalCallback:
+ # The function to call
+ func = None
+ # The parameters to pass to the function (as a list)
+ params = None
+class Widget:
+ """Template object - base for all widgets.
A number of optional params may be passed to the Widget initializer.
defaults to True. If true, will call theme.decorate(self) to allow the theme a chance to decorate the widget.
a dict of style parameters.
x, y, width, height
position and size parameters, passed along to style
align, valign
alignment parameters, passed along to style
font, color, background
other common parameters that are passed along to style
class name as used by Theme
name of widget as used by Form. If set, will call form.add(self,name) to add the widget to the most recently created Form.
True if this widget can receive focus via Tab, etc. Defaults to True.
True of this widget is disabled. Defaults to False.
initial value
+ Example - Creating your own Widget
This example shows which methods are template methods.
+ class Draw(gui.Widget):
+ def paint(self,s):
+ #paint the pygame.Surface
+ return
+ def update(self,s):
+ #update the pygame.Surface and return the update rects
+ return [pygame.Rect(0,0,self.rect.w,self.rect.h)]
+ def event(self,e):
+ #handle the pygame.Event
+ return
+ def resize(self,width=None,height=None):
+ #return the width and height of this widget
+ return 256,256
+ """
+ # The name of the widget (or None if not defined)
+ name = None
+ def __init__(self,**params):
+ #object.Object.__init__(self)
+ self.connects = {}
+ params.setdefault('decorate',True)
+ params.setdefault('style',{})
+ params.setdefault('focusable',True)
+ params.setdefault('disabled',False)
+ self.focusable = params['focusable']
+ self.disabled = params['disabled']
+ self.rect = pygame.Rect(params.get('x',0),params.get('y',0),params.get('width',0),params.get('height',0))
+ s = params['style']
+ #some of this is a bit "theme-ish" but it is very handy, so these
+ #things don't have to be put directly into the style.
+ for att in ('align','valign','x','y','width','height','color','font','background'):
+ if att in params: s[att] = params[att]
+ = style.Style(self,s)
+ self.cls = 'default'
+ if 'cls' in params: self.cls = params['cls']
+ if 'name' in params:
+ import form
+ = params['name']
+ if hasattr(form.Form,'form') and form.Form.form != None:
+ form.Form.form.add(self)
+ self.form = form.Form.form
+ if 'value' in params: self.value = params['value']
+ self.pcls = ""
+ if params['decorate'] != False:
+ if (not
+ # TODO - fix this somehow
+ import app
+ print 'gui.widget: creating an App'
+ app.App()
+ def focus(self):
+ """Focus this Widget.
+ """
+ if getattr(self,'container',None) != None:
+ if self.container.myfocus != self: ## by Gal Koren
+ self.container.focus(self)
+ def blur(self):
+ """Blur this Widget.
+ """
+ if getattr(self,'container',None) != None: self.container.blur(self)
+ def open(self):
+ """Open this Widget as a modal dialog.
+ """
+ #if getattr(self,'container',None) != None:
+ def close(self, w=None):
+ """Close this Widget (if it is a modal dialog.)
+ """
+ #if getattr(self,'container',None) != None: self.container.close(self)
+ if (not w):
+ w = self
+ def resize(self,width=None,height=None):
+ """Template method - return the size and width of this widget.
Responsible for also resizing all sub-widgets.
Widget.resize(width,height): return width,height
suggested width
suggested height
If not overridden, will return,
+ """
+ return,
+ def chsize(self):
+ """Change the size of this widget.
Calling this method will cause a resize on all the widgets,
+ including this one.
+ """
+ if not hasattr(self,'_painted'): return
+ if not hasattr(self,'container'): return
+ if
+ if
+ return
+ return
+ #if hasattr(app.App,'app'):
+ # w,h = self.rect.w,self.rect.h
+ # w2,h2 = self.resize()
+ # if w2 != w or h2 != h:
+ #
+ # else:
+ # self.repaint()
+ def update(self,s):
+ """Template method - update the surface
Widget.update(s): return list of pygame.Rect(s)
pygame.Surface to update
return - a list of the updated areas as pygame.Rect(s).
+ """
+ return
+ def repaint(self):
+ """Request a repaint of this Widget.
+ """
+ if getattr(self,'container',None) != None: self.container.repaint(self)
+ def repaintall(self):
+ """Request a repaint of all Widgets.
+ """
+ if getattr(self,'container',None) != None: self.container.repaintall()
+ def reupdate(self):
+ """Request a reupdate of this Widget
+ """
+ if getattr(self,'container',None) != None: self.container.reupdate(self)
+ def next(self):
+ """Pass focus to next Widget.
Widget order determined by the order they were added to their container.
+ """
+ if getattr(self,'container',None) != None:
+ def previous(self):
+ """Pass focus to previous Widget.
Widget order determined by the order they were added to their container.
+ """
+ if getattr(self,'container',None) != None: self.container.previous(self)
+ def get_abs_rect(self):
+ """Get the absolute rect of this widget on the App screen
Widget.get_abs_rect(): return pygame.Rect
+ """
+ x, y = self.rect.x, self.rect.y
+ x += self._rect_content.x
+ y += self._rect_content.y
+ c = getattr(self,'container',None)
+ while c:
+ x += c.rect.x
+ y += c.rect.y
+ if hasattr(c,'_rect_content'):
+ x += c._rect_content.x
+ y += c._rect_content.y
+ c = getattr(c,'container',None)
+ return pygame.Rect(x, y, self.rect.w, self.rect.h)
+ def connect(self,code,func,*params):
+ """Connect a event code to a callback function.
There may be multiple callbacks per event code.
event type [[gui-const]]
callback function
values to pass to callback. Please note that callbacks may also have "magicaly" parameters. Such as:
receive the event
receive the event code
receive the sending widget
+ Example
+ def onclick(value):
+ print 'click',value
+ w = Button("PGU!")
+ w.connect(gui.CLICK,onclick,'PGU Button Clicked')
+ """
+ if (not code in self.connects):
+ self.connects[code] = []
+ for cb in self.connects[code]:
+ if (cb.func == func):
+ # Already connected to this callback function
+ return
+ # Wrap the callback function and add it to the list
+ cb = SignalCallback()
+ cb.func = func
+ cb.params = params
+ self.connects[code].append(cb)
+ # Remove signal handlers from the given event code. If func is specified,
+ # only those handlers will be removed. If func is None, all handlers
+ # will be removed.
+ def disconnect(self, code, func=None):
+ if (not code in self.connects):
+ return
+ if (not func):
+ # Remove all signal handlers
+ del self.connects[code]
+ else:
+ # Remove handlers that call 'func'
+ n = 0
+ callbacks = self.connects[code]
+ while (n < len(callbacks)):
+ if (callbacks[n].func == func):
+ # Remove this callback
+ del callbacks[n]
+ else:
+ n += 1
+ def send(self,code,event=None):
+ """Send a code, event callback trigger.
event code
+ """
+ if (not code in self.connects):
+ return
+ # Trigger all connected signal handlers
+ for cb in self.connects[code]:
+ func = cb.func
+ values = list(cb.params)
+ nargs = func.func_code.co_argcount
+ names = list(func.func_code.co_varnames)[:nargs]
+ if hasattr(func,'im_class'): names.pop(0)
+ args = []
+ magic = {'_event':event,'_code':code,'_widget':self}
+ for name in names:
+ if name in magic.keys():
+ args.append(magic[name])
+ elif len(values):
+ args.append(values.pop(0))
+ else:
+ break
+ args.extend(values)
+ func(*args)
+ def _event(self,e):
+ if self.disabled: return
+ self.send(e.type,e)
+ return self.event(e)
+# return
+# import app
+# if hasattr(app.App,'app'):
+ def event(self,e):
+ """Template method - called when an event is passed to this object.
