Domains Module
+This module provides classes and functions to deal with polyhedral
+domains, i.e. unions of polyhedra.
.. py:class :: Domain
+ This class represents polyhedral domains, i.e. unions of polyhedra.
+ .. py:method:: __new__(cls, *polyhedra)
+ Create and return a new domain from a string or a list of polyhedra.
+ .. attribute:: polyhedra
+ The tuple of polyhedra which constitute the domain.
.. attribute:: symbols
Returns a tuple of the symbols that exsist in a domain.
.. py:method:: isempty(self)
Return ``True`` is a domain is empty.
+ .. py:method:: __bool__(self)
+ Return ``True`` if the domain is non-empty.
.. py:method:: isuniverse(self)
Return ``True`` if a domain is bounded.
- .. py:method:: disjoint(self)
+ .. py:method:: make_disjoint(self)
- It is not guarenteed that a domain is disjoint. If it is necessary, this method will return a domain as disjoint.
+ It is not guarenteed that a domain is disjoint. If it is necessary, this method will return an equivalent domain, whose polyhedra are disjoint.
.. py:method:: isdisjoint(self, other)
.. py:method:: complement(self)
- Return the complement of a domain.
+ Return the complementary domain of a domain.
+ .. py:method:: coalesce(self)
+ Simplify the representation of the domain by trying to combine pairs of
+ polyhedra into a single polyhedron.
+ .. py:method:: detect_equalities(self)
+ Simplify the representation of the domain by detecting implicit
+ equalities.
.. py:method:: simplify(self)
.. py:method:: lexmin(self)
- Return a new set containing the lexicographic minimum of the elements in the set.
+ Return a new domain containing the lexicographic minimum of the elements in the domain.
.. py:method:: lexmax(self)
- Return a new set containing the lexicographic maximum of the elements in the set.
+ Return a new domain containing the lexicographic maximum of the elements in the domain.
+ .. py:method:: subs(self, symbol, expression=None):
+ Subsitute symbol by expression in equations and return the resulting
+ domain.
+ .. py:method:: fromstring(cls, string)
+ Convert a string into a domain.
+ .. py:method:: fromsympy(cls, expr)
+ Convert a SymPy expression into a domain.
+ .. py:method:: tosympy(self)
+ Convert a domain into a SymPy expression.
A 2D or 3D domain can be plotted using the :meth:`plot` method. The points, vertices, and faces of a domain can be inspected using the following functions.
.. py:method:: points(self)
- Return a list of the points contained in a domain as :class:`Points` objects.
+ Return a list of the points with integer coordinates contained in a domain as :class:`Points` objects.
+ .. py:method:: __contains__(self, point)
+ Return ``True`` if point if contained within the domain.
.. py:method:: vertices(self)
.. py:method:: plot(self, plot=None, **kwargs)
- Return a plot of the given domain or add a plot to a plot instance.
+ Return a plot of the given domain or add a plot to a plot instance, using matplotlib.