-/* © Benoît Pin, MINES ParisTech */
+/* © 2011 Benoît Pin, MINES ParisTech */
+var reImage = /^image\//;
+var PlinnCKDDUploader = function(editor) {
+ this.editor = editor;
+ this.uploadUrl = editor.config.baseHref + 'attachments/put_upload';
+ this.uploadQueue = [];
+ this._uploadQueueRunning = false;
+ var self = this;
+ editor.document.on('dragenter', function(e) {self.dragenter(e);});
+ editor.document.on('dragover', function(e) {self.dragover(e);});
+ editor.document.on('drop', function(e) {self.drop(e);});
+// Drag and drop
+PlinnCKDDUploader.prototype.dragenter = function(e) {
+ var evt = e.data.$;
+ disableDefault(evt);
+ disablePropagation(evt);
+PlinnCKDDUploader.prototype.dragover = function(e) {
+ var evt = e.data.$;
+ disableDefault(evt);
+ disablePropagation(evt);
+ evt = getEventObject(evt);
+ var dt = evt.dataTransfer;
+ dt.dropEffect = 'copy';
+PlinnCKDDUploader.prototype.drop = function(e) {
+ var evt = e.data.$;
+ disableDefault(evt);
+ disablePropagation(evt);
+ getEventObject(evt);
+ var dt = evt.dataTransfer;
+ dt.dropEffect = 'copy';
+ this.handleFiles(dt.files);
+PlinnCKDDUploader.prototype.createFileProxy = function(file) {
+ var container = new CKEDITOR.dom.element('span');
+ var rel = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml('<span style="position:relative"/>');
+ container.append(rel);
+ var progressBar = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml('<span style="display:block; position:absolute; background:#ef8e32; height:4px; border-radius:2px; width:0"/>')
+ rel.append(progressBar);
+ var link = new CKEDITOR.dom.element('a');
+ link.setAttribute('href', '#');
+ link.appendText(file.name);
+ container.append(link);
+ var proxy = {};
+ proxy.file = file;
+ proxy.container = container;
+ proxy.progressBar = progressBar;
+ proxy.link = link;
+ return proxy;
+// Methods about upload
+PlinnCKDDUploader.prototype.handleFiles = function(files) {
+ var file, i, proxy;
+ for (i=0 ; i<files.length ; i++) {
+ file = files[i];
+ if (reImage.test(file.type)) {
+ // TODO
+ }
+ else {
+ proxy = this.createFileProxy(file);
+ this.editor.insertElement(proxy.container);
+ this.uploadQueuePush(proxy);
+ }
+ }
+PlinnCKDDUploader.prototype.beforeUpload = function(item) {
+ this.uploadedItem = item;
+ this.progressBar = item.progressBar;
+ this.progressBarMaxSize = item.container.getSize('width');
+PlinnCKDDUploader.prototype.upload = function(item) {
+ // item.file must be the file to be uploaded
+ this.beforeUpload(item);
+ var reader = new FileReader();
+ var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ var file = item.file;
+ var self = this;
+ addListener(req.upload, 'progress', function(evt){self.progressHandler(evt);});
+ addListener(req, 'readystatechange',
+ function(evt) {
+ if (req.readyState === 4) {
+ self.uploadCompleteHandler(req);
+ }
+ });
+ req.open("PUT", this.uploadUrl);
+ req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", file.type);
+ req.setRequestHeader("X-File-Name", encodeURI(file.name));
+ addListener(reader, 'load',
+ function(evt){
+ try {
+ req.sendAsBinary(evt.target.result);
+ }
+ catch(e){}
+ });
+ reader.readAsBinaryString(file);
+PlinnCKDDUploader.prototype.uploadCompleteHandlerCB = function(req) {
+ var item = this.uploadedItem;
+ var data = req.responseXML.documentElement;
+ var link = new CKEDITOR.dom.element('a');
+ link.setAttribute('href', 'attachments/' + data.getAttribute('id'));
+ link.appendText(data.getAttribute('title'));
+ link.replace(item.container);
+PlinnCKDDUploader.prototype.uploadCompleteHandler = function(req) {
+ this.uploadCompleteHandlerCB(req);
+ this.uploadQueueLoadNext();
+PlinnCKDDUploader.prototype.progressHandlerCB = function(progress) {