Please note that if you use an event, returning the value True
+ will stop parent containers from also using the event. (For example, if
+ your widget handles TABs or arrow keys, and you don't want those to
+ also alter the focus.)
+ """
+ return
+ # Returns the top-level widget (usually the Desktop) by following the
+ # chain of 'container' references.
+ def get_toplevel(self):
+ top = self
+ while (getattr(top, "container", None)):
+ top = top.container
+ return top
diff --git a/src/pgu/ b/src/pgu/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d4156d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+"""Hexagonal tile engine.
Note -- this engine is not finished. Sprites are not supported. It
+can still be useful for using the level editor, and for rendering hex
+terrains, however. If you are able to update it and use it in a real game,
+help would be greatly appreciated!
please note that this file is alpha, and is subject to modification in
+future versions of pgu!
+print 'pgu.hexvid','This module is alpha, and is subject to change.'
+from pgu.vid import *
+import pygame
+class Hexvid(Vid):
+ """Create an hex vid engine. See [[vid]]"""
+ def update(self,screen):
+ return self.paint(screen)
+ def paint(self,screen):
+ sw,sh = screen.get_width(),screen.get_height()
+ self.view.w,self.view.h = sw,sh
+ tlayer = self.tlayer
+ blayer = self.blayer
+ #zlayer = self.zlayer
+ w,h = len(tlayer[0]),len(tlayer)
+ #iso_w,iso_h,iso_z,tile_w,tile_h,base_w,base_h = self.iso_w,self.iso_h,self.iso_z,self.tile_w,self.tile_h,self.base_w,self.base_h
+ tile_w,tile_h = self.tile_w,self.tile_h
+ tile_w2,tile_h2 = tile_w/2,tile_h/2
+ view = self.view
+ adj = self.adj = pygame.Rect(-self.view.x,-self.view.y,0,0)
+ w,h = len(tlayer[0]),len(tlayer)
+ tiles = self.tiles
+ #""
+ if self.bounds == None:
+ tmp,y1 = self.tile_to_view((0,0))
+ x1,tmp = self.tile_to_view((0,h+1))
+ tmp,y2 = self.tile_to_view((w+1,h+1))
+ x2,tmp = self.tile_to_view((w+1,0))
+ self.bounds = pygame.Rect(x1,y1,x2-x1,y2-y1)
+ print self.bounds
+ #""
+ if self.bounds != None: self.view.clamp_ip(self.bounds)
+ ox,oy = self.screen_to_tile((0,0))
+ sx,sy = self.tile_to_view((ox,oy))
+ dx,dy = sx - self.view.x,sy - self.view.y
+ bot = 1
+ tile_wi = tile_w + tile_w/2
+ tile_wi2 = tile_wi/2
+ #dx += tile_w/2
+ for i2 in xrange(-bot,self.view.h/tile_h2+bot*3): #NOTE: 3 seems a bit much, but it works.
+ tx,ty = ox + i2/2 + i2%2,oy + i2/2
+ x,y = (i2%2)*tile_wi2 + dx,i2*tile_h2 + dy
+ #to adjust for the -1 in i1
+ x,tx,ty = x-tile_wi,tx-1,ty+1
+ x -= tile_w/2
+ for i1 in xrange(-1,self.view.w/tile_wi+1):
+ if ty >= 0 and ty < h and tx >= 0 and tx < w:
+ if blayer != None:
+ n = blayer[ty][tx]
+ if n != 0:
+ t = tiles[n]
+ if t != None and t.image != None:
+ screen.blit(t.image,(x,y))
+ n = tlayer[ty][tx]
+ if n != 0:
+ t = tiles[n]
+ if t != None and t.image != None:
+ screen.blit(t.image,(x,y))
+ tx += 1
+ ty -= 1
+ x += tile_wi
+ return [pygame.Rect(0,0,screen.get_width(),screen.get_height())]
+ def view_to_tile(self,pos):
+ x,y = pos
+ #x = x + (self.tile_w*1/2)
+ x,y = int(x*4/(self.tile_w*3)), y*2/self.tile_h
+ nx = (x + y) / 2
+ ny = (y - x) / 2
+ return nx,ny
+ def tile_to_view(self,pos):
+ x,y = pos
+ nx = x - y
+ ny = x + y
+ nx,ny = int(nx*(self.tile_w*3)/4), ny*self.tile_h/2
+ #nx = nx - (self.tile_w*1/2)
+ return nx,ny
+ def screen_to_tile(self,pos): #NOTE HACK : not sure if the 3/8 is right or not, but it is pretty close...
+ pos = pos[0]+self.view.x + self.tile_w*3/8,pos[1]+self.view.y
+ pos = self.view_to_tile(pos)
+ return pos
+ def tile_to_screen(self,pos):
+ pos = self.tile_to_view(pos)
+ pos = pos[0]-self.view.x,pos[1]-self.view.y
+ return pos
+ def tga_load_tiles(self,fname,size,tdata={}):
+ Vid.tga_load_tiles(self,fname,size,tdata)
+ self.tile_w,self.tile_h = size
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/pgu/ b/src/pgu/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e05d22a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+"""Classes for handling high score tables.
+import os
+def High(fname,limit=10):
+ """Create a Highs object and returns the default high score table.
filename to store high scores in
limit of scores to be recorded, defaults to 10
+ """
+ return Highs(fname,limit)['default']
+class _Score:
+ def __init__(self,score,name,data=None):
+ self.score,,,name,data
+class _High:
+ """A high score table. These objects are passed to the user, but should not be created directly.
You can iterate them:
+ for e in myhigh:
+ print e.score,,
+ """
+ def submit(self,score,name,data=None):
+ """Submit a high score to this table.
return -- the position in the table that the score attained. None if the score did not attain a position in the table.
+ """
+ n = 0
+ for e in self._list:
+ if score > e.score:
+ self._list.insert(n,_Score(score,name,data))
+ self._list = self._list[0:self.limit]
+ return n
+ n += 1
+ if len(self._list) < self.limit:
+ self._list.append(_Score(score,name,data))
+ return len(self._list)-1
+ def check(self,score):
+ """Check if a score will attain a position in the table.
return -- the position the score will attain, else None
+ """
+ n = 0
+ for e in self._list:
+ if score > e.score:
+ return n
+ n += 1
+ if len(self._list) < self.limit:
+ return len(self._list)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self._list.__iter__()
+ def __getitem__(self,key):
+ return self._list[key]
+ def __len__(self):
+ return self._list.__len__()
+class Highs:
+ """The high score object.
+ """
+ self._dict = {}
+ try:
+ f = open(self.fname)
+ for line in f.readlines():
+ key,score,name,data = line.strip().split("\t")
+ if key not in self._dict:
+ self._dict[key] = _High(self,self.limit)
+ high = self._dict[key]
+ high.submit(int(score),name,data)
+ f.close()
+ except:
+ pass
+ def save(self):
+ """Save the high scores.
