-from linpy import *
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-from matplotlib import pylab
-a, x, y, z = symbols('a x y z')
-sq1 = Le(0, x) & Le(x, 2) & Le(0, y) & Le(y, 2)
-sq2 = Le(2, x) & Le(x, 4) & Le(2, y) & Le(y, 4)
-sq3 = Le(0, x) & Le(x, 3) & Le(0, y) & Le(y, 3)
-sq4 = Le(1, x) & Le(x, 2) & Le(1, y) & Le(y, 2)
-sq5 = Le(1, x) & Le(x, 2) & Le(1, y)
-sq6 = Le(1, x) & Le(x, 2) & Le(1, y) & Le(y, 3)
-sq7 = Le(0, x) & Le(x, 2) & Le(0, y) & Eq(z, 2) & Le(a, 3)
-p = Le(2*x+1, y) & Le(-2*x-1, y) & Le(y, 1)
-universe = Polyhedron([])
-q = sq1 - sq2
-e = Empty
-print('sq1 =', sq1) #print correct square
-print('sq2 =', sq2) #print correct square
-print('sq3 =', sq3) #print correct square
-print('sq4 =', sq4) #print correct square
-print('universe =', universe) #print correct square
-print('¬sq1 =', ~sq1) #test complement
-print('sq1 + sq1 =', sq1 + sq2) #test addition
-print('sq1 + sq2 =', Polyhedron(sq1 + sq2)) #test addition
-print('universe + universe =', universe + universe)#test addition
-print('universe - universe =', universe - universe) #test subtraction
-print('sq2 - sq1 =', sq2 - sq1) #test subtraction
-print('sq2 - sq1 =', Polyhedron(sq2 - sq1)) #test subtraction
-print('sq1 - sq1 =', Polyhedron(sq1 - sq1)) #test subtraction
-print('sq1 ∩ sq2 =', sq1 & sq2) #test intersection
-print('sq1 ∪ sq2 =', sq1 | sq2) #test union
-print('sq1 ⊔ sq2 =', Polyhedron(sq1 | sq2)) # test convex union
-print('check if sq1 and sq2 disjoint:', sq1.isdisjoint(sq2)) #should return false
-print('sq1 disjoint:', sq1.disjoint()) #make disjoint
-print('sq2 disjoint:', sq2.disjoint()) #make disjoint
-print('is square 1 universe?:', sq1.isuniverse()) #test if square is universe
-print('is u universe?:', universe.isuniverse()) #test if square is universe
-print('is sq1 a subset of sq2?:', sq1.issubset(sq2)) #test issubset()
-print('is sq4 less than sq3?:', sq4.__lt__(sq3)) # test lt(), must be a strict subset
-print('lexographic min of sq1:', sq1.lexmin()) #test lexmin()
-print('lexographic max of sq1:', sq1.lexmax()) #test lexmin()
-print('lexographic min of sq2:', sq2.lexmin()) #test lexmax()
-print('lexographic max of sq2:', sq2.lexmax()) #test lexmax()
-print('Polyhedral hull of sq1 + sq2 is:', q.aspolyhedron()) #test polyhedral hull
-print('is sq1 bounded?', sq1.isbounded()) #bounded should return True
-print('is sq5 bounded?', sq5.isbounded()) #unbounded should return False
-print('sq6:', sq6)
-print('sample Polyhedron from sq6:', sq6.sample())
-print('sq7 with out constraints involving y and a', sq7.project([a, z, x, y]))
-print('the verticies for s are:', p.vertices())
-# plotting the intersection of two squares
-square1 = Le(0, x) & Le(x, 2) & Le(0, y) & Le(y, 2)
-square2 = Le(1, x) & Le(x, 3) & Le(1, y) & Le(y, 3)
-fig = plt.figure()
-plot = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect='equal')
-square1.plot(plot, facecolor='red', alpha=0.3)
-square2.plot(plot, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.3)
-squares = Polyhedron(square1 + square2)
-squares.plot(plot, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.3)
+# This is the code example used in the tutorial. It shows how to define and
+# manipulate polyhedra.
+import code
+class InteractiveConsole(code.InteractiveConsole):
+ def push(self, line=''):
+ if line:
+ print('>>>', line)
+ return super().push(line)
+ else:
+ print()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ shell = InteractiveConsole()
+ shell.push('from linpy import *')
+ shell.push("x, y = symbols('x y')")
+ shell.push()
+ shell.push('square1 = Le(0, x, 2) & Le(0, y, 2)')
+ shell.push('square1')
+ shell.push()
+ shell.push("square2 = Polyhedron('1 <= x <= 3, 1 <= y <= 3')")
+ shell.push('square2')
+ shell.push()
+ shell.push('inter = square1.intersection(square2) # or square1 & square2')
+ shell.push('inter')
+ shell.push()
+ shell.push('hull = square1.convex_union(square2)')
+ shell.push('hull')
+ shell.push()
+ shell.push('proj = square1.project([y])')
+ shell.push('proj')
+ shell.push()
+ shell.push('inter <= square1')
+ shell.push('inter == Empty')
+ shell.push()
+ shell.push('union = square1.union(square2) # or square1 | square2')
+ shell.push('union')
+ shell.push('union <= hull')
+ shell.push()
+ shell.push('diff = square1.difference(square2) # or square1 - square2')
+ shell.push('diff')
+ shell.push('~square1')