- </tal:case>
- <tal:case tal:condition="options/isAnon">
- <p i18n:translate="">
- Becoming a member gives you the ability to personalize the site and
- participate in the community.
- </p>
- <p i18n:translate="">
- It does not cost any money to become a member and your email and
- other personal information will remain private.
- </p>
- <p tal:condition="options/validate_email" i18n:translate="">
- You must submit a valid email address. This address will be used to
- send you a randomly-generated password. Once you have logged in
- with this password, you may change it to anything you like.
- </p>
- </tal:case>
- <tal:case tal:condition="options/isAnonOrUserManager">
- <form action="." method="post" tal:attributes="action form/action">
- <table class="FormLayout">
+ </div>
+ <div tal:condition="options/isAnonOrUserManager">
+ <form method="post" tal:attributes="action form/action">
+ <table>