+ """
+ f = open(self.fname,"w")
+ for key,high in self._dict.items():
+ for e in high:
+ f.write("%s\t%d\t%s\t%s\n"%(key,e.score,,str(
+ f.close()
+ def __getitem__(self,key):
+ if key not in self._dict:
+ self._dict[key] = _High(self,self.limit)
+ return self._dict[key]
diff --git a/src/pgu/ b/src/pgu/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..817c000
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/
@@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
+"""a html renderer
+import sys
+import htmllib
+import re
+import pygame
+from pygame.locals import *
+from pgu import gui
+_amap = {'left':-1,'right':1,'center':0,None:None,'':None,}
+_vamap = {'top':-1,'bottom':1,'center':0,'middle':0,None:None,'':None,}
+# Used by the HTML parser to load external resources (like images). This
+# class loads content from the local file system. But you can pass your own
+# resource loader to the HTML parser to find images by other means.
+class ResourceLoader(object):
+ # Loads an image and returns it as a pygame image
+ def load_image(this, path):
+ return pygame.image.load(path)
+class _dummy:
+ pass
+class _flush:
+ def __init__(self):
+ = _dummy()
+ = None
+ = None
+ self.cls = None
+ def add(self,w): pass
+ def space(self,v): pass
+class _hr(gui.Color):
+ def __init__(self,**params):
+ gui.Color.__init__(self,(0,0,0),**params)
+ def resize(self,width=None,height=None):
+ w,h =,
+ #if width != None: self.rect.w = width
+ #else: self.rect.w = 1
+ #xt,xr,xb,xl = self.getspacing()
+ if width != None: w = max(w,width)
+ if height != None: h = max(h,height)
+ w = max(w,1)
+ h = max(h,1)
+ return w,h #self.container.rect.w,h
+ #self.rect.w = max(1,width,self.container.rect.w-(xl+xr))
+ #print self.rect
+ #self.rect.w = 1
+class _html(htmllib.HTMLParser):
+ def init(self,doc,font,color,_globals,_locals,loader=None):
+ self.mystack = []
+ self.document = doc
+ if (loader):
+ self.loader = loader
+ else:
+ # Use the default resource loader
+ self.loader = ResourceLoader()
+ self.myopen('document',self.document)
+ self.myfont = self.font = font
+ self.mycolor = self.color = color
+ self.form = None
+ self._globals = _globals
+ self._locals = _locals
+ def myopen(self,type_,w):
+ self.mystack.append((type_,w))
+ self.type,self.item = type_,w
+ self.font =
+ self.color =
+ if not self.font: self.font = self.myfont
+ if not self.color: self.color = self.mycolor
+ def myclose(self,type_):
+ t = None
+ self.mydone()
+ while t != type_:
+ #if len(self.mystack)==0: return
+ t,w = self.mystack.pop()
+ t,w = self.mystack.pop()
+ self.myopen(t,w)
+ def myback(self,type_):
+ if type(type_) == str: type_ = [type_,]
+ self.mydone()
+ #print 'myback',type_
+ t = None
+ while t not in type_:
+ #if len(self.mystack)==0: return
+ t,w = self.mystack.pop()
+ self.myopen(t,w)
+ def mydone(self):
+ #clearing out the last
+ if not hasattr(self.item,'layout'): return
+ if len(self.item.layout._widgets) == 0: return
+ w = self.item.layout._widgets[-1]
+ if type(w) == tuple:
+ del self.item.layout._widgets[-1]
+ def start_b(self,attrs): self.font.set_bold(1)
+ def end_b(self): self.font.set_bold(0)
+ def start_i(self,attrs): self.font.set_italic(1)
+ def end_i(self): self.font.set_italic(0)
+ def start_u(self,attrs): self.font.set_underline(1)
+ def end_u(self): self.font.set_underline(0)
+ def start_br(self,attrs): self.do_br(attrs)
+ def do_br(self,attrs):" ")[1])
+ def attrs_to_map(self,attrs):
+ k = None
+ r = {}
+ for k,v in attrs: r[k] = v
+ return r
+ def map_to_params(self,r):
+ anum = re.compile("\D")
+ params = {'style':{}}
+ style = params['style']
+ if 'bgcolor' in r:
+ style['background'] = gui.parse_color(r['bgcolor'])
+ if 'background' in r:
+ style['background'] = self.loader.load_image(r['background'])
+ if 'border' in r: style['border'] = int(r['border'])
+ for k in ['width','height','colspan','rowspan','size','min','max']:
+ if k in r: params[k] = int(anum.sub("",r[k]))
+ for k in ['name','value']:
+ if k in r: params[k] = r[k]
+ if 'class' in r: params['cls'] = r['class']
+ if 'align' in r:
+ params['align'] = _amap[r['align']]
+ if 'valign' in r:
+ params['valign'] = _vamap[r['valign']]
+ if 'style' in r:
+ for st in r['style'].split(";"):
+ #print st
+ if ":" in st:
+ #print st.split(":")
+ k,v = st.split(":")
+ k = k.replace("-","_")
+ k = k.replace(" ","")
+ v = v.replace(" ","")
+ if k == 'color' or k == 'border_color' or k == 'background':
+ v = gui.parse_color(v)
+ else:
+ v = int(anum.sub("",v))
+ style[k] = v
+ return params
+ def map_to_connects(self,e,r):
+ for k,evt in [('onclick',gui.CLICK),('onchange',gui.CHANGE)]: #blah blah blah
+ if k in r:
+ #print k,r[k]
+ e.connect(evt,self.myexec,(e,r[k]))
+ def start_p(self,attrs):
+ r = self.attrs_to_map(attrs)
+ align = r.get("align","left")
+ self.check_p()
+ self.item.block(_amap[align])
+ def check_p(self):
+ if len(self.item.layout._widgets) == 0: return
+ if type(self.item.layout._widgets[-1]) == tuple:
+ w,h = self.item.layout._widgets[-1]
+ if w == 0: return
+ self.do_br(None)
+ def end_p(self):
+ #print 'end p'
+ self.check_p()
+ def start_block(self,t,attrs,align=-1):
+ r = self.attrs_to_map(attrs)
+ params = self.map_to_params(r)
+ if 'cls' in params: params['cls'] = t+"."+params['cls']
+ else: params['cls'] = t
+ b = gui.Document(**params)
+ =
+ if 'align' in params:
+ align = params['align']
+ self.item.block(align)
+ self.item.add(b)
+ self.myopen(t,b)
+ def end_block(self,t):
+ self.myclose(t)
+ self.item.block(-1)
+ def start_div(self,attrs): self.start_block('div',attrs)
+ def end_div(self): self.end_block('div')
+ def start_center(self,attrs): self.start_block('div',attrs,0)
+ def end_center(self): self.end_block('div')
+ def start_h1(self,attrs): self.start_block('h1',attrs)
+ def end_h1(self): self.end_block('h1')
+ def start_h2(self,attrs): self.start_block('h2',attrs)
+ def end_h2(self): self.end_block('h2')
+ def start_h3(self,attrs): self.start_block('h3',attrs)
+ def end_h3(self): self.end_block('h3')
+ def start_h4(self,attrs): self.start_block('h4',attrs)
