DDFolderUploader = function(dropbox, uploadUrl, listing) {
DDFileUploaderBase.apply(this, [dropbox, uploadUrl]);
this.listing = listing;
+ this.progressBarMaxSize = listing.clientWidth;
var thead = listing;
do {
thead = thead.previousSibling;
this.lastRowClassName = row.className;
var td = document.createElement('td');
td.setAttribute('colspan', this.tableSpan);
- td.innerHTML = file.name;
+ var relSpan = document.createElement('span');
+ relSpan.style.position = 'relative';
+ td.appendChild(relSpan);
+ var progressBar = document.createElement('span');
+ progressBar.className = 'upload-progress';
+ row.progressBar = progressBar;
+ relSpan.appendChild(progressBar);
+ var fileNameSpan = document.createElement('span');
+ fileNameSpan.innerHTML = file.name;
+ td.appendChild(fileNameSpan);
+ this.progressBarMaxSize = row.clientWidth;
return row;
DDFolderUploader.prototype.beforeUpload = function(item) {
- this.uploadedItem = item;
- // To be implemented by decendant.
+ this.uploadedItem = item;
+ this.progressBar = item.progressBar;
DDFolderUploader.prototype.uploadCompleteHandlerCB = function(req) {
var item = this.uploadedItem;
var row = getCopyOfNode(req.responseXML.documentElement.firstChild);
- row.className = item.className;
+ row.className = item.className;
if (req.status === 200) {
// update
- console.log('todo');
+ console.log('todo');
else if(req.status === 201) {
// creation
this.listing.replaceChild(row, item);
+ this.progressBarMaxSize = row.clientWidth;
DDFolderUploader.prototype.progressHandlerCB = function(progress) {
- // To be implemented by descendant.
// 0 <= progress <= 1
+ var size = this.progressBarMaxSize * progress;
+ size = Math.round(size);
+ this.progressBar.style.width = size + 'px';
\ No newline at end of file