+ // 0 <= progress <= 1
+ var size = this.progressBarMaxSize * progress;
+ size = Math.round(size);
+ this.progressBar.setStyle('width', String(size) + 'px');
+PlinnCKDDUploader.prototype.progressHandler = function(evt) {
+ if (evt.lengthComputable) {
+ var progress = evt.loaded / evt.total;
+ this.progressHandlerCB(progress);
+ }
+// Methods about queue
+PlinnCKDDUploader.prototype.uploadQueuePush = function(item) {
+ this.uploadQueue.push(item);
+ if (!this._uploadQueueRunning) {
+ this.startUploadQueue();
+ }
+PlinnCKDDUploader.prototype.startUploadQueue = function() {
+ this._uploadQueueRunning = true;
+ this.uploadQueueLoadNext();
+PlinnCKDDUploader.prototype.uploadQueueLoadNext = function() {
+ var item = this.uploadQueue.shift();
+ if (item) {
+ this.upload(item);
+ }
+ else {
+ this._uploadQueueRunning = false;
+ }
var reSize = /getResizedImage\?size=(\d+)_(\d+)$/;
function updateImageSizeUrlParameters(img) {
if (reSize.test(img.src)){
var matches = reSize.exec(img.src);
- var srcWidth = parseInt(matches[1]);
- var srcHeight = parseInt(matches[2]);
+ var srcWidth = parseInt(matches[1], 10);
+ var srcHeight = parseInt(matches[2], 10);
- var imgWidth = parseInt((img.style.width) ? img.style.width : img.width);
- var imgHeight = parseInt((img.style.height) ? img.style.height : img.height);
+ var imgWidth = parseInt((img.style.width) ? img.style.width : img.width, 10);
+ var imgHeight = parseInt((img.style.height) ? img.style.height : img.height, 10);
- if ((imgWidth && imgHeight) && srcWidth != imgWidth && srcHeight != imgHeight) {
+ if ((imgWidth && imgHeight) && srcWidth !== imgWidth && srcHeight !== imgHeight) {
var newUrl = img.getAttribute('src', 2).replace(reSize, 'getResizedImage?size=' + imgWidth + '_' + imgHeight);
img.width = imgWidth;
img.height = imgHeight;
+function openPlinnImageDialog(path, editor) {
+ var winOptions = "location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,dependent=yes,dialog=yes,minimizable=no,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes" +
+ ",resizable=yes" +
+ ",width=801" +
+ ",height=600";
+ //",top=" + iTop +
+ //",left=" + iLeft ;
+ var win = open(path + 'dialog/plinn_image.html', 'PlinnImageDialog', winOptions);
+ win.dialogArguments = {};
+ win.dialogArguments.editor = editor;
+ win.dialogArguments.pluginPath = path;
+ win.dialogArguments.CKEDITOR = CKEDITOR;
CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'plinn_image',
editor.on('instanceReady', function(){
function(evt) {
- var body = evt.editor.document.$.body;
- var images = body.getElementsByTagName('IMG');
- for (var i = 0 ; i < images.length ; i++)
- updateImageSizeUrlParameters(images[i]);
- evt.data.dataValue = evt.editor.document.$.body.innerHTML;
+ var tmpDiv = document.createElement('div');
+ tmpDiv.innerHTML = evt.data.dataValue;
+ var images = tmpDiv.getElementsByTagName('IMG');
+ var i;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < images.length ; i++) {
+ updateImageSizeUrlParameters(images[i]);}
+ evt.data.dataValue = tmpDiv.innerHTML;
+ // drag & drop upload initialisation
+ var dd = new PlinnCKDDUploader(editor);
+ var pluginPath = this.path;
+ var allowed = 'img[alt,!src]{border-style,border-width,float,height,margin,margin-bottom,margin-left,margin-right,margin-top,width}';
+ var required = 'img[alt,src]';
+ var command = editor.addCommand('plinn_image',
+ {
+ exec : function(editor){openPlinnImageDialog(pluginPath, editor);},
+ allowedContent: allowed,
+ requiredContent: required
+ }
+ );
+ editor.ui.addButton('PlinnImage',
+ {
+ label : editor.lang.common.image,
+ icon : pluginPath + 'dialog/plinn_image.png',
+ command : 'plinn_image'
+ });