+ def end_h4(self): self.end_block('h4')
+ def start_h5(self,attrs): self.start_block('h5',attrs)
+ def end_h5(self): self.end_block('h5')
+ def start_h6(self,attrs): self.start_block('h6',attrs)
+ def end_h6(self): self.end_block('h6')
+ def start_ul(self,attrs): self.start_block('ul',attrs)
+ def end_ul(self): self.end_block('ul')
+ def start_ol(self,attrs):
+ self.start_block('ol',attrs)
+ self.item.counter = 0
+ def end_ol(self): self.end_block('ol')
+ def start_li(self,attrs):
+ self.myback(['ul','ol'])
+ cur = self.item
+ self.start_block('li',attrs)
+ if hasattr(cur,'counter'):
+ cur.counter += 1
+ self.handle_data("%d. "%cur.counter)
+ else:
+ self.handle_data("- ")
+ #def end_li(self): self.end_block('li') #this isn't needed because of how the parser works
+ def start_pre(self,attrs): self.start_block('pre',attrs)
+ def end_pre(self): self.end_block('pre')
+ def start_code(self,attrs): self.start_block('code',attrs)
+ def end_code(self): self.end_block('code')
+ def start_table(self,attrs):
+ r = self.attrs_to_map(attrs)
+ params = self.map_to_params(r)
+ align = r.get("align","left")
+ self.item.block(_amap[align])
+ t = gui.Table(**params)
+ self.item.add(t)
+ self.myopen('table',t)
+ def start_tr(self,attrs):
+ self.myback('table')
+ def _start_td(self,t,attrs):
+ r = self.attrs_to_map(attrs)
+ params = self.map_to_params(r)
+ if 'cls' in params: params['cls'] = t+"."+params['cls']
+ else: params['cls'] = t
+ b = gui.Document(cls=t)
+ self.myback('table')
+ self.myopen(t,b)
+ self.font =
+ self.color =
+ def start_td(self,attrs):
+ self._start_td('td',attrs)
+ def start_th(self,attrs):
+ self._start_td('th',attrs)
+ def end_table(self):
+ self.myclose('table')
+ self.item.block(-1)
+ def start_form(self,attrs):
+ r = self.attrs_to_map(attrs)
+ e = self.form = gui.Form()
+ e.groups = {}
+ self._locals[r.get('id',None)] = e
+ def start_input(self,attrs):
+ r = self.attrs_to_map(attrs)
+ params = self.map_to_params(r) #why bother
+ #params = {}
+ type_,name,value = r.get('type','text'),r.get('name',None),r.get('value',None)
+ f = self.form
+ if type_ == 'text':
+ e = gui.Input(**params)
+ self.map_to_connects(e,r)
+ self.item.add(e)
+ elif type_ == 'radio':
+ if name not in f.groups:
+ f.groups[name] = gui.Group(name=name)
+ g = f.groups[name]
+ del params['name']
+ e = gui.Radio(group=g,**params)
+ self.map_to_connects(e,r)
+ self.item.add(e)
+ if 'checked' in r: g.value = value
+ elif type_ == 'checkbox':
+ if name not in f.groups:
+ f.groups[name] = gui.Group(name=name)
+ g = f.groups[name]
+ del params['name']
+ e = gui.Checkbox(group=g,**params)
+ self.map_to_connects(e,r)
+ self.item.add(e)
+ if 'checked' in r: g.value = value
+ elif type_ == 'button':
+ e = gui.Button(**params)
+ self.map_to_connects(e,r)
+ self.item.add(e)
+ elif type_ == 'submit':
+ e = gui.Button(**params)
+ self.map_to_connects(e,r)
+ self.item.add(e)
+ elif type_ == 'file':
+ e = gui.Input(**params)
+ self.map_to_connects(e,r)
+ self.item.add(e)
+ b = gui.Button(value='Browse...')
+ self.item.add(b)
+ def _browse(value):
+ d = gui.FileDialog();
+ d.connect(gui.CHANGE,gui.action_setvalue,(d,e))
+ b.connect(gui.CLICK,_browse,None)
+ self._locals[r.get('id',None)] = e
+ def start_object(self,attrs):
+ r = self.attrs_to_map(attrs)
+ params = self.map_to_params(r)
+ code = "e = %s(**params)"%r['type']
+ #print code
+ #print params
+ exec(code)
+ #print e
+ #print,
+ self.map_to_connects(e,r)
+ self.item.add(e)
+ self._locals[r.get('id',None)] = e
+ def start_select(self,attrs):
+ r = self.attrs_to_map(attrs)
+ params = {}
+ name,value = r.get('name',None),r.get('value',None)
+ e = gui.Select(name=name,value=value,**params)
+ self.map_to_connects(e,r)
+ self.item.add(e)
+ self.myopen('select',e)
+ def start_option(self,attrs):
+ r = self.attrs_to_map(attrs)
+ params = {} #style = self.map_to_style(r)
+ self.myback('select')
+ e = gui.Document(**params)
+ self.item.add(e,value=r.get('value',None))
+ self.myopen('option',e)
+ def end_select(self):
+ self.myclose('select')
+ def start_hr(self,attrs):
+ self.do_hr(attrs)
+ def do_hr(self,attrs):
+ h = self.font.size(" ")[1]/2
+ r = self.attrs_to_map(attrs)
+ params = self.map_to_params(r)
+ params['style']['padding'] = h
+ print params
+ self.item.block(0)
+ self.item.add(_hr(**params))
+ self.item.block(-1)
+ def anchor_begin(self,href,name,type_):
+ pass
+ def anchor_end(self):
+ pass
+ def start_title(self,attrs): self.myopen('title',_flush())
+ def end_title(self): self.myclose('title')
+ def myexec(self,value):
+ w,code = value
+ g = self._globals
+ l = self._locals
+ l['self'] = w
+ exec(code,g,l)
+ def handle_image(self,src,alt,ismap,align,width,height):
+ try:
+ w = gui.Image(self.loader.load_image(src))
+ if align != '':
+ self.item.add(w,_amap[align])
+ else:
+ self.item.add(w)
+ except:
+ print 'handle_image: missing %s'%src
+ def handle_data(self,txt):
+ if self.type == 'table': return
+ elif self.type in ('pre','code'):
+ txt = txt.replace("\t"," ")
+ ss = txt.split("\n")
+ if ss[-1] == "": del ss[-1]
+ for sentence in ss:
+ img = self.font.render(sentence,1,self.color)
+ w = gui.Image(img)
+ self.item.add(w)
+ self.item.block(-1)
+ return
+ txt = re.compile("^[\t\r\n]+").sub("",txt)
+ txt = re.compile("[\t\r\n]+$").sub("",txt)
+ tst = re.compile("[\t\r\n]+").sub("",txt)
+ if tst == "": return
+ txt = re.compile("\s+").sub(" ",txt)
+ if txt == "": return
+ if txt == " ":
+" "))
+ return
+ for word in txt.split(" "):
+ word = word.replace(chr(160)," ") #
+ #print self.item.cls
+ w = gui.Image(self.font.render(word,1,self.color))
+ self.item.add(w)
+" "))
+class HTML(gui.Document):
+ """a gui HTML object
html data
global variables (for scripting)
local variables (for scripting)
the resource loader
you may access html elements that have an id via widget[id]
+ """
+ def __init__(self,data,globals=None,locals=None,loader=None,**params):
+ gui.Document.__init__(self,**params)
+ # This ensures that the whole HTML document is left-aligned within
+ # the rendered surface.
