+erosions_line(x, y, iter) = _ : vectorize(y) : (iter, ((cross : ((0, 1 : prefix), _, _ : select2) : erosion_line(x, y))~_), (iter - 1)) : rdtable : serialize;
+dilations_column(x, y, iter) = _ : vectorize(y) : (iter, ((cross : ((0, 1 : prefix), _, _ : select2) : dilation_column(x, y))~_), (iter - 1)) : rdtable : serialize;
+erosions_column(x, y, iter) = _ : vectorize(y) : (iter, ((cross : ((0, 1 : prefix), _, _ : select2) : erosion_column(x, y))~_), (iter - 1)) : rdtable : serialize;
+dilations_square(x, y, iter) = _ : vectorize(y) : (iter, ((cross : ((0, 1 : prefix), _, _ : select2) : dilation_square(x, y))~_), (iter - 1)) : rdtable : serialize;
+erosions_square(x, y, iter) = _ : vectorize(y) : (iter, ((cross : ((0, 1 : prefix), _, _ : select2) : erosion_square(x, y))~_), (iter - 1)) : rdtable : serialize;
+opening_line(x, y, iter) = erosions_line(x, y, iter) : dilations_line(x, y, iter);
+closing_line(x, y, iter) = dilations_line(x, y, iter) : erosions_line(x, y, iter);
+opening_column(x, y, iter) = erosions_column(x, y, iter) : dilations_column(x, y, iter);
+closing_column(x, y, iter) = dilations_column(x, y, iter) : erosions_column(x, y, iter);
+opening_square(x, y, iter) = erosions_square(x, y, iter) : dilations_square(x, y, iter);
+closing_square(x, y, iter) = dilations_square(x, y, iter) : erosions_square(x, y, iter);
+and = *;
+threshold(x, low, high) = _ <: (_, (low : vectorize(x)) : >), (_, (high : vectorize(x)) : <) : and;
+//licenceplate(x, y) = _ <: (opening_line(x, y, 15), closing_line(x, y, 8) : threshold(x, 1, 50), threshold(x, 150, 255) : and : opening_column(x, y, 4) : opening_line(x, y, 4) : dilations_square(x, y, 2)), _ : and;
+licenceplate(x, y, o1, c2, t3, t4, t5, t6, o7, o8, d9) = _ <: (opening_line(x, y, o1), closing_line(x, y, c2) : threshold(x, t3, t4), threshold(x, t5, t6) : and : opening_column(x, y, o7) : opening_line(x, y, o8) : dilations_square(x, y, d9)), _ : and;
+//licenceplate(x, y) = _ <: (opening_line(x, y, 4), closing_line(x, y, 2) : threshold(x, 1, 50), threshold(x, 150, 255) : and : opening_column(x, y, 4) : opening_line(x, y, 4) : dilations_square(x, y, 4)), _ : and;
+//process = dilations(8, 8, 3);
+//process = erosions(8, 8, 3);
+//process = open(8, 8, 2);
+//process = close(8, 8, 5);
+//process = licenceplate(4, 4, 15, 8, 1, 50, 150, 255, 4, 4, 2);