+ Subsitute symbol by expression in equations and return the resulting
+ domain.
+ .. py:method:: fromstring(cls, string)
+ Convert a string into a domain.
+ .. py:method:: fromsympy(cls, expr)
+ Convert a SymPy expression into a domain.
+ .. py:method:: tosympy(self)
+ Convert a domain into a SymPy expression.
- A 2D or 3D domain can be plotted using the :meth:`plot` function. The points, verticies, and faces of a domain can be inspected using the following functions.
+A 2D or 3D domain can be plotted using the :meth:`plot` method. The points, vertices, and faces of a domain can be inspected using the following functions.
.. py:method:: points(self)
.. py:method:: points(self)
- Return a list of the points contained in a domain as :class:`Points` objects.
+ Return a list of the points with integer coordinates contained in a domain as :class:`Points` objects.
+ .. py:method:: __contains__(self, point)
+ Return ``True`` if point if contained within the domain.