+ = -1
+ _globals,_locals = globals,locals
+ if _globals == None: _globals = {}
+ if _locals == None: _locals = {}
+ self._globals = _globals
+ self._locals = _locals
+ #font = gui.theme.get("label","","font")
+ p = _html(htmllib.AS_IS,0)
+ p.init(self,,,_globals,_locals,
+ loader=loader)
+ p.feed(data)
+ p.close()
+ p.mydone()
+ def __getitem__(self,k):
+ return self._locals[k]
+ # Returns a box (pygame rectangle) surrounding all widgets in this document
+ def get_bounding_box(this):
+ minx = miny = sys.maxint
+ maxx = maxy = -sys.maxint
+ for e in this.layout.widgets:
+ minx = min(minx, e.rect.left)
+ miny = min(miny,
+ maxx = max(maxx, e.rect.right+1)
+ maxy = max(maxy, e.rect.bottom+1)
+ return pygame.Rect(minx, miny, maxx-minx, maxy-miny)
+def render_ext(font, rect, text, aa, color, bgcolor=(0,0,0,0), **params):
+ """Renders some html and returns the rendered surface, plus the
+ HTML instance that produced it.
+ """
+ htm = HTML(text, font=font, color=color, **params)
+ if (rect == -1):
+ # Make the surface large enough to fit the rendered text
+ htm.resize(width=sys.maxint)
+ (width, height) = htm.get_bounding_box().size
+ # Now set the proper document width (computed from the bounding box)
+ htm.resize(width=width)
+ elif (type(rect) == int):
+ # Fix the width of the document, while the height is variable
+ width = rect
+ height = htm.resize(width=width)[1]
+ else:
+ # Otherwise the width and height of the document is fixed
+ (width, height) = rect.size
+ htm.resize(width=width)
+ # Now construct a surface and paint to it
+ surf = pygame.Surface((width, height)).convert_alpha()
+ surf.fill(bgcolor)
+ htm.paint(surf)
+ return (surf, htm)
+def render(font, rect, text, aa, color, bgcolor=(0,0,0,0), **params):
+ """Renders some html
+ """
+ return render_ext(font, rect, text, aa, color, bgcolor, **params)[0]
+def rendertrim(font,rect,text,aa,color,bgcolor=(0,0,0,0),**params):
+ """render html, and make sure to trim the size
+ rendertrim(font,rect,text,aa,color,bgcolor=(0,0,0,0))
+ """
+ # Render the HTML
+ (surf, htm) = render_ext(font, rect, text, aa, color, bgcolor, **params)
+ return surf.subsurface(htm.get_bounding_box())
+def write(s,font,rect,text,aa=0,color=(0,0,0), **params):
+ """write html to a surface
+ write(s,font,rect,text,aa=0,color=(0,0,0))
+ """
+ htm = HTML(text, font=font, color=color, **params)
+ htm.resize(width=rect.w)
+ s = s.subsurface(rect)
+ htm.paint(s)
+# vim: set filetype=python sts=4 sw=4 noet si :
diff --git a/src/pgu/ b/src/pgu/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5048ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+"""Isometric tile engine.
Note -- this engine is not finished, any may not work for your
+particular needs. If you are able to update it, help would be
+greatly appreciated!
please note that this file is alpha, and is subject to modification in
+future versions of pgu!
+print 'pgu.isovid','This module is alpha, and is subject to change.'
+from pgu.vid import *
+import pygame
+class Isovid(Vid):
+ """Create an iso vid engine. See [[vid]]"""
+ def update(self,screen):
+ return self.paint(screen)
+ def paint(self,screen):
+ sw,sh = screen.get_width(),screen.get_height()
+ tlayer = self.tlayer
+ blayer = self.blayer
+ zlayer = self.zlayer
+ w,h = len(tlayer[0]),len(tlayer)
+ iso_w,iso_h,iso_z,tile_w,tile_h,base_w,base_h = self.iso_w,self.iso_h,self.iso_z,self.tile_w,self.tile_h,self.base_w,self.base_h
+ base_h2 = base_h/2
+ base_w2 = base_w/2
+ bot = tile_h/base_h2
+ todo_max = sh/base_h2+bot
+ todo = [[] for y in xrange(0,todo_max)]
+ self.view.w,self.view.h = sw,sh
+ view = self.view
+ adj = self.adj = pygame.Rect(-self.view.x,-self.view.y,0,0)
+ for s in self.sprites:
+ self.sprite_calc_irect(s)
+ x,y = self.iso_to_view((s.rect.centerx,s.rect.centery))
+ v = (y+adj.y)/base_h2 - 1
+ if v >= 0 and v < todo_max:
+ todo[v].append((s.image,s.irect))
+ #else: print 'doesnt fit',v
+ w,h = len(tlayer[0]),len(tlayer)
+ tiles = self.tiles
+ #""
+ if self.bounds == None:
+ tmp,y1 = self.tile_to_view((0,0))
+ x1,tmp = self.tile_to_view((0,h+1))
+ tmp,y2 = self.tile_to_view((w+1,h+1))
+ x2,tmp = self.tile_to_view((w+1,0))
+ self.bounds = pygame.Rect(x1,y1,x2-x1,y2-y1)
+ #""
+ if self.bounds != None: self.view.clamp_ip(self.bounds)
+ ox,oy = self.screen_to_tile((0,0))
+ sx,sy = self.iso_to_view((ox*iso_w,oy*iso_h))
+ dx,dy = sx - self.view.x,sy - self.view.y
+ for i2 in xrange(-bot,self.view.h/base_h2+bot):
+ tx,ty = ox + i2/2 + i2%2,oy + i2/2
+ x,y = (i2%2)*base_w2 + dx,i2*base_h2 + dy
+ #to adjust for the -1 in i1
+ x,tx,ty = x-base_w,tx-1,ty+1
+ for i1 in xrange(-1,self.view.w/base_w+2): #NOTE: not sure why +2
+ if ty >= 0 and ty < h and tx >= 0 and tx < w:
+ z = zlayer[ty][tx]*iso_z
+ if blayer != None:
+ n = blayer[ty][tx]
+ if n != 0:
+ t = tiles[n]
+ if t != None and t.image != None:
+ screen.blit(t.image,(x-base_w2,y+z))
+ n = tlayer[ty][tx]
+ if n != 0:
+ t = tiles[n]
+ if t != None and t.image != None:
+ screen.blit(t.image,(x-base_w2,y-(t.image_h-base_h)+z))
+ tx += 1
+ ty -= 1
+ x += base_w
+ for img,irect in todo[y/base_h2]:
+ screen.blit(img,(irect.x+adj.x,irect.y+adj.y))
+ return [pygame.Rect(0,0,screen.get_width(),screen.get_height())]
+ def iso_to_view(self,pos):
+ tlayer = self.tlayer
+ w,h = len(tlayer[0]),len(tlayer)
+ x,y = pos
+ #nx,ny = (h*self.iso_w + x - y)/2, (0 + x + y)/2
+ nx,ny = (x - y)/2, (0 + x + y)/2
+ return (nx * self.base_w / self.iso_w), (ny * self.base_h / self.iso_h)
+ def view_to_iso(self,pos):
+ tlayer = self.tlayer
+ w,h = len(tlayer[0]),len(tlayer)
+ x,y = pos
+ x,y = x*self.iso_w/self.base_w, y*self.iso_h/self.base_h
+ #x -= (self.iso_w/2) * h
+ #x -= (self.iso_w/2) * h
+ nx = (x+y)
+ ny = y*2-nx
+ return nx,ny
+ def tile_to_view(self,pos):
+ return self.iso_to_view((pos[0]*self.iso_w,pos[1]*self.iso_h))
+ def screen_to_tile(self,pos):
+ x,y = pos
+ x += self.view.x
+ y += self.view.y
+ x,y = self.view_to_iso((x,y))
+ return x/self.iso_w,y/self.iso_h
+ def tile_to_screen(self,pos):
+ x,y = self.iso_to_view((pos[0]*self.iso_w,pos[1]*self.iso_h))
+ return x-self.view.x,y-self.view.y
+ def tga_load_tiles(self,fname,size,tdata={}):
+ Vid.tga_load_tiles(self,fname,size,tdata)
+ self.tile_w,self.tile_h = size
+ self.iso_w,self.iso_h,self.iso_z = self.tile_w,self.tile_w,1
+ self.base_w,self.base_h = self.tile_w,self.tile_w/2
+ def resize(self,size,bg=0):
+ Vid.resize(self,size,bg)
+ tlayer = self.tlayer
+ w,h = len(tlayer[0]),len(tlayer)
+ self.zlayer = [[0 for x in xrange(0,w)] for y in xrange(0,h)]
+ def sprite_calc_irect(self,s):
+ tlayer = self.tlayer
+ w,h = len(tlayer[0]),len(tlayer)
+ zlayer = self.zlayer
+ x,y = self.iso_to_view((s.rect.centerx,s.rect.centery))
+ tx,ty = s.rect.centerx/self.iso_w,s.rect.centery/self.iso_h
+ z = 0
+ if ty >= 0 and ty < h and tx >= 0 and tx < w:
+ z = zlayer[ty][tx]*self.iso_z
+ nx,ny = x - s.shape.centerx, y - s.shape.centery + z
+ s.irect.x,s.irect.y = nx,ny
+ def run_codes(self,cdata,rect):
+ #HACK to make run_codes work
+ w,h = self.iso_w,self.iso_h
+ img = self.tiles[0].image
+ self.tiles[0].image = pygame.Surface((w,h))
+ r = Vid.run_codes(self,cdata,rect)
+ self.tiles[0].image = img
+ return r
diff --git a/src/pgu/ b/src/pgu/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75b6c9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+print 'pgu.layout','Scheduled to be deprecated.'
