Module: Faustexp
- Description: dimension estimation and delay estimation of faust expressions.
+ Description: Faust expression evaluation
@author WANG Haisheng
- Created: 03/06/2013 Modified: 04/06/2013
+ Created: 03/06/2013 Modified: 04/08/2013
open Types;;
open Value;;
+open Signal;;
+open Beam;;
exception NotYetDone;;
-class virtual expression : expression_type =
+exception Dimension_error of string;;
+class dimension : int * int -> dimension_type =
+ fun (init : int * int) ->
+ object (self)
+ val dim_input = fst init
+ val dim_output = snd init
+ method input = dim_input
+ method output = dim_output
+ method par : dimension_type -> dimension_type =
+ fun dim ->
+ new dimension
+ ((self#input + dim#input), (self#output + dim#output))
+ method seq : dimension_type -> dimension_type =
+ fun dim ->
+ if self#output = dim#input then
+ new dimension (self#input, dim#output)
+ else raise (Dimension_error "seq dimension not matched.")
+ method split : dimension_type -> dimension_type =
+ fun dim ->
+ if dim#input mod self#output = 0 then
+ new dimension (self#input, dim#output)
+ else raise (Dimension_error "split dimension not matched.")
+ method merge : dimension_type -> dimension_type =
+ fun dim ->
+ if self#output mod dim#input = 0 then
+ new dimension (self#input, dim#output)
+ else raise (Dimension_error "merge dimension not matched.")
+ method _rec : dimension_type -> dimension_type =
+ fun dim ->
+ if self#output >= dim#input && self#input >= dim#output then
+ new dimension (self#input - dim#output, self#output)
+ else raise (Dimension_error "rec dimension not matched.")
+ end;;
+class process : faust_exp -> process_type =
fun (exp_init : faust_exp) ->
- object
- val exp = exp_init
+ object (self)
+ val exp = exp_init
+ val left =
+ match exp_init with
+ | Const b -> exp_init
+ | Ident s -> exp_init
+ | Par (e1, e2) -> e1
+ | Seq (e1, e2) -> e1
+ | Split (e1, e2) -> e1
+ | Merge (e1, e2) -> e1
+ | Rec (e1, e2) -> e1
+ val right =
+ match exp_init with
+ | Const b -> exp_init
+ | Ident s -> exp_init
+ | Par (e1, e2) -> e2
+ | Seq (e1, e2) -> e2
+ | Split (e1, e2) -> e2
+ | Merge (e1, e2) -> e2
+ | Rec (e1, e2) -> e2
+ val proc_left =
val dim = new dimension
val delay = 0
method get_exp = exp
method get_delay = delay
method to_string = "NotYetDone"
method virtual evaluate : beam_type -> beam_type
+ end;;
-class exp_const =
- object
- inherit expression
+class proc_const : faust_exp -> process_type =
+ fun (exp_init : faust_exp) ->
+ object (self)
+ val exp = exp_init
+ val dim =
method evaluate = fun b1 ->
|Pass -> 0
|Stop -> 0
|Mem -> 1
- |Delay -> 100000 (* danger! *)
+ |Delay -> 100000
|Floor -> 0
|Int -> 0
|Sin -> 0
- |Rdtable -> 100000 (* danger! *)
+ |Rdtable -> 100000
|Mod -> 0
|Larger -> 0
|Smaller -> 0
- |Vectorize -> 100 (* danger! *)
+ |Vectorize -> 100
|Concat -> 0
|Nth -> 0
|Serialize -> 0
(** val subtree_right : dimension -> dimension, returns the right subtree of dimension tree.*)
let subtree_right = fun d_tree -> subtree d_tree 1;;
-(** val d_par : int * int -> int * int -> int * int, process dimension for constructor "par(,)",
-which is the addition of two dimensions.*)
-let d_par a b = (((fst a) + (fst b)), ((snd a) + (snd b)));;
-(** val d_seq : int * int -> int * int -> int * int, process dimension for constructor "seq(:)",
-which is (size of input beam of first exp, size of output beam of second exp)
-along with beam matching.*)
-let d_seq a b = if (snd a) = (fst b) then (fst a, snd b) else raise (Beam_Matching_Error "seq");;
-(** val d_split : int * int -> int * int -> int * int, process dimension for constructor "split(<:)",
-which is (size of input beam of first exp, size of output beam of second exp)
-along with beam matching.*)
-let d_split a b =
- if ((fst b) mod (snd a)) = 0 then
- (fst a, snd b)
- else raise (Beam_Matching_Error "split");;
-(** val d_merge : int * int -> int * int -> int * int, process dimension for constructor "merge(:>)",
-which is (size of input beam of first exp, size of output beam of second exp)
-along with beam matching. *)
-let d_merge a b =
- if ((snd a) mod (fst b)) = 0 then
- (fst a, snd b)
- else raise (Beam_Matching_Error "merge");;
-(** val d_rec : int * int -> int * int -> int * int, process dimension for constructor "rec(~)",
-which is (size of input beam of first exp - size of output beam of second exp,
-size of output beam of first exp)
-along with beam matching.*)
-let d_rec a b =
- if (fst a) >= (snd b) && (snd a) >= (fst b) then
- ((fst a) - (snd b), snd a)
- else raise (Beam_Matching_Error "rec");;
(** val dim : faust_exp -> int * int, returns dimension for faust expression,
along with beam matching.*)
let rec dim exp_faust =