Installing Faustine on a Unix machine ===================================== PREREQUISITES ------------- * OCaml is needed (tested version: 4.00.1). * The GNU C compiler gcc is recommended. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------- 0- Faustine's git repository can be cloned calling: git clone 1- Configure the system. From within the Faustine directory, do: ./configure 2- From within the Faustine directory, do: make This builds Faustine interpreter (and an adhoc Faust multirate preprocessor). This phase is fairly verbose; consider redirecting the output to a file: make > makelog.txt 3- From the Faustine directory, do: sudo make install This installs Faustine interpreter and libraries (by default in /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/lib). 4- (Optional) To be test things work well, you can try to test -- that is, to process a sine wave with the newly created interpreter. From the Faustine directory, do: make test -- Karim Barkati and Haisheng Wang, MINES ParisTech, 2013