+from pgu.gui.layout import *
diff --git a/src/pgu/ b/src/pgu/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1010a87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+"""a collection of text rendering functions
+def write(s,font,pos,color,text,border=1):
+ """write text to a surface with a black border
+ """
+ i = font.render(text,1,(0,0,0))
+ si = border
+ dirs = [(-1,-1),(-1,0),(-1,1),(0,-1),(0,1),(1,-1),(1,0),(1,1)]
+ for dx,dy in dirs: s.blit(i,(pos[0]+dx*si,pos[1]+dy*si))
+ i = font.render(text,1,color)
+ s.blit(i,pos)
+def writec(s,font,color,text,border=1):
+ """write centered text to a surface with a black border
+ """
+ w,h = font.size(text)
+ x = (s.get_width()-w)/2
+ y = (s.get_height()-h)/2
+ write(s,font,(x,y),color,text,border)
+def writepre(s,font,rect,color,text):
+ """write preformatted text
+ """
+ r,c,txt = rect,color,text
+ txt = txt.replace("\t"," ")
+ i = font.render(" ",1,c)
+ sw,sh = i.get_width(),i.get_height()
+ y =
+ for sentence in txt.split("\n"):
+ x = r.left
+ i = font.render(sentence,1,c)
+ s.blit(i,(x,y))
+ y += sh
+def writewrap(s,font,rect,color,text):
+ """write wrapped text
+ """
+ r,c,txt = rect,color,text
+ txt = txt.replace("\t"," ")
+ i = font.render(" ",1,c)
+ sw,sh = i.get_width(),i.get_height()
+ y =
+ for sentence in txt.split("\n"):
+ x = r.left
+ for word in sentence.split(" "):
+ i = font.render(word,1,c)
+ iw,ih = i.get_width(),i.get_height()
+ if x+iw > r.right: x,y = r.left,y+sh
+ s.blit(i,(x,y))
+ x += iw+sw
+ y += sh
+# vim: set filetype=python sts=4 sw=4 noet si :
diff --git a/src/pgu/ b/src/pgu/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00f730d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+"""Square tile based engine."""
+from pgu.vid import *
+import pygame
+class Tilevid(Vid):
+ """Based on [[vid]] -- see for reference."""
+ def paint(self,s):
+ sw,sh = s.get_width(),s.get_height()
+ self.view.w,self.view.h = sw,sh
+ tiles = self.tiles
+ tw,th = tiles[0].image.get_width(),tiles[0].image.get_height()
+ w,h = self.size
+ if self.bounds != None: self.view.clamp_ip(self.bounds)
+ ox,oy = self.view.x,self.view.y
+ tlayer = self.tlayer
+ blayer = self.blayer
+ alayer = self.alayer
+ sprites = self.sprites
+ blit = s.blit
+ yy = - (self.view.y%th)
+ my = (oy+sh)/th
+ if (oy+sh)%th: my += 1
+ if blayer != None:
+ for y in xrange(oy/th,my):
+ if y >=0 and y < h:
+ trow = tlayer[y]
+ brow = blayer[y]
+ arow = alayer[y]
+ xx= - (self.view.x%tw)
+ mx = (ox+sw)/tw
+ #if (ox+sh)%tw: mx += 1
+ for x in xrange(ox/tw,mx+1):
+ if x >=0and x=0 and y=0 and xTimer(fps)
+ """
+ def __init__(self,fps):
+ if fps == 0:
+ self.tick = self._blank
+ return
+ self.wait = 1000/fps
+ self.nt = pygame.time.get_ticks()
+ pygame.time.wait(0)
+ def _blank(self):
+ pass
+ def tick(self):
+ """Wait correct amount of time each frame. Call this once per frame.
+ """
+ self.ct = pygame.time.get_ticks()
+ if self.ct < self.nt:
+ pygame.time.wait(self.nt-self.ct)
+ self.nt+=self.wait
+ else:
+ self.nt = pygame.time.get_ticks()+self.wait
+class Speedometer:
+ """A timer replacement that returns out FPS once a second.
+ Attributes
always set to the current FPS
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.frames = 0
+ = pygame.time.get_ticks()
+ self.fps = 0
+ def tick(self):
+ """ Call this once per frame.
+ """
+ r = None
+ self.frames += 1
+ self.ct = pygame.time.get_ticks()
+ if (self.ct - >= 1000:
+ r = self.fps = self.frames
+ #print "%s: %d fps"%(self.__class__.__name__,self.fps)
+ self.frames = 0
+ += 1000
+ pygame.time.wait(0) #NOTE: not sure why, but you gotta call this now and again
+ return r
+# vim: set filetype=python sts=4 sw=4 noet si :
diff --git a/src/pgu/ b/src/pgu/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6890e5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pgu/
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+"""Sprite and tile engine.
[[tilevid]], [[isovid]], [[hexvid]] are all subclasses of
+this interface.
Includes support for:
Foreground Tiles
Background Tiles
Sprite-Sprite Collision handling
Sprite-Tile Collision handling
Loading from PGU tile and sprite formats (optional)
Set rate FPS (optional)
This code was previously known as the King James Version (named after the
+Bible of the same name for historical reasons.)
+import pygame
+from pygame.rect import Rect
+from pygame.locals import *
+import math
+class Sprite:
+ """The object used for Sprites.
an image, or an image, rectstyle. The rectstyle will
+ describe the shape of the image, used for collision
+ detection.
a list of the Sprites to be displayed. You may append and
+ remove Sprites from it.
a dict for images to be put in.
the width, height in Tiles of the layers. Do not modify.
a pygame.Rect of the viewed area. You may change .x, .y,
+ etc to move the viewed area around.
a pygame.Rect (set to None by default) that sets the bounds
+ of the viewable area. Useful for setting certain borders
+ as not viewable.
the foreground tiles layer
the code layer (optional)
the background tiles layer (optional)
a hash of group names to group values (32 groups max, as a tile/sprites
+ membership in a group is determined by the bits in an integer)
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.tiles = [None for x in xrange(0,256)]
+ self.sprites = _Sprites()
+ self.images = {} #just a store for images.
+ self.layers = None
+ self.size = None
+ self.view = pygame.Rect(0,0,0,0)
+ self._view = pygame.Rect(self.view)
+ self.bounds = None
+ self.updates = []
+ self.groups = {}
+ def resize(self,size,bg=0):
+ """Resize the layers.
w,h in Tiles of the layers
set to 1 if you wish to use both a foreground layer and a
+ background layer
+ """
+ self.size = size
+ w,h = size
+ self.layers = [[[0 for x in xrange(0,w)] for y in xrange(0,h)]
+ for z in xrange(0,4)]
+ self.tlayer = self.layers[0]
+ self.blayer = self.layers[1]
+ if not bg: self.blayer = None
+ self.clayer = self.layers[2]
+ self.alayer = self.layers[3]
+ self.view.x, self.view.y = 0,0
+ self._view.x, self.view.y = 0,0
+ self.bounds = None
+ self.updates = []
+ def set(self,pos,v):
+ """Set a tile in the foreground to a value.
Use this method to set tiles in the foreground, as it will make
+ sure the screen is updated with the change. Directly changing
+ the tlayer will not guarantee updates unless you are using .paint()
(x,y) of tile
+ """
+ if self.tlayer[pos[1]][pos[0]] == v: return
+ self.tlayer[pos[1]][pos[0]] = v
+ self.alayer[pos[1]][pos[0]] = 1
+ self.updates.append(pos)
+ def get(self,pos):
+ """Get the tlayer at pos.
set to 1 if you wish to load the background layer
+ """
+ if type(fname) == str: img = pygame.image.load(fname)
+ else: img = fname
+ w,h = img.get_width(),img.get_height()
+ self.resize((w,h),bg)
+ for y in range(0,h):
+ for x in range(0,w):
+ t,b,c,_a = img.get_at((x,y))
+ self.tlayer[y][x] = t
+ if bg: self.blayer[y][x] = b
+ self.clayer[y][x] = c
+ def tga_save_level(self,fname):
+ """Save a TGA level.
tga image to save to
+ """
+ w,h = self.size
+ img = pygame.Surface((w,h),SWSURFACE,32)
+ img.fill((0,0,0,0))
+ for y in range(0,h):
+ for x in range(0,w):
+ t = self.tlayer[y][x]
+ b = 0
+ if self.blayer:
+ b = self.blayer[y][x]
+ c = self.clayer[y][x]
+ _a = 0
+ img.set_at((x,y),(t,b,c,_a))
+ def tga_load_tiles(self,fname,size,tdata={}):
+ """Load a TGA tileset.
a Tilevid instance
tga image to load
(w,h) size of tiles in pixels
tile data, a dict of tile:(agroups, hit handler, config)
+ """
+ TW,TH = size
+ if type(fname) == str: img = pygame.image.load(fname).convert_alpha()
+ else: img = fname
+ w,h = img.get_width(),img.get_height()
+ n = 0
+ for y in range(0,h,TH):
+ for x in range(0,w,TW):
+ i = img.subsurface((x,y,TW,TH))
+ tile = Tile(i)
+ self.tiles[n] = tile
+ if n in tdata:
+ agroups,hit,config = tdata[n]
+ tile.agroups = self.string2groups(agroups)
+ tile.hit = hit
+ tile.config = config
+ n += 1
+ def load_images(self,idata):
+ """Load images.
a list of (name, fname, shape)
+ """
+ for name,fname,shape in idata:
+ self.images[name] = pygame.image.load(fname).convert_alpha(),shape
+ def run_codes(self,cdata,rect):
+ """Run codes.
a dict of code:(handler function, value)
a tile rect of the parts of the layer that should have
+ their codes run
+ """
+ tw,th = self.tiles[0].image.get_width(),self.tiles[0].image.get_height()
+ x1,y1,w,h = rect
+ clayer = self.clayer
+ t = Tile()
+ for y in range(y1,y1+h):
+ for x in range(x1,x1+w):
+ n = clayer[y][x]
+ if n in cdata:
+ fnc,value = cdata[n]
+ t.tx,t.ty = x,y
+ t.rect = pygame.Rect(x*tw,y*th,tw,th)
+ fnc(self,t,value)
+ def string2groups(self,str):
+ """Convert a string to groups.
Vid.string2groups(str): return groups
+ """
+ if str == None: return 0
+ return self.list2groups(str.split(","))
+ def list2groups(self,igroups):
+ """Convert a list to groups.
Vid.list2groups(igroups): return groups
+ """
+ for s in igroups:
+ if not s in self.groups:
+ self.groups[s] = 2**len(self.groups)
+ v = 0
+ for s,n in self.groups.items():
+ if s in igroups: v|=n
+ return v
+ def groups2list(self,groups):
+ """Convert a groups to a list.
Vid.groups2list(groups): return list
+ """
+ v = []
+ for s,n in self.groups.items():
+ if (n&groups)!=0: v.append(s)
+ return v
+ def hit(self,x,y,t,s):
+ tiles = self.tiles
+ tw,th = tiles[0].image.get_width(),tiles[0].image.get_height()
+ t.tx = x
+ t.ty = y
+ t.rect = Rect(x*tw,y*th,tw,th)
+ t._rect = t.rect
+ if hasattr(t,'hit'):
+ t.hit(self,t,s)
+ def loop(self):
+ """Update and hit testing loop. Run this once per frame.
+ """
+ self.loop_sprites() #sprites may move
+ self.loop_tilehits() #sprites move
+ self.loop_spritehits() #no sprites should move
+ for s in self.sprites:
+ s._rect = pygame.Rect(s.rect)
+ def loop_sprites(self):
+ as_ = self.sprites[:]
+ for s in as_:
+ if hasattr(s,'loop'):
+ s.loop(self,s)
+ def loop_tilehits(self):
+ tiles = self.tiles
+ tw,th = tiles[0].image.get_width(),tiles[0].image.get_height()
+ layer = self.layers[0]
+ as_ = self.sprites[:]
+ for s in as_:
+ self._tilehits(s)
+ def _tilehits(self,s):
+ tiles = self.tiles
+ tw,th = tiles[0].image.get_width(),tiles[0].image.get_height()
+ layer = self.layers[0]
+ for _z in (0,):
+ if s.groups != 0:
+ _rect = s._rect
+ rect = s.rect
+ _rectx = _rect.x
+ _recty = _rect.y
+ _rectw = _rect.w
+ _recth = _rect.h
+ rectx = rect.x
+ recty = rect.y
+ rectw = rect.w
+ recth = rect.h
+ rect.y = _rect.y
+ rect.h = _rect.h
+ hits = []
+ ct,cb,cl,cr =,rect.bottom,rect.left,rect.right
+ #nasty ol loops
+ y = ct/th*th
+ while y < cb:
+ x = cl/tw*tw
+ yy = y/th
+ while x < cr:
+ xx = x/tw
+ t = tiles[layer[yy][xx]]
+ if (s.groups & t.agroups)!=0:
+ #self.hit(xx,yy,t,s)
+ d = math.hypot(rect.centerx-(xx*tw+tw/2),
+ rect.centery-(yy*th+th/2))
+ hits.append((d,t,xx,yy))
+ x += tw
+ y += th
+ hits.sort()
+ #if len(hits) > 0: print self.frame,hits
+ for d,t,xx,yy in hits:
+ self.hit(xx,yy,t,s)
+ #switching directions...
+ _rect.x = rect.x
+ _rect.w = rect.w
+ rect.y = recty
+ rect.h = recth
+ hits = []
+ ct,cb,cl,cr =,rect.bottom,rect.left,rect.right
+ #nasty ol loops
+ y = ct/th*th
+ while y < cb:
+ x = cl/tw*tw
+ yy = y/th
+ while x < cr:
+ xx = x/tw
+ t = tiles[layer[yy][xx]]
+ if (s.groups & t.agroups)!=0:
+ d = math.hypot(rect.centerx-(xx*tw+tw/2),
+ rect.centery-(yy*th+th/2))
+ hits.append((d,t,xx,yy))
+ #self.hit(xx,yy,t,s)
+ x += tw
+ y += th
+ hits.sort()
+ #if len(hits) > 0: print self.frame,hits
+ for d,t,xx,yy in hits:
+ self.hit(xx,yy,t,s)
+ #done with loops
+ _rect.x = _rectx
+ _rect.y = _recty
+ def loop_spritehits(self):
+ as_ = self.sprites[:]
+ groups = {}
+ for n in range(0,31):
+ groups[1<>= 1
+ n <<= 1
+ for s in as_:
+ if s.agroups!=0:
+ rect1,rect2 = s.rect,Rect(s.rect)
+ #if rect1.centerx < 320: rect2.x += 640
+ #else: rect2.x -= 640
+ g = s.agroups
+ n = 1
+ while g:
+ if (g&1)!=0:
+ for b in groups[n]:
+ if (s != b and (s.agroups & b.groups)!=0
+ and s.rect.colliderect(b.rect)):
+ s.hit(self,s,b)
+ g >>= 1
+ n <<= 1
+ def screen_to_tile(self,pos):
+ """Convert a screen position to a tile position.
Vid.screen_to_tile(pos): return pos
+ """
+ return pos
+ def tile_to_screen(self,pos):
+ """Convert a tile position to a screen position.
Vid.tile_to_screen(pos): return pos
+ """
+ return pos
+# vim: set filetype=python sts=4 sw=4 noet si :
diff --git a/src/songs/ b/src/songs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f85b06c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/songs/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+Created on 8 dec. 2009
+@author: Samuel Benveniste
+from mxmMidi.MidiOutStream import MidiOutStream
+class MidiToSong(MidiOutStream):
+ '''
+ Creates songs from midi files using mxmMidi package
+ '''
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.midiNoteNumbers = []
+ self.noteLengths = []
+ self.quarterNoteLength = 500
+ self.firstNoteOn = True
+ self._lastNoteOnTime = 0
+ def header(self, format=0, nTracks=1, division=96):
+ print 'format: %s, nTracks: %s, division: %s' % (format, nTracks, division)
+ print '----------------------------------'
+ print ''
+ self.division = division
+ def tempo(self,value):
+ self.quarterNoteLength = value/1000
+ print "quarterNoteLength in ms :" + str(self.quarterNoteLength)
+ def note_on(self, channel=0, note=0x40, velocity=0x40):
+ self.midiNoteNumbers.append(note)
+ # if it's the first note_on take note of time (the song begins here)
+ # from the second note_on and after, mark the length of the preceding note
+ if self.firstNoteOn :
+ self.firstNoteOn = False
+ self._lastNoteOnTime = self.abs_time()
+ else :
+ self.noteLengths.append(float(self.abs_time()-self._lastNoteOnTime)/float(self.division))
+ self._lastNoteOnTime = self.abs_time()
+ def eof(self):
+ self.noteLengths.append(4)
+ for i in range(len(self.midiNoteNumbers)):
+ print "note number :" + str(self.midiNoteNumbers[i]) + ", length in quarter Notes :" + str(self.noteLengths[i])
+ print"--------------"
+ print "end of file"
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # get data
+ test_file = '../songs/midis/test.mid'
+ f = open(test_file, 'rb')
+ # do parsing
+ from mxmMidi.MidiInFile import MidiInFile
+ mts = MidiToSong()
+ midiIn = MidiInFile(mts, f)
+ f.close()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/songs/ b/src/songs/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c018eae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/songs/
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+Created on 2 oct. 2009
+@author: samsam
+import pickle
+import os.path
+from MidiToSong import MidiToSong
+from mxmMidi.MidiInFile import MidiInFile
+class Song:
+ '''
+ classdocs
+ '''
+ def __init__(self,scale,notesInExtendedScale=[], requiresExtendedScale = False,midiNoteNumbers = None, alterationIndexes = None, alterations = None, modulationIndexes = None, modulationScales = None, lyrics =None, noteLengths = None, quarterNoteLength = 750, name = "unknownSong"):
+ '''
+ Constructor
+ '''
+ = name
+ self.scale = scale
+ self.notes = notesInExtendedScale
+ self.lyrics = lyrics
+ self.noteLengths = noteLengths
+ self.quarterNoteLength = quarterNoteLength
+ if midiNoteNumbers == None :
+ self.midiNoteNumbers = [self.scale[note] for note in self.notes]
+ else:
+ self.midiNoteNumbers = midiNoteNumbers
+ if self.notes == [] :
+ self.assignNotesFromMidiNoteNumbers()
+ self.requiresExtendedScale = requiresExtendedScale
+ if alterationIndexes != None and alterations != None :
+ self.alterNotes(alterationIndexes, alterations)
+ if modulationIndexes != None and modulationScales != None :
+ self.modulate(modulationIndexes, modulationScales)
+ def getSongIterator(self):
+ while True:
+ for i in range(len(self.notes)):
+ if self.lyrics :
+ lyrics = self.lyrics[i]
+ else :
+ lyrics = None
+ if self.noteLengths :
+ noteLength = self.noteLengths[i]
+ else :
+ noteLength = 1
+ yield [self.notes[i],self.midiNoteNumbers[i],lyrics,noteLength]
+ def alterNotes(self,noteIndexes,alterations):
+ for i in range(len(noteIndexes)) :
+ self.midiNoteNumbers[noteIndexes[i]] = self.midiNoteNumbers[noteIndexes[i]] + alterations[i]
+ def modulate(self,modulationIndexes,scales):
+ for i in range(len(scales)):
+ if i < len(scales)-1 :
+ bound = modulationIndexes[i+1]
+ else :
+ bound = len(self.notes)
+ for j in range(modulationIndexes[i],bound):
+ self.midiNoteNumbers[j]=scales[i][self.notes[j]]
+ def assignNotesFromMidiNoteNumbers(self):
+ for i in range(len(self.midiNoteNumbers)):
+ noteInExtendedScale = 0
+ while self.midiNoteNumbers[i] > self.scale[noteInExtendedScale] and noteInExtendedScale < len(self.scale)-1:
+ noteInExtendedScale += 1
+ if self.midiNoteNumbers[i]