def handleKeyDown(self, event) :
- if event.key == pygame.K_q or event.unicode == u'q':
+ if event.key == pygame.K_q or \
+ event.unicode == u'q' or \
+ pygame.K_ESCAPE:
def handleEasyColumnOver(self, event) :
col = event.column
if col.state and \
- any(event.mouseEvent.buttons) and \
+ self.cursor.pressed and \
not self.currentNotePlayed :
self.playnote(col, event.pos)
def handleNormalColumnOver(self, event) :
col = event.column
if col.state and \
- any(event.mouseEvent.buttons) and \
+ self.cursor.pressed and \
not self.currentNotePlayed :
self.playnote(col, event.pos)
self.currentNotePlayed = True