- instance, calling the GeometricObject.aspolyedron() method. This way, it
- is possible to compute the polyhedral hull of a Domain instance, i.e.,
- the convex hull of two polyhedra:
- >>> square = Polyhedron('0 <= x <= 2, 0 <= y <= 2')
- >>> square2 = Polyhedron('2 <= x <= 4, 2 <= y <= 4')
- >>> Polyhedron(square | square2)
+ instance, calling the GeometricObject.aspolyedron() method. This way,
+ it is possible to compute the polyhedral hull of a Domain instance,
+ i.e., the convex hull of two polyhedra:
+ >>> square1 = Polyhedron('0 <= x <= 2, 0 <= y <= 2')
+ >>> square2 = Polyhedron('1 <= x <= 3, 1 <= y <= 3')
+ >>> Polyhedron(square1 | square2)
+ And(0 <= x, 0 <= y, x <= y + 2, y <= x + 2, x <= 3, y